ProgramCache::ProgramCache() {
+ // Until surfaceflinger has a dependable blob cache on the filesystem,
+ // generate shaders on initialization so as to avoid jank.
+ primeCache();
ProgramCache::~ProgramCache() {
+void ProgramCache::primeCache() {
+ uint32_t shaderCount = 0;
+ uint32_t keyMask = Key::BLEND_MASK | Key::OPACITY_MASK |
+ // Prime the cache for all combinations of the above masks,
+ // leaving off the experimental color matrix mask options.
+ nsecs_t timeBefore = systemTime();
+ for (uint32_t keyVal = 0; keyVal <= keyMask; keyVal++) {
+ Key shaderKey;
+ shaderKey.set(keyMask, keyVal);
+ uint32_t tex = shaderKey.getTextureTarget();
+ if (tex != Key::TEXTURE_OFF &&
+ tex != Key::TEXTURE_EXT &&
+ tex != Key::TEXTURE_2D) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Program* program = mCache.valueFor(shaderKey);
+ if (program == NULL) {
+ program = generateProgram(shaderKey);
+ mCache.add(shaderKey, program);
+ shaderCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ nsecs_t timeAfter = systemTime();
+ float compileTimeMs = static_cast<float>(timeAfter - timeBefore) / 1.0E6;
+ ALOGD("shader cache generated - %u shaders in %f ms\n", shaderCount, compileTimeMs);
ProgramCache::Key ProgramCache::computeKey(const Description& description) {
Key needs;