OSDN Git Service

MacOS build fix
[android-x86/external-swiftshader.git] / src / OpenGL / libEGL / BUILD.gn
2017-01-30 Alexis HetuMacOS build fix
2017-01-27 Alexis HetuUpdate to Linux build files for Chromium
2016-12-07 Alexis HetuBuild fix
2016-12-06 Alexis HetuRenamed libEGL/Surface.* to libEGL/EGLSurface.*
2016-11-22 Alexis HetuFixed official chromium build on Linux
2016-11-15 Alexis HetuFixed clang warnings and unmuted these warnings
2016-09-23 Alexis HetuGive SwiftShader libraries a unique name on Mac
2016-09-13 Alexis HetuMade SwiftShader compile on Mac in Chromium
2016-08-31 Alexis HetuFixed build files for Windows clang
2016-07-20 Alexis HetuChanged SwiftShader output
2016-07-15 Alexis HetuFixed building SwiftShader libraries within Chromium...
2016-07-07 Alexis HetuUpdate to BUILD.gn files
2016-06-23 Alexis HetuUpdate to gn files for Windows
2016-06-09 Alexis HetuGN files, initial check in