OSDN Git Service

[winbottle/winbottle.git] / bottleclient / BottleDef.pas
2004-03-12 naruチャンネルタブの幅を手動で決められる設定項目追加
2004-03-11 naruスラッシュで始まる場合に限り正規表現戦闘のmは省略できるので、そんな風に条件修正。
2004-03-11 C.PonapaltSafeRegExpの条件を絞る
2004-03-11 C.Ponapalt正規表現まわりの再整備 (ToDo #389)
2004-03-11 narum//等のブラケットで囲まれていない正規表現を自動で囲むSafeRegExp関数を導入、ログ検索部とアクション...
2004-03-11 yeseヘルプメニューのクライアントヘルプページが403表示なので、ジャンプ先を
2004-03-11 naruバージョン番号→2.68
2004-03-10 naruTalkColorがINIファイルに指定されていない場合のデフォルト値を、clBlackではなくTalkCol...
2004-03-10 C.Ponapalt色設定項目の追加(ToDo #378) ちょっと手抜き気味
2004-03-09 yesea trivial correction
2004-03-09 naruみかげさんもWinBottle Project内定したので、著作権情報もう一度修正。
2004-03-08 naru著作権情報をそれっぽく変更。(C)WinBottle Project + Mikage Sawatariに。
2004-01-26 naruVersion string
2004-01-24 naruRemoved cbxNoSendGhostList and related properties
2004-01-16 naruBottleServer and its port can be modified by inifile
2004-01-13 naruVersion string
2003-09-20 naruVersion string
2003-09-20 naruVersion string
2003-09-17 naruFix that XMLEntity may return errournous string
2003-08-27 naruVersion string
2003-08-27 naruVersion string
2003-08-27 naruPlay time estimation settings
2003-08-27 naruSsPlayTime property added to TBottlePref
2003-08-27 naruAdded partial confirm
2003-08-25 naruVersion string
2003-08-25 naruReconnectWait property added
2003-08-25 naruAdded ConfirmOnTabClose
2003-08-24 naruVersion string
2003-08-21 naruVersion string
2003-08-21 naruEscape characters that can not be used as a filename
2003-08-21 naruEscape characters that can not be used as a filename
2003-08-21 naruVersion string
2003-08-21 naruVersion string
2003-08-21 naruChanged built-in default script
2003-07-14 naruFix bug in loading AutoSave property
2003-07-12 naruAdded ParamsEncode, not using Indy's TIdURI.ParamsEncod...
2003-07-12 naruVersion string
2003-07-12 naruVersion string
2003-07-12 naruAutoClip added
2003-07-09 naruAdded actSendLogWindow, clipping current script to...
2003-06-28 naruVersion string
2003-06-01 naruVersion string
2003-06-01 naruVersion string
2003-05-18 naruVersion string
2003-05-06 naruAdd ChannelDefault Constant
2003-04-23 naruVersion string
2003-04-22 naruVersion string
2003-04-22 naruPosition save and restore now supports multi monitors
2003-04-21 naruVersion string
2003-04-20 naruVersion string
2003-04-20 naruEditorPreviewWindowPosition property
2003-04-19 naruAdded psImageConversation preview style
2003-04-19 naruVersion string
2003-04-18 naruVersion string
2003-04-09 naruVersion string
2003-04-09 narupsNoColor list preview style added
2003-04-09 narulvwLog is now owner-drawn
2003-04-08 naruVersion string
2003-04-06 naruVersion string
2003-04-06 naruNoExtraSSTPHeaders option added
2003-04-06 naruAdded surfacepreview position property
2003-04-05 naruSurface preview on memScript
2003-04-05 naruVersion string
2003-04-05 naruSurface preview
2003-04-05 naruVersion string
2003-04-03 naruVersion string
2003-04-03 naruVersion string
2003-04-03 naruUse NOMUTEX condition instead of BOTTLEMUTEX
2003-04-02 naruVersion string
2003-04-02 naruAdded Hide and VisibleGhosts properties
2003-04-02 naruVersion string
2003-04-02 naruadded ShowRuler setting
2003-04-02 naruRemoved ColorTimeLag and ColorSpeed properties which...
2003-04-01 naruNeedConfirmBeforeSend implemented
2003-03-09 naruVersion String
2003-03-09 narutoCheckWarn added, script check for YenT tag and YenH...
2003-03-07 naruVersion string
2003-03-07 naruVersion string
2003-03-07 naruChannel tab shown at top by default
2003-03-06 naruRemoved Indy lisence disclaimer
2003-03-06 naruVersion string
2003-03-06 naruRemoved TID2Ghost (FCueGhost)
2003-03-06 naruVersion String
2003-03-06 naruHUTagTo01Tag implemented
2003-01-15 naruFix: DefaultScript is saved as TStrings internally
2003-01-15 naruFix: DefaultScript is broken when settings are saved
2003-01-15 naruVersion string
2003-01-15 naruSave setting procedure
2003-01-15 naruDeleted AdditionalFMOName and added FMOName instead
2003-01-08 naruVersion string
2003-01-05 naruCopyright string :-)
2003-01-05 naruVersion string
2003-01-05 naruusing $IFDEF BOTTLEMUTEX
2003-01-04 naruVersion string
2003-01-04 naruJoinChannels: TString moved to this unit
2003-01-04 naruVersion string
2003-01-04 naruAdditionalFMOName property added
2003-01-04 naruRemoved All Channel Preference Codes
2002-12-26 naruClearAfterSend property added
2002-12-24 naruVersion string