--- /dev/null
+-- luatexja/otf.lua
+ name = 'luatexja.adjust',
+ date = '2012/09/27',
+ version = '0.1',
+ description = 'Advanced line adjustment for LuaTeX-ja',
+module('luatexja.adjust', package.seeall)
+local id_hlist = node.id('hlist')
+local id_glue = node.id('glue')
+local id_glue_spec = node.id('glue_spec')
+local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag']
+local PACKED = 2
+local FROM_JFM = 6
+local KANJI_SKIP = 9
+local XKANJI_SKIP = 10
+local priority_table = {
+ FROM_JFM + 2,
+ FROM_JFM + 1,
+ FROM_JFM - 1,
+ FROM_JFM - 2,
+local function get_attr_icflag(p)
+ return (node.has_attribute(p, attr_icflag) or 0) % PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG
+-- box 内で伸縮された glue の合計値を計算
+local function get_stretched(q, go, gs)
+ local qs = q.spec
+ if not qs.writable then return 0 end
+ if gs == 1 then -- stretching
+ if qs.stretch_order == go then return qs.stretch end
+ else -- shrinking
+ if qs.shrink_order == go then return qs.shrink end
+ end
+local function get_total_stretched(p)
+ local go, gf, gs = p.glue_order, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign
+ local res = {
+ [0] = 0,
+ glue_set = gf, name = (gs==1) and 'stretch' or 'shrink'
+ }
+ for i=1,#priority_table do res[priority_table[i]]=0 end
+ if go ~= 0 then return nil end
+ if gs ~= 1 and gs ~= 2 then return res end
+ for q in node.traverse_id(id_glue, p.head) do
+ local a, ic = get_stretched(q, go, gs), get_attr_icflag(q)
+ --print(ic)
+ if type(res[ic]) == 'number' then res[ic] = res[ic] + a
+ else res[0] = res[0] + a
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+local function clear_stretch(p, ic, name)
+ --print('clear ' .. ic)
+ for q in node.traverse_id(id_glue, p.head) do
+ if get_attr_icflag(q) == ic then
+ local qs = q.spec
+ if qs.writable then
+ qs[name..'_order'], qs[name] = 0, 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function set_stretch(p, after, before, ic, name)
+ if before > 0 then
+ --print (ic, before, after)
+ local ratio = after/before
+ for q in node.traverse_id(id_glue, p.head) do
+ if get_attr_icflag(q) == ic then
+ local qs = q.spec
+ if qs.writable and qs[name..'_order'] == 0 then
+ qs[name] = qs[name]*ratio
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function adjust_width(head)
+ if not head then return head end
+ for p in node.traverse_id(id_hlist, head) do
+ local res = get_total_stretched(p)
+ --print(table.serialize(res))
+ if res then
+ -- 調整量の合計
+ local total = 0
+ for i,v in pairs(res) do
+ if type(i)=='number' then
+ total = total + v
+ end
+ end; total = tex.round(total * res.glue_set)
+ if total <= res[0] then -- 和文処理グルー以外で足りる
+ for _,v in pairs(priority_table) do clear_stretch(p, v, res.name) end
+ local f = node.hpack(p.head, p.width, 'exactly')
+ f.head, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order
+ = nil, f.glue_set, f.glue_sign, f.glue_order
+ node.free(f)
+ else
+ total = total - res[0]
+ for i = 1, #priority_table do
+ local v = priority_table[i]
+ if total <= res[v] then
+ for j = i+1,#priority_table do
+ clear_stretch(p, priority_table[j], res.name)
+ end
+ set_stretch(p, total, res[v], v, res.name)
+ local f = node.hpack(p.head, p.width, 'exactly')
+ f.head, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order
+ = nil, f.glue_set, f.glue_sign, f.glue_order
+ node.free(f)
+ --print(p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order)
+ return head
+ end
+ total = total - res[v]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
-%% 行末の句読点の位置によって,全角取りか半角取りかを自動的に調整する
-%% 仕様:全調整量が二分以上なら,全角取りにする
-local id_hlist = node.id('hlist')
-local id_glue = node.id('glue')
-local id_glue_spec = node.id('glue_spec')
-local attr_icflag = luatexbase.attributes['ltj@icflag']
-local PACKED = 2
-local FROM_JFM = 6
-local KANJI_SKIP = 9
-local XKANJI_SKIP = 10
-local function get_attr_icflag(p)
- return (node.has_attribute(p, attr_icflag) or 0) % PROCESSED_BEGIN_FLAG
--- box 内で伸縮された glue の合計値を計算
-local function get_stretched(q, go, gs)
- local qs = q.spec
- if not qs.writable then return 0 end
- if gs == 1 then -- stretching
- if qs.stretch_order == go then return qs.stretch end
- else -- shrinking
- if qs.shrink_order == go then return qs.shrink end
- end
-local function get_total_stretched(p)
- local go, gf, gs = p.glue_order, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign
- local res = {
- other = 0, xkanji = 0, jfm = 0, kanji = 0,
- glue_set = gf, glue_sign = gs
- }
- if go ~= 0 then return nil end
- if gs ~= 1 and gs ~= 2 then return res end
- for q in node.traverse_id(id_glue, p.head) do
- local a, ic = get_stretched(q, go, gs), get_attr_icflag(q)
- if ic == KANJI_SKIP then res.kanji = res.kanji + a
- elseif ic == XKANJI_SKIP then res.xkanji = res.xkanji + a
- elseif ic == FROM_JFM then res.jfm = res.jfm + a
- else res.other = res.other + a
- end
- end
- return res
-local function clear_stretch(p, ic)
- for q in node.traverse_id(id_glue, p.head) do
- if get_attr_icflag(q) == ic then
- local qs = q.spec
- if qs.writable then
- qs.stretch_order, qs.shrink_order, qs.stretch, qs.shrink = 0, 0, 0, 0
- end
- end
- end
-local function set_stretch(p, after, before, ic)
- if before > 0 then
- print (ic, before, after)
- local ratio = after/before
- for q in node.traverse_id(id_glue, p.head) do
- if get_attr_icflag(q) == ic then
- local qs = q.spec
- if qs.writable then
- qs.stretch, qs.shrink = qs.stretch*ratio, qs.shrink*ratio
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function adjust_width(head)
- if not head then return head end
- for p in node.traverse_id(id_hlist, head) do
- local res = get_total_stretched(p)
- if res then
- -- 調整量の合計
- local total = tex.round((res.other + res.xkanji + res.jfm + res.kanji) * res.glue_set)
- print('before: ', p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order )
- print(total, res.other, res.xkanji, res.jfm, res.kanji)
- if total <= res.other then -- 和文処理グルー以外で足りる
- clear_stretch(p, KANJI_SKIP)
- clear_stretch(p, XKANJI_SKIP)
- clear_stretch(p, FROM_JFM)
- local f = node.hpack(p.head, p.width, 'exactly')
- f.head, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order
- = nil, f.glue_set, f.glue_sign, f.glue_order
- node.free(f)
- else
- total = total - res.other
- if total <= res.jfm then -- JFMグルーだけで良い
- clear_stretch(p, KANJI_SKIP)
- clear_stretch(p, XKANJI_SKIP)
- set_stretch(p, total,res.jfm, FROM_JFM)
- local f = node.hpack(p.head, p.width, 'exactly')
- f.head, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order
- = nil, f.glue_set, f.glue_sign, f.glue_order
- node.free(f)
- else
- total = total - res.jfm
- if total <= res.xkanji then -- xkanjiskip まで
- clear_stretch(p, KANJI_SKIP)
- set_stretch(p, total,res.xkanji, XKANJI_SKIP)
- local f = node.hpack(p.head, p.width, 'exactly')
- f.head, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order
- = nil, f.glue_set, f.glue_sign, f.glue_order
- node.free(f)
- else
- total = total - res.xkanji
- if total <= res.kanji then -- kanjiskip まで
- set_stretch(p, total,res.kanji, KANJI_SKIP)
- local f = node.hpack(p.head, p.width, 'exactly')
- f.head, p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order
- = nil, f.glue_set, f.glue_sign, f.glue_order
- node.free(f)
- else
- -- glue_set > 1 なので,どうしようもない
- end
- end
- end
- end
- print('after: ', p.glue_set, p.glue_sign, p.glue_order )
- end
- end
- return head
-\def\sq{\hbox to 1\zw{\hss\fboxsep=-.5\fboxrule\fbox{ }\hss}}
-\def\sb{\hbox to 1\zw{\hss\fboxsep=-.5\fboxrule\fbox{■}\hss}}
+ \hbox to 1\zw{\hss\fboxsep=-.5\fboxrule\fbox{%
+ \hskip\dimexpr-.5\zw-.2pt\vrule width.4pt height.08\zw depth.12\zw%
+ \hskip\dimexpr.5\zw-.2pt\relax}\hss}}
+\def\sb{\hbox to 1\zw{\hss\fboxsep=-.5\fboxrule\fbox{%
+ ■\hskip\dimexpr-.5\zw-.2pt\vrule width.4pt height.08\zw depth.12\zw%
+ \hskip\dimexpr.5\zw-.2pt\relax}\hss}}
\setbox\gridbox=\hbox to 20\zw{\sq\sq\sq\sq\sb\sq\sq\sq\sq\sb\sq\sq\sq\sq\sb\sq\sq\sq\sq\sb}
\def\DisableCB{\directlua{luatexbase.remove_from_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'Adjust width')}}
-\def\EnableCB{\directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', adjust_width, 'Adjust width', 100)}}
+\def\EnableCB{\directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', luatexja.adjust.adjust_width, 'Adjust width', 100)}}
{\tt kanjiskip: \ltjgetparameter{kanjiskip}
-\ltjsetparameter{xkanjiskip=.25\zw plus .25\zw minus -.125\zw}
+\ltjsetparameter{xkanjiskip=.25\zw plus .25\zw minus .125\zw}
xkanjiskip: \ltjgetparameter{xkanjiskip}}
日本では\pTeX,p\LaTeX がよく使われている。
\ No newline at end of file