* Returns a vector of dump fds under |dir_path| with a given |file_prefix|.
* The returned vector is sorted by the mtimes of the dumps. If |limit_by_mtime|
* is set, the vector only contains files that were written in the last 30 minutes.
+ * If |limit_by_count| is set, the vector only contains the ten latest files.
static std::vector<DumpData>* GetDumpFds(const std::string& dir_path,
const std::string& file_prefix,
- bool limit_by_mtime) {
+ bool limit_by_mtime,
+ bool limit_by_count = true) {
const time_t thirty_minutes_ago = ds.now_ - 60 * 30;
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<DumpData>> dump_data(new std::vector<DumpData>());
std::sort(dump_data->begin(), dump_data->end());
+ if (limit_by_count && dump_data->size() > 10) {
+ dump_data->erase(dump_data->begin() + 10, dump_data->end());
+ }
return dump_data.release();