OSDN Git Service

- fixed bug Ethna_Session#isAnonymous returns invalid result (thanks:longkey1)
[ethna/ethna.git] / class / Ethna_ActionForm.php
2009-06-15 mumumu-org- [SECURITY] fixed XSS vulnerability in Ethna_ActionFor...
2009-04-10 mumumu-org- added implementation of dynamic form definition helpe...
2009-01-29 mumumu-org- fixed bug Ethna_ActionForm#getHiddenVars emits waring...
2009-01-17 mumumu-org- added Ethna_ActionForm#setFormDef_PreHelper for dynam...
2009-01-17 mumumu-org- changed method name from Ethna_ActionForm#_setFormDef...
2009-01-05 mumumu-org- reverted form value set routine in case of <input...
2009-01-03 mumumu-org- added syntax sugar for form definition supplement...
2009-01-03 mumumu-org- added implemention of ActionForm multidimentional...
2009-01-02 mumumu-org- improved form value supplement routine in case of...
2008-10-07 mumumu-org- comment tweaks.
2008-07-03 mumumu-org- moved ETHNA_UTF8_BRANCH to trunk.
2008-06-12 mumumu-org- avoided E_NOTICE when user sets http input via Ethna_...
2008-06-07 mumumu-org- deleted unused [Ethna|appid]ActionForm#use_validator_...
2008-05-24 mumumu-org- deleted unused Ethna_ActionForm#_validate method.
2008-05-23 mumumu-org- [Breaking B.C] deleted non-plugin validation code.
2008-05-21 mumumu-org- moved japanese message to newly added locale file.
2008-04-05 mumumu-org- deleted old test
2008-04-05 mumumu-org- deleted old test
2008-04-04 mumumu-org- followed r492 in trunk.
2007-12-18 mumumu-org- deleted "default" adjust feature for Ethna_ActionForm...
2007-12-13 mumumu-orgNewly import UTF-8 code
2007-12-13 mumumu-orgrecreate UTF-8 Branch Directory
2007-12-13 mumumu-orgnewly import UTF-8 code
2007-07-20 mumumu-org- newly added "default" feature for Ethna_ActionForm...
2006-11-17 ichii386- retab, indent, fix comments.
2006-11-13 ichii386- pass filter before validation. (thx: sfio)
2006-11-10 ichii386- add helper_skip_form (merge from Flare)
2006-10-31 ichii386- add af::clearFormVars().
2006-10-27 ichii386- fix some bugs. (thx: bobpp, halt)
2006-10-24 ichii386- some fixes (indent etc.)
2006-10-04 ichii386- add Ethna_Plugin_Handle_ClearCache.php
2006-08-23 fujimoto- Ethna_UrlHandlerクラスを追加(ステキurl対応)
2006-08-03 ichii386remove '@' operator.
2006-08-03 ichii386fix double asignment of action errors in custom check.
2006-07-19 ichii386- don't normalize $type, $name of plugin in Ethna_Plugin.
2006-07-12 cocoitibanfix array bug
2006-07-10 fujimoto- some b.c. fixes
2006-07-10 fujimoto- [breaking B.C.] Ethna_Loggerリファクタリング
2006-06-15 fujimoto- tunes for Ethna_ActionForm::getHiddenVars() (in respo...
2006-06-06 ichii386- Ethna_ActionForm::validate() で多次元配列が渡されたときのnoticeを回避
2006-06-05 fujimoto- [[#8200>sourceforge.jp/tracker/index.php?func=detail...
2006-06-05 halt1983 - [[#8387>sourceforge.jp/tracker/index.php?func=detail...
2006-04-12 halt1983- (within beta) ActionFormの配列のフォーム値が破壊される問題 修正(by...
2006-04-04 fujimoto- Ethna_ActionForm リファクタリング (by いちい)
2006-03-24 fujimoto- XMLRPCゲートウェイサポート追加(experimental)
2006-01-29 halt1983add htmlspecialchars ENT_QUOTES option
2005-12-01 fujimoto- 文字列のmin/maxエラーのデフォルトエラーメッセージを修正
2005-11-30 halt1983- Fix Bug #7640
2005-09-22 fujimoto- Ethna_Backendクラスのクラスメンバ多重定義を修正
2005-08-26 fujimoto- フォーム値定義にカスタムエラーメッセージを定義できるように変更
2005-08-18 fujimoto- フォーム値テンプレートを子クラスからも変更できるように修正
2005-08-17 fujimoto- Ethna_ActionFormクラスのフォーム値定義をダイナミックに変更出来るように修正
2005-07-29 fujimoto- ユーザ定義フォーム検証メソッドが呼び出されない問題を修正
2005-04-08 fujimoto- フォーム値定義のcustom属性にカンマ区切りでの複数メソッドサポートを追加
2005-04-08 fujimoto- Ethna_ActionForm::isForceValidatePlus()、Ethna_ActionF...
2005-03-14 fujimoto- 不要な参照渡しを削除
2005-01-06 fujimoto- Ethna_ClassFactoryクラスを追加
2005-01-04 fujimoto- Ethna_ActionClassにauthenticateメソッドを追加
2004-12-29 fujimoto- Ethna_View_List(リスト表示用ビュー基底クラス)のソート対応
2004-12-27 fujimoto- Ethna_ActionForm::_handleErrorをpublicメソッドに変更(Ethna_Ac...
2004-12-13 fujimoto- fix wording
2004-12-08 fujimoto- nuke 'convert' attribute from Ethna_ActionForm (now...
2004-12-08 fujimoto- like a singleton
2004-12-06 fujimoto- added input filter (chains) -> now 'convert' is compl...
2004-12-06 fujimoto- added defaults
2004-12-06 fujimoto- fix typo
2004-12-05 fujimoto- エラー処理ポリシー修正(PEAR互換)
2004-12-01 fujimoto- added action/view skelton generator for convenience
2004-11-29 fujimoto- respect naming convention