try {
// It is mandatory for PSE to support initiation of bonding and
// encryption.
- // InsecureRfcomm => encryption is on, authentication of link
- // key is off. For legacy pairing it doesn't matter, for 2.1
- // pairing - if we have already done MITM protection, then
- // the same linkeys will be used. If not, then all core profiles
- // will have the same level of protection. This API has to be
- // renamed - its no as insecure as the name suggests.
- mServerSocket = mAdapter.listenUsingInsecureRfcommOn(PORT_NUM);
+ mServerSocket = mAdapter.listenUsingEncryptedRfcommOn(PORT_NUM);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error create RfcommServerSocket " + e.toString());
initSocketOK = false;