OSDN Git Service

Merge "Fix Utils.prepareCustomPreferencesList()" into lmp-dev
[android-x86/packages-apps-Settings.git] / res / values-eu-rPV / arrays.xml
2014-07-09 Alexandra GherghinaMerge "Retrieve resources from the corresponding profile"
2014-07-06 Baligh Uddinam 9bf54e70: (-s ours) am 395cf2d1: (-s ours) am 12d641...
2014-07-06 Baligh Uddinam a64a0904: (-s ours) am 5a55f567: (-s ours) Import...
2014-07-01 Alexandra GherghinaMerge "Adds missing per-user calls for displaying and...
2014-06-26 Craig MautnerMerge "Take TextToSpeechSettings out of endless loop"
2014-06-30 Baligh UddinImport translations. DO NOT MERGE