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Handling key and mouse events in listctrl is improved
[molby/Molby.git] / MolLib /
2022-09-18 Toshi NagataThe scroll position of the atom list is always reset...
2022-09-17 Toshi NagataHandling is selection in table views is improved
2022-09-15 Toshi NagataDisplay of new listctrl is mostly working; editing...
2022-09-13 Toshi NagataOpenGL canvas is updated for supporting high-res display
2022-09-12 Toshi NagataMac target is now buildable (not working yet)
2022-09-04 Toshi NagataPrepare for migration to wxWidgets3.2 (only for Mac...
2022-02-23 Toshi NagataHandling of IntGroup's in some Molecule methods are...
2022-02-11 Toshi NagataAvoid opening files during execution of other Ruby...
2022-02-11 Toshi NagataMac: Molby_command target is removed.
2022-01-27 Toshi NagataAll Ruby strings now have default external encoding
2022-01-18 Toshi NagataFix unexpected crash when progress dialog is hidden...
2021-12-25 Toshi NagataORTEP silently fails with non positive-definite B....
2021-12-25 Toshi NagataCalling subprocess sometimes causes a crash. Hopefully...
2021-12-20 Toshi NagataWin: Ruby: default external encoding is set before...
2021-11-14 Toshi NagataBatch mode is implemented (still testing)
2021-11-08 Toshi NagataWin10: screen update is improved
2021-08-13 toshinagata1964LAMatrix:SVD may cause random crashes. Fixed.
2019-08-17 toshinagata1964Windows: the installer now can install 64bit or 32bit...
2019-08-17 toshinagata1964About dialog is improved.
2019-08-17 toshinagata1964Implementation of vsaprintf() is improved
2019-08-17 toshinagata1964On double-clicking and entering formula, the last input...
2019-08-16 toshinagata1964Ruby document is updated.
2019-08-15 toshinagata1964Updated for building in new system (still ongoing)
2017-12-16 toshinagata1964Switch to the mingw-w32 cross compiler toolchain
2016-09-09 toshinagata1964Creating cube file failed when very small electron...
2016-09-08 toshinagata1964export_graphic now allows specification of the width...
2016-09-07 toshinagata1964cubegen now accepts mo=0, which means 'arbitrary vector'
2016-05-09 toshinagata1964Debug code in s_Kernel_Backquote was removed.
2016-05-09 toshinagata1964Encoding exception was caused while reading a file...
2016-05-09 toshinagata1964Ruby: Kernel#backquote now sets the exit status of...
2016-04-27 toshinagata1964A CIF file with multiple structures now can be processe...
2015-11-01 toshinagata1964Ruby: stop timer before showing error dialog
2014-11-16 toshinagata1964Handling of the surface normals was incomplete. Fixed.
2014-11-15 toshinagata1964On create_graphic with :poly argument, handling of...
2014-10-06 toshinagata1964The settings in the MO surface dialog is now kept after...
2014-10-06 toshinagata1964Hitting Return in non-modal Ruby dialog now does not...
2014-10-01 toshinagata1964Molecule#on_modify is called during interrupt checking...
2014-09-30 toshinagata1964Clean up code for selecting table row in the Ruby dialog
2014-09-26 toshinagata1964Ruby#listen is now obsolete, and the message mechanism...
2014-09-24 toshinagata1964Ruby dialog class is being restructured. The source...
2014-09-21 toshinagata1964Keyboard focus issues in Ruby dialog is (hopefully...
2014-09-12 toshinagata1964Implement loading/saving of graphiobjects from/to mbsf...
2014-09-12 toshinagata1964Clean up the ruby_bind.c file (particularly definition...
2014-09-08 toshinagata1964Molecule#insert_graphic is implemented. create/insert...
2014-08-25 toshinagata1964IO#gets_any_eol (called from the customized version...
2014-07-22 toshinagata1964Molecule#export_graphic is also implemented in the...
2014-07-11 toshinagata1964export_graphic is implemented as a Ruby command
2014-07-02 toshinagata1964On exporting graphics, resolution and background color...
2014-07-01 toshinagata1964Fix crash in MO surface window when F orbitals are...
2014-06-29 toshinagata1964The electron density surface can be drawn by create_sur...
2014-06-26 toshinagata1964The MO information is now stored in the mbsf file.
2014-06-25 toshinagata1964The extra property values are now saved into the mbsf...
2014-06-19 toshinagata1964Show MO Surface dialog is updated (hopefully improved)
2014-06-19 toshinagata1964Show MO Surface dialog is implemented.
2014-06-18 toshinagata1964Handling of Ruby subwindows (non-modal dialogs) is...
2014-06-14 toshinagata1964On importing Gamess output, the energy values are read...
2014-06-13 toshinagata1964Extra properties (assignable for each frame) are introd...
2014-06-08 toshinagata1964set_surface_attr now accepts attributes :color and...
2014-06-05 toshinagata1964The atomic radii for graphical display are corrected...
2014-05-27 toshinagata1964create_surface is somewhat improved (looks like working)
2014-05-22 toshinagata1964Handling of Gaussian fchk files was causing problems...
2014-05-21 toshinagata1964Creating MO surface is improved (not much tested yet)
2014-05-20 toshinagata1964Start implementing MO surface display: Molecule.create_...
2014-04-26 toshinagata1964Ruby: get_mo_coefficients and get_mo_energy are impleme...
2014-04-25 toshinagata1964backquote in MSW is not working well (still under inves...
2014-04-24 toshinagata1964Running GAMESS locally on Windows is in trouble (still...
2014-04-23 toshinagata1964In reading MM/MD parameters, check criteria for duplica...
2014-04-04 toshinagata1964GAMESS dialog is modified so that manual editing is...
2014-03-28 toshinagata1964Build scripts are updated; now the zip files are create...
2014-03-28 toshinagata1964Ruby: $error_history global variable is introduced...
2014-03-28 toshinagata1964Handling of string encoding in Ruby scripts is improved.
2014-03-28 toshinagata1964Ruby errinfo should be cleared before beginning new...
2014-03-27 toshinagata1964Embedded Ruby: problems with encoding is being fixed...
2014-03-26 toshinagata1964Clean up some of the sources
2014-03-26 toshinagata1964Undo action for the 'create_bond' action was incorrect...
2014-03-24 toshinagata1964VdW exclusion regarding pi-anchors is slightly changed.
2014-03-24 toshinagata1964Vdw exclusion failed when pi-anchors were present.
2014-03-23 toshinagata1964Some add/delete operation caused unexpected termination.
2014-03-23 toshinagata1964Commands in the Xtal menus are improved and documented.
2014-03-21 toshinagata1964Obsolete codes are removed
2014-03-21 toshinagata1964Property table can now show fractional coordinates
2014-03-20 toshinagata1964Space group table look all right. Export Graphics is...
2014-03-18 toshinagata1964Define Symmetry dialog is being implemented (not done...
2014-03-17 toshinagata1964Printing is implemented (still experimental)
2014-03-17 toshinagata1964Line/Ball-and-stick/Space-filling modes are implemented
2014-03-16 toshinagata1964'Show' menu is renamed to 'View'. 'Show...' menus are...
2014-03-15 toshinagata1964Script menu handling is improved
2014-03-14 toshinagata1964Command line version is made buildable again
2014-03-14 toshinagata1964Atomic weights are handled as floats instead of doubles...
2014-03-12 toshinagata1964Bitmap drawing is implemented in Molby::Dialog (experim...
2014-03-11 toshinagata1964Ruby Dialog was causing crash when Dialog#listen was...
2014-03-10 toshinagata1964Ruby Dialog: behavior of the close button is improved...
2014-03-04 toshinagata1964Build on MinGW/Windows now succeeds
2014-02-27 toshinagata1964expand_by_symmetry was causing strange bonds when expan...
2014-02-16 toshinagata1964$stdout.flush and $stderr.flush are implemented; nothin...
2014-02-16 toshinagata1964'proc' is replaced with 'lambda' for creating a Proc...
2014-02-16 toshinagata1964IntGroup#index is implemented
2014-02-15 toshinagata1964Ruby: IntGroup#inspect caused crash when the result...
2014-02-15 toshinagata1964Ruby: Molecule#expand_by_symmetry is modified so that...
2014-02-04 toshinagata1964Mac: the ruby console does not work well when the Input...