* \brief Application request to access a portion of direct (mmap) area
* \param pcm PCM handle
* \param areas Returned mmap channel areas
- * \param offset Returned mmap area offset
- * \param size mmap area portion size (wanted on entry, contiguous available on exit)
+ * \param offset Returned mmap area offset in bits
+ * \param size mmap area portion size in frames (wanted on entry, contiguous available on exit)
* \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
* The function should be called before a sample-direct area can be accessed.
* \brief Application has completed the access to area requested with #snd_pcm_mmap_begin
* \param pcm PCM handle
+ * \param offset area offset in bits
+ * \param size area portion size in frames
* \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
* To call this with offset/frames values different from that returned