OSDN Git Service

- pass filter before validation. (thx: sfio)
[ethna/ethna.git] / class /
2006-11-13 ichii386- pass filter before validation. (thx: sfio)
2006-11-13 ichii386- fix condition (thx: itoh)
2006-11-13 ichii386- add ethna_version to $app_dir/.ethna
2006-11-10 ichii386- add helper_skip_form (merge from Flare)
2006-11-09 cocoitibanadd Csrf Session isStart check
2006-11-09 halt1983str_replace('unkown', 'unknown');
2006-11-08 cocoitibanfixd bug bug sorry
2006-11-08 cocoitibanfixd bug
2006-11-08 halt1983- getPropを引数なしで実行するとwarningが出る問題を修正
2006-11-06 cocoitibanfixd permission
2006-11-06 cocoitibanfix permission
2006-11-06 cocoitibanchange permission
2006-11-06 ichii386- add test for Ethna_UrlHandler.
2006-11-06 ichii386- fixed bug with selector options from manager.
2006-11-06 ichii386- misc fixes.
2006-11-02 halt1983fixed foldname
2006-11-01 cocoitibantiny fixd Plugin_Csrf, Ethna_Util
2006-10-31 cocoitiban- Ethna_Plugin_Csrf(CSRF?\027$BBP:v%3!<%I?\027(B)?...
2006-10-31 cocoitiban- Ethna_Session?\027$B$K?\027(Bregenerate_id?\027$B...
2006-10-31 ichii386- fix 'option' parsing in _getSelectorOptions(). (thx...
2006-10-31 ichii386- fix bugs in {form}, {form_input}
2006-10-31 ichii386commit forgotten file.
2006-10-31 ichii386- fix use of wrong controller in Ethna_Plugin_Generator...
2006-10-31 ichii386- add af::clearFormVars().
2006-10-30 halt1983- FORM_TYPE_SUBMITにおいてvalueが反映されない問題を修正
2006-10-28 ichii386- fix bugs of Ethna_AppObject.
2006-10-28 ichii386- remove var_dump().
2006-10-28 ichii386- add ethna & pear mixed style at Ethna_ClassFactory...
2006-10-28 ichii386- fix PEAR's style naming.
2006-10-27 ichii386- set default value in {form_input} without outer ...
2006-10-27 ichii386- fix some bugs. (thx: bobpp, halt)
2006-10-25 ichii386- fix typo (thx bobpp-san).
2006-10-24 ichii386- set $attr['value'] only if a certain value was given.
2006-10-24 ichii386- implement {form_input} helper for select list, check...
2006-10-24 ichii386- add Logwriter_Alertmail.
2006-10-24 ichii386- some fixes (indent etc.)
2006-10-13 ichii386- fix notice. (#8681)
2006-10-10 ichii386fix bugs at dealing with package state.
2006-10-10 ichii386fix typo.
2006-10-10 ichii386- add "--state" option to install/upgrade-plugin handlers.
2006-10-07 ichii386fix fatal at ethna_error_handler() call with no control...
2006-10-04 ichii386- add Ethna_Plugin_Handle_ClearCache.php
2006-10-02 halt1983fixed Bug9009
2006-10-02 halt1983conforms to the PEAR coding rule
2006-09-25 ichii386- fix bug with forgotten '&'s [#9056]
2006-09-24 ichii386- update list-plugin handler.
2006-09-23 ichii386In constructor of Ethna_Plugin, avoid dependency on...
2006-09-19 ichii386unify master/local handlers.
2006-09-19 fujimoto- fix typo
2006-09-06 cocoitibanfixed bug Initialization of variable
2006-08-24 halt1983added execute
2006-08-24 halt1983added getCol
2006-08-23 fujimoto- Ethna_UrlHandlerクラスを追加(ステキurl対応)
2006-08-23 fujimoto- アクション定義のform_pathが正しく動作していなかった問題を修正
2006-08-22 fujimoto- Ethna_ClassFactory::getObject()でクラス定義に無いキーが渡された場合はEth...
2006-08-22 fujimoto- アプリケーションスケルトン生成時にアプリケーション固有のActionClass, ActionForm...
2006-08-22 fujimoto- Ethna_SkeltonGeneratorクラスをEthna_Generatorクラスに名称変更
2006-08-22 fujimoto- Ethna_Config::get()で引数を指定しないと全設定を格納した配列を返すように変更
2006-08-21 halt1983replace argments to arguments
2006-08-18 ichii386- search plugins in application tree prefixed with...
2006-08-11 ichii386fix typo.
2006-08-03 ichii386- add Ethna_PearWrapper.
2006-08-03 ichii386add util functions (currently) proper to Ethna_Handle.
2006-08-03 ichii386- add clearErrorCallback().
2006-08-03 ichii386make public.
2006-08-03 ichii386remove '@' operator.
2006-08-03 ichii386fix double asignment of action errors in custom check.
2006-08-02 ichii386more restraint of messages without parent classes.
2006-07-28 halt1983fixed Bug #8691
2006-07-27 ichii386- avoid warning when using app-specific plugin without...
2006-07-23 fujimoto- fix logger reference bugs
2006-07-22 fujimoto- fix notice (Only variable references should be return...
2006-07-22 fujimoto- fix bugs in Ethna_MailSender
2006-07-20 ichii386fix unclosed comment.
2006-07-20 fujimoto- [breaking B.C.] Ethna_ClassFactoryのリファクタリング
2006-07-19 ichii386Ethna_ActionError::add() returns error object.
2006-07-19 fujimoto- beautify
2006-07-19 cocoitibanfix $script xss X-(
2006-07-19 fujimoto- Ethna_Plugin_Logwriter_File::begin()でログファイルのパーミッションを設...
2006-07-19 fujimoto- ハードタブ -> ソフトタブ
2006-07-19 ichii386absolute path is dealt with.
2006-07-19 ichii386fix comments.
2006-07-19 ichii386- don't normalize $type, $name of plugin in Ethna_Plugin.
2006-07-13 cocoitibanfix typo
2006-07-13 halt1983Submitボタンのvalueをセットするようにした
2006-07-13 ichii386- fix unchanged 'app_plugin's.
2006-07-12 cocoitibanfix notice undefined BASE
2006-07-12 cocoitibanfix notice
2006-07-12 cocoitibanfix same warning
2006-07-12 cocoitibanfix array bug
2006-07-12 fujimoto- remove debug code :(
2006-07-12 fujimoto- fix misc bug@Ethna_Plugin::getPluginList()
2006-07-11 fujimoto- fix style m(_ _)m
2006-07-11 cocoitibanfix Ethna_Renderer_Smarty class method
2006-07-11 cocoitiban- [[#8553>sourceforge.jp/tracker/?func=detail&aid=8553...
2006-07-11 fujimoto- fix notice
2006-07-11 fujimoto- fix path
2006-07-10 fujimoto- some b.c. fixes
2006-07-10 fujimoto- [breaking B.C.] Ethna_Loggerリファクタリング
2006-07-03 ichii386- avoid warning in Ethna_DB_PEAR, Ethna_AppObject....