- "\t-i [hciX|bdaddr] Local HCI device or BD Address\n"
- "\t-h, --help Display help\n"
- "\t-r, --raw Switch TTY into raw mode\n"
- "\t-A, --auth Enable authentication\n"
- "\t-E, --encrypt Enable encryption\n"
- "\t-S, --secure Secure connection\n"
- "\t-M, --master Become the master of a piconet\n"
- "\t-f, --config [file] Specify alternate config file\n"
- "\t-a Show all devices (default)\n"
+ "\t-i, --device [hciX|bdaddr] Local HCI device or BD Address\n"
+ "\t-h, --help Display help\n"
+ "\t-r, --raw Switch TTY into raw mode\n"
+ "\t-A, --auth Enable authentication\n"
+ "\t-E, --encrypt Enable encryption\n"
+ "\t-S, --secure Secure connection\n"
+ "\t-M, --master Become the master of a piconet\n"
+ "\t-L, --linger [seconds] Set linger timeout\n"
+ "\t-a Show all devices (default)\n"