0 = /dev/comedi0 First comedi device
1 = /dev/comedi1 Second comedi device
+ 47 = /dev/comedi47 48th comedi device
- See http://stm.lbl.gov/comedi.
+ Minors 48 to 255 are reserved for comedi subdevices with
+ pathnames of the form "/dev/comediX_subdY", where "X" is the
+ minor number of the associated comedi device and "Y" is the
+ subdevice number. These subdevice minors are assigned
+ dynamically, so there is no fixed mapping from subdevice
+ pathnames to minor numbers.
+ See http://www.comedi.org/ for information about the Comedi
+ project.
98 block User-mode virtual block device
0 = /dev/ubda First user-mode block device