OSDN Git Service

fix: make links shorter and fix broken links
authorIr1d <sirius.caffrey@gmail.com>
Sun, 26 Aug 2018 15:10:57 +0000 (23:10 +0800)
committerIr1d <sirius.caffrey@gmail.com>
Sun, 26 Aug 2018 15:10:57 +0000 (23:10 +0800)
70 files changed:
docs/ds/avl.md [moved from docs/data-structure/avl.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/balanced-in-seg.md [moved from docs/data-structure/balanced-in-seg.md with 97% similarity]
docs/ds/bit.md [moved from docs/data-structure/bit.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/block-array.md [moved from docs/data-structure/block-array.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/block-list.md [moved from docs/data-structure/block-list.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/dividin.md [moved from docs/data-structure/dividin.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/dsu.md [moved from docs/data-structure/dsu.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/ett.md [moved from docs/data-structure/ett.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/hash.md [moved from docs/data-structure/hash.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/heap.md [moved from docs/data-structure/heap.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/.gitkeep [moved from docs/data-structure/images/.gitkeep with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/bit1.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/bit1.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/kuaizhuanglianbiao.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/kuaizhuanglianbiao.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt1.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt1.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt10.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt10.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt11.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt11.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt12.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt12.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt13.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt13.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt14.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt14.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt15.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt15.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt2.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt2.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt3.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt3.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt4.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt4.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt5.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt5.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt6.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt6.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt7.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt7.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt8.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt8.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/segt9.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/segt9.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree1.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree1.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree10.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree10.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree11.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree11.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree12.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree12.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree13.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree13.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree2.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree2.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree3.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree3.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree4.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree4.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree5.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree5.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree6.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree6.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree7.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree7.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree8.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree8.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/images/vtree9.png [moved from docs/data-structure/images/vtree9.png with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/index.md [moved from docs/data-structure/index.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/k-dtree.md [moved from docs/data-structure/k-dtree.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/lct.md [moved from docs/data-structure/lct.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/linked-list.md [moved from docs/data-structure/linked-list.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/monotonous-queue.md [moved from docs/data-structure/monotonous-queue.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/monotonous-stack.md [moved from docs/data-structure/monotonous-stack.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/pb-ds.md [moved from docs/data-structure/pb-ds.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/persistent-balanced.md [moved from docs/data-structure/persistent-balanced.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/persistent-block-array.md [moved from docs/data-structure/persistent-block-array.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/persistent-seg.md [moved from docs/data-structure/persistent-seg.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/persistent-trie.md [moved from docs/data-structure/persistent-trie.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/queue.md [moved from docs/data-structure/queue.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/sbt.md [moved from docs/data-structure/sbt.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/scapegoat.md [moved from docs/data-structure/scapegoat.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/seg-in-balanced.md [moved from docs/data-structure/seg-in-balanced.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/seg-in-seg.md [moved from docs/data-structure/seg-in-seg.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/segment.md [moved from docs/data-structure/segment.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/sparse-table.md [moved from docs/data-structure/sparse-table.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/splay.md [moved from docs/data-structure/splay.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/square-root-decomposition.md [moved from docs/data-structure/square-root-decomposition.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/stack.md [moved from docs/data-structure/stack.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/stl.md [moved from docs/data-structure/stl.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/treap.md [moved from docs/data-structure/treap.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/tree-decompose.md [moved from docs/data-structure/tree-decompose.md with 100% similarity]
docs/ds/virtual-tree.md [moved from docs/data-structure/virtual-tree.md with 100% similarity]

index cd95188..1ff5258 100644 (file)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void merge(int ll, int rr) {
 所谓逆序对,就是数对 $(i, j)$,满足 $a[i] > a[j]$ 且 $i < j$。
-可以用 [树状数组](/data-structure/intermediate/bit)、[线段树](/data-structure/intermediate/segment/) 等数据结构来求,也可以用归并排序来求。
+可以用 [树状数组](/ds/bit)、[线段树](/ds/segment/) 等数据结构来求,也可以用归并排序来求。
 具体来说,上面归并排序中间注释掉的 `ans += md - p` 就是在统计逆序对个数。
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/avl.md
rename to docs/ds/avl.md
similarity index 97%
rename from docs/data-structure/balanced-in-seg.md
rename to docs/ds/balanced-in-seg.md
index 56416af..9a8d03a 100644 (file)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ### 经典例题
 [二逼平衡树](https://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3196) 外层线段树,内层平衡树。
 ### 示例代码
-平衡树部分代码请参考 Splay 等其他条目。[传送至 Splay 条目](/data-structure/intermediate/splay/)
+平衡树部分代码请参考 Splay 等其他条目。[传送至 Splay 条目](/ds/splay/)
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/bit.md
rename to docs/ds/bit.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/dsu.md
rename to docs/ds/dsu.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/ett.md
rename to docs/ds/ett.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/hash.md
rename to docs/ds/hash.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/heap.md
rename to docs/ds/heap.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/lct.md
rename to docs/ds/lct.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/sbt.md
rename to docs/ds/sbt.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/data-structure/stl.md
rename to docs/ds/stl.md
index f25f2d6..768c522 100644 (file)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 拓扑排序要解决的问题是给一个图的所有节点排序,而图中有若干限制,形如:“点 x 要在点 y 后面”。
-举个现实一些的栗子,比如你去给刚开始学 OI 的同学们讲课,你会发现有很多知识点需要前置技能才能够听懂,并非是所有人都可以第一天就学明白 [线段树](/data-structure/intermediate/segment)。怎么办呢?讲课的时候是需要按顺序来的,并不能同时讲若干个知识点。这时候就需要用到拓扑排序了。
+举个现实一些的栗子,比如你去给刚开始学 OI 的同学们讲课,你会发现有很多知识点需要前置技能才能够听懂,并非是所有人都可以第一天就学明白 [线段树](/ds/segment)。怎么办呢?讲课的时候是需要按顺序来的,并不能同时讲若干个知识点。这时候就需要用到拓扑排序了。
index 4617d52..f15b132 100644 (file)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-在学习之前请先学习[数据结构 - 基础数据结构 - 分块](/data-structure/novice/square-root-decomposition/)。
+在学习之前请先学习 [分块](/ds/square-root-decomposition/)。
 打表大家都知道,就是在比赛时把答案都输出出来,然后开个数组,把答案直接存入数组里。于是你的代码时间复杂度就是 $O(1)$ 的了。
index 83221ce..01cd1ec 100644 (file)
@@ -108,45 +108,45 @@ nav:
     - 高精度: math/bignum.md
     - 杂项: math/misc.md
   - 数据结构:
-    - 数据结构部分简介: data-structure/index.md
-    - STL: data-structure/stl.md
-    - pb_ds: data-structure/pb-ds.md
+    - 数据结构部分简介: ds/index.md
+    - STL: ds/stl.md
+    - pb_ds: ds/pb-ds.md
     - 基础数据结构:
-      - 栈: data-structure/stack.md
-      - 队列: data-structure/queue.md
-      - 链表: data-structure/linked-list.md
-      - 哈希表: data-structure/hash.md
-      - 并查集: data-structure/dsu.md
-      - 堆: data-structure/heap.md
-      - 分块: data-structure/square-root-decomposition.md
-      - 单调栈: data-structure/monotonous-stack.md
-      - 单调队列: data-structure/monotonous-queue.md
+      - 栈: ds/stack.md
+      - 队列: ds/queue.md
+      - 链表: ds/linked-list.md
+      - 哈希表: ds/hash.md
+      - 并查集: ds/dsu.md
+      - 堆: ds/heap.md
+      - 分块: ds/square-root-decomposition.md
+      - 单调栈: ds/monotonous-stack.md
+      - 单调队列: ds/monotonous-queue.md
     - 中级数据结构:
-      - 倍增法: data-structure/sparse-table.md
-      - 块状链表: data-structure/block-list.md
-      - 块状数组: data-structure/block-array.md
-      - 树状数组: data-structure/bit.md
-      - 线段树: data-structure/segment.md
-      - Treap: data-structure/treap.md
-      - SBT: data-structure/sbt.md
-      - Splay: data-structure/splay.md
-      - 替罪羊树: data-structure/scapegoat.md
-      - 虚树: data-structure/virtual-tree.md
+      - 倍增法: ds/sparse-table.md
+      - 块状链表: ds/block-list.md
+      - 块状数组: ds/block-array.md
+      - 树状数组: ds/bit.md
+      - 线段树: ds/segment.md
+      - Treap: ds/treap.md
+      - SBT: ds/sbt.md
+      - Splay: ds/splay.md
+      - 替罪羊树: ds/scapegoat.md
+      - 虚树: ds/virtual-tree.md
     - 高级数据结构:
       - 树套树:
-        - 线段树套线段树: data-structure/seg-in-seg.md
-        - 平衡树套线段树: data-structure/seg-in-balanced.md
-        - 线段树套平衡树: data-structure/balanced-in-seg.md
-      - AVL 树: data-structure/avl.md
-      - 划分树: data-structure/dividin.md
-      - K-Dtree: data-structure/k-dtree.md
-      - 可持久化线段树: data-structure/persistent-seg.md
-      - 可持久化块状数组: data-structure/persistent-block-array.md
-      - 可持久化平衡树: data-structure/persistent-balanced.md
-      - 可持久化字典树: data-structure/persistent-trie.md
-      - Link Cut Tree: data-structure/lct.md
-      - Euler Tour Tree: data-structure/ett.md
-      - 树分块: data-structure/tree-decompose.md
+        - 线段树套线段树: ds/seg-in-seg.md
+        - 平衡树套线段树: ds/seg-in-balanced.md
+        - 线段树套平衡树: ds/balanced-in-seg.md
+      - AVL 树: ds/avl.md
+      - 划分树: ds/dividin.md
+      - K-Dtree: ds/k-dtree.md
+      - 可持久化线段树: ds/persistent-seg.md
+      - 可持久化块状数组: ds/persistent-block-array.md
+      - 可持久化平衡树: ds/persistent-balanced.md
+      - 可持久化字典树: ds/persistent-trie.md
+      - Link Cut Tree: ds/lct.md
+      - Euler Tour Tree: ds/ett.md
+      - 树分块: ds/tree-decompose.md
   - 图论:
     - 图论部分简介: graph/index.md
     - 图论基础: graph/basic.md