set buildid.dir to /dev/null. The default is $HOME/.debug
- These options work only for TUI.
These are in control of addresses, jump function, source code
in lines of assembly code from a specific program.
│ mov (%rdi),%rdx
│ return n;
+ This option works with tui, stdio2 browsers.
Basing on a first address of a loaded function, offset can be used.
Instead of using original addresses of assembly code,
368:│ mov 0x8(%r14),%rdi
+ This option works with tui, stdio2 browsers.
There can be jump instruction among assembly code.
Depending on a boolean value of jump_arrows,
│1330: mov %r15,%r10
│1333: cmp %r15,%r14
+ This option works with tui browser.
When showing source code if this option is 'true',
line numbers are printed as below.
│ array++;
│ }
+ This option works with tui, stdio2 browsers.
Let's see a part of assembly code.
│1 1382: movb $0x1,-0x270(%rbp)
+ This option works with tui, stdio2 browsers.
To compare two records on an instruction base, with this option
provided, display total number of samples that belong to a line
99.93 │ mov %eax,%eax
+ This option works with tui, stdio2, stdio browsers.
+ annotate.show_nr_samples::
+ By default perf annotate shows percentage of samples. This option
+ can be used to print absolute number of samples. Ex, when set as
+ false:
+ Percent│
+ 74.03 │ mov %fs:0x28,%rax
+ When set as true:
+ Samples│
+ 6 │ mov %fs:0x28,%rax
+ This option works with tui, stdio2, stdio browsers.
Default is '1', meaning just jump targets will have offsets show right beside
the instruction. When set to '2' 'call' instructions will also have its offsets
shown, 3 or higher will show offsets for all instructions.
+ This option works with tui, stdio2 browsers.
This option control the way to calculate overhead of filtered entries -