OSDN Git Service

[update] : EFI for other architecture
[alterlinux/alterlinux.git] / channels /
2020-09-19 hayao[update] : Include cups
2020-09-19 hayao[disable] : DIsabled old code
2020-09-19 hayao[fix] : run only command does exist
2020-09-19 hayao[fix] : If xdg-user-dirs-update does not exist do not...
2020-09-19 hayao[disable] : dconf update
2020-09-17 hayao[update] : Added comments
2020-09-17 hayao[fix] : releng kernel config
2020-09-15 hayao[update] : customize airootfs new kernel parser
2020-09-15 hayao[update] : no exclude kernel packages
2020-09-15 hayao[add] : plymouth theme package file(x86_64)
2020-09-15 hayao[add] : plymouth theme package file
2020-09-15 hayao[add] : plymouth package list
2020-09-15 hayao[remove] : only x86_64
2020-09-15 hayao[add] : new kernel file (x86_64)
2020-09-15 hayao[update] : Added broadcom-wl* package
2020-09-15 hayao[add] : new kernel config files
2020-09-14 hayao[update] : Added dvzrv repo
2020-09-14 hayao[update] : Added shortcut
2020-09-14 hayao[update] : new README
2020-09-14 hayao[update] : Changed gnome-mac gtk theme
2020-09-13 hayaoMerge branch 'dev-stable' into alteriso-3-mainline
2020-09-13 hayaoMerge branch 'dev' into dev-stable
2020-09-13 watasuke102[fix] : Issue #165 again
2020-09-12 watasuke102[update] : README and document in i3wm
2020-09-12 hayao[update] : alteriso version 3.0
2020-09-12 hayao[add] : calamares branding.desc
2020-09-12 hayao[add] : Calamares conf for Adapta theme
2020-09-12 hayao[fix] : Changed gnome gtk theme name
2020-09-12 hayao[add] : new branding conf
2020-09-12 hayao[fix] : Issue #191 (xfce-pro)
2020-09-12 hayao[fix] : Issue #191 (deepin)
2020-09-12 hayao[fix] : Issue #191 (gnome-mac)
2020-09-12 hayaoMerge branch 'dev' into alteriso-3-mainline
2020-09-12 hayao[fix] : Calamares entry os name
2020-09-12 hayao[fix] : calamares environment variable
2020-09-11 watasuke102[remove] : alias related to Issue #137
2020-09-10 watasuke102[fix] : Issue #191 (i3wm)
2020-09-10 hayaoMerge branch 'dev' into dev-stable
2020-09-10 hayao[fix] : Issue #191 (gnome)
2020-09-10 hayaoMerge branch 'Issue-191' into alteriso-3-mainline
2020-09-10 hayaoMerge branch 'Issue-191' into dev
2020-09-10 hayao[fix] : calamares run command
2020-09-10 hayao[fix] : root user process
2020-09-10 hayao[update] : Added qt5-styleplugins
2020-09-10 hayao[add] : qt5 configs
2020-09-10 hayao[add] : Added .profile
2020-09-09 hayaoMerge branch 'Issue-137' into dev
2020-09-09 hayao[fix] : Removed grml-zsh-config
2020-09-09 hayao[update] : Added env-var for qt5ct
2020-09-09 hayao[update] : Added qt5ct
2020-09-09 watasuke102[fix] : wallpaper margin color
2020-09-09 watasuke102[update] : README and help file on i3wm channel
2020-09-09 watasuke102[update] : change software that setting background
2020-09-09 watasuke102[fix] : exec and exec_always in i3 settings
2020-09-09 watasuke102[remove] : setting that launch i3-lock
2020-09-06 hayaoMerge branch 'dev-stable' into alteriso-3-mainline
2020-09-06 hayaoMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/alteriso-3-mainlin...
2020-09-06 watasuke102[remove] : unnecessary file on i3wm channel
2020-09-05 kokkiemouseMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/alteriso-3-mainlin...
2020-09-05 kokkiemouseadded tui installer config
2020-09-05 hayao[change] : GTK theme
2020-09-05 hayaoMerge branch 'dev' into dev-stable
2020-09-05 hayaoMerge branch 'Issue-179' into alteriso-3-mainline
2020-09-05 hayaoMerge branch 'alteriso-3-mainline' into HEAD
2020-09-05 Hayao (山田パヤオ)Merge pull request #190 from conao3/fix-space2
2020-09-05 Naoya Yamashita[FIX] : remove trailing whitespace, require final newline
2020-09-05 Hayao (山田パヤオ)Merge pull request #189 from conao3/fix-space
2020-09-04 Naoya Yamashita[FIX] : remove trailing whitespace, require final newline
2020-08-30 hayao[update] : Addded commnets
2020-08-30 hayao[add] : new package list
2020-08-30 hayao[update] : Added networkmanager
2020-08-30 hayaoMerge branch 'alteriso-3-syslinux' into alteriso-3...
2020-08-30 hayao[update] : alteriso3 services
2020-08-30 hayao[add] : releng syslinux config
2020-08-29 hayaoMerge branch 'dev' into dev-stable
2020-08-29 hayao[fix] : alter svg icon path
2020-08-29 hayao[fix] : Confirm the existence of the group
2020-08-29 hayao[fix] : filename
2020-08-29 hayao[add] : deepin customize_airootfs
2020-08-29 hayao[update] : Added latest shell configs
2020-08-29 hayao[add] : shell package list
2020-08-29 hayao[update] : comments
2020-08-29 hayao[add] : new description
2020-08-29 hayao[add] : deepin channel
2020-08-29 hayao[fix] : Added base-devel to share
2020-08-29 hayao[fix] : var typo
2020-08-28 hayao[update] : kernel config array
2020-08-28 watasuke102[add] : calamares modules
2020-08-28 hayao[fix] : tarball not include archiso.img
2020-08-28 hayao[update] : Changed repo order
2020-08-27 hayaoMerge branch 'alteriso-3-mainline' into alteriso-3...
2020-08-27 hayao[add] : ulauncher configs
2020-08-27 hayao[update] : Added ulauncher to favorite apps
2020-08-27 hayao[add] : ulauncher autostart
2020-08-27 hayao[add] : ulauncher is got from alter-stable
2020-08-27 hayao[add] : ulauncher
2020-08-27 hayao[fix] : Fixed having two terminals (gnome)
2020-08-27 hayao[update] : Added app menu button to dock
2020-08-27 hayao[fix] : Fixed having two terminals
2020-08-27 hayao[fix] : set shortcut key