ALOGE("flush called on Significant Motion sensor");
- SensorDevice& dev(SensorDevice::getInstance());
- if (dev.getHalDeviceVersion() < SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_1) {
- // For older devices increment pending flush count, which will send a trivial flush complete
- // event for all the connections which are registered for updates on this sensor.
- const SortedVector< wp<SensorEventConnection> > activeConnections(
- getActiveConnections());
- for (size_t i=0 ; i<activeConnections.size() ; i++) {
- sp<SensorEventConnection> connection(activeConnections[i].promote());
- if (connection != 0) {
- connection->incrementPendingFlushCount(handle);
- }
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
return sensor->flush(connection.get(), handle);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SensorService::SensorEventConnection::incrementPendingFlushCount(int32_t handle) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mConnectionLock);
- ssize_t index = mSensorInfo.indexOfKey(handle);
- if (index >= 0) {
- FlushInfo& flushInfo = mSensorInfo.editValueAt(index);
- flushInfo.mPendingFlushEventsToSend++;
- }
status_t SensorService::SensorEventConnection::sendEvents(
sensors_event_t const* buffer, size_t numEvents,
sensors_event_t* scratch)
ssize_t size = SensorEventQueue::write(mChannel, &flushCompleteEvent, 1);
if (size < 0) {
// ALOGW("dropping %d events on the floor", count);
- countFlushCompleteEvents(scratch, count);
+ countFlushCompleteEventsLocked(scratch, count);
return size;
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "sent dropped flush complete event==%d ",
// the destination doesn't accept events anymore, it's probably
// full. For now, we just drop the events on the floor.
// ALOGW("dropping %d events on the floor", count);
- countFlushCompleteEvents(scratch, count);
+ Mutex::Autolock _l(mConnectionLock);
+ countFlushCompleteEventsLocked(scratch, count);
return size;
return size < 0 ? status_t(size) : status_t(NO_ERROR);
-void SensorService::SensorEventConnection::countFlushCompleteEvents(
+void SensorService::SensorEventConnection::countFlushCompleteEventsLocked(
sensors_event_t* scratch, const int numEventsDropped) {
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "dropping %d events ", numEventsDropped);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mConnectionLock);
// Count flushComplete events in the events that are about to the dropped. These will be sent
// separately before the next batch of events.
for (int j = 0; j < numEventsDropped; ++j) {
status_t SensorService::SensorEventConnection::flush() {
+ SensorDevice& dev(SensorDevice::getInstance());
+ const int halVersion = dev.getHalDeviceVersion();
Mutex::Autolock _l(mConnectionLock);
status_t err(NO_ERROR);
+ // Loop through all sensors for this connection and call flush on each of them.
for (size_t i = 0; i < mSensorInfo.size(); ++i) {
const int handle = mSensorInfo.keyAt(i);
- status_t err_flush = mService->flushSensor(this, handle);
- if (err_flush != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("Flush error handle=%d %s", handle, strerror(-err_flush));
+ if (halVersion < SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_1) {
+ // For older devices just increment pending flush count which will send a trivial
+ // flush complete event.
+ FlushInfo& flushInfo = mSensorInfo.editValueFor(handle);
+ flushInfo.mPendingFlushEventsToSend++;
+ } else {
+ status_t err_flush = mService->flushSensor(this, handle);
+ if (err_flush != NO_ERROR) {
+ ALOGE("Flush error handle=%d %s", handle, strerror(-err_flush));
+ }
+ err = (err_flush != NO_ERROR) ? err_flush : err;
- err = (err_flush != NO_ERROR) ? err_flush : err;
return err;