OSDN Git Service

2011-01-28 sakamocchimodify undoSybaseQuotes_array function, refering to...
2011-01-28 sakamocchiAdd inline stylesheet for better resizing by browser...
2011-01-28 sakamocchiConvert the string indicating current version into...
2011-01-28 sakamocchiCreate new function to generate formatted timestamp...
2011-01-28 sakamocchiModify typo
2011-01-28 sakamocchiModify JavaScript code for return, refering to japan...
2011-01-28 sakamocchiModify startUpError function to indicate correct charse...
2011-01-28 sakamocchiChange its direction of href for anchor.
2011-01-27 sakamocchiPurge pre-renamed file for original config.php.
2011-01-27 sakamocchiFor private server which has no condition for default...
2011-01-21 sakamocchiFix the declaration of version in upgrade script.
2011-01-21 sakamocchiFix mistaking the area for commenting out section.
2011-01-20 sakamocchiRename config.php.original to config.php.sample
2011-01-20 sakamocchiComment out the <add for garble measure> section for...
2011-01-20 sakamocchiPreventing I/O strings from auto-detecting the characto...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiModify PHP parse error.
2011-01-19 sakamocchiReplace <%date%> and <%time%> codes according to the...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiInclude plugins which the original release includes...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiModify the value for special skin parts. Revise 'Header...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiModify some description for refering versions and misse...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiEnforce password checking. Revise the deference between...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiReplace some of 'isBlogAdmin' to 'blogAdminRights'...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiChange some values for Microsoft (R) Internet Explore 6.
2011-01-19 sakamocchiFix importing skin error in detecting charactor encodin...
2011-01-19 sakamocchiInclude contemporary admin skins for English and Japanese.
2011-01-19 sakamocchiInclude UTF-8 multibyte processing.
2011-01-19 sakamocchiFix global variable $special.
2011-01-19 sakamocchiFix PDO switch problem and nclude UTF-8 multibyte proce...
2011-01-14 sakamocchiInclude Grey skin. This is a good stuff for studying...
2011-01-14 sakamocchiinclude translation for config.php and the other supple...
2011-01-13 sakamocchiUpdate install process according to Cacher's work....
2011-01-13 sakamocchiDelete auto-detection for MySQL server version.
2011-01-09 sakamocchiIt's my fault that upgrade scripts remains 3.51 stuffs...
2011-01-09 sakamocchiNow this trunk equal 3.62 without documentation. We...
2011-01-09 sakamocchiInsert missed blacket. Thanks for Yotaka's report.
2011-01-02 sakamocchiNow this trunk equal 3.61 without documentation. We...
2010-12-31 sakamocchiAdd some codes from 3.61. Currently files under /nucleu...
2010-12-30 sakamocchiPurge or rename several files for generating Japanese...
2010-12-29 sakamocchiPurge Original default skins. We already have Japanese...
2010-12-29 sakamocchiModify the garbage charactors due to wrong operation...
2010-12-29 sakamocchiUpdate project date from '2002 - 2009' to '2002 - 2010'.
2010-12-28 sakamocchiInsert two articles for skinvar-archiveyearlist and...
2010-12-28 sakamocchiChange version declaration from 3.50 to 3.51 in instrun...
2010-12-27 sakamocchiChange path for install script in config.php and so on.
2010-12-27 sakamocchiPurge NP_SecurityEnforcer and NP_Text. Now NP_Ping...
2010-12-24 sakamocchiModify install script bug, wrong replacement string...
2010-12-24 sakamocchiMerge Yamamoto's personal 3.51 release. Still remain...
2009-09-14 shizukijapan.nucleuscms.org/bb/viewtopic.php?p=25447#25447
2009-09-06 shizukiFIX: version number given in welcome post
2009-08-12 shizukiバージョン記述修正
2009-08-12 shizuki最初の投稿のリンク整理
2009-08-11 shizukiFIX: bug in version compare when checking for newer...
2009-08-09 shizukiFix syntax error in upgrade file.
2009-08-06 shizukiFIX: There is a case that a category isn't eliminated...
2009-08-06 shizukifix typo
2009-07-29 shizukiSome minor PHP 5.3 compatibility fixes
2009-07-25 shizukichnge:$nucleus['version'] v3.5SVN to v3.50SVN
2009-07-19 shizukiFIX: super-admin disallowed from uploading files if...
2009-07-18 shizukiカスタムスキンインストールのロジック修正
2009-07-18 shizukiparse_parsedinclude()修正
2009-07-17 shizukiバージョン番号修正
2009-07-17 shizukiNP_Ping更新の喚起
2009-07-17 shizukigit-svn-id: https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/nucleus...
2009-07-17 shizuki新規インストール時の複数スキンインストール対応(install.php)
2009-07-17 shizukiEUC版はUTF-8に統合
2009-07-17 shizukiremove action_sendping and action_rawping
2009-07-11 shizukiFIX:Two undefined variable(BLOG.php)
2009-07-11 shizukiNP_Ping and related infrastructure changes. (admun)
2009-07-10 shizukiCode Cleanup(BLOG.php/ADMIN.php)
2009-07-10 shizuki関数が足りてなくてバックアップ取れなかったんで追加
2009-07-10 shizukiADDED: upgrade code for 3.5 in upgrades folder. Include...
2009-07-07 shizukiEnhance nucleus/libs/sql/pdo.php to handle db connect...
2009-07-04 shizukigit-svn-id: https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/nucleus...
2009-06-25 shizukiContinued enhancement of the sql_* api and handler...
2009-06-23 shizukiPDO対応
2009-06-22 shizukiダブり行の削除
2009-06-21 shizuki# FIXED: atom.phpとxml-rss2.phpで_CHARSETをチェックして文字コード変換...
2009-06-20 shizukiNP_Text追加
2009-06-19 shizuki本家コードをマージ
2009-06-19 shizukigit-svn-id: https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/nucleus...
2009-04-22 shizukigit-svn-id: https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/nucleus...
2009-04-22 shizukigit-svn-id: https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/nucleus...
2009-04-17 shizukihelpのアンカーミス修正
2009-04-16 shizukifix: item link after doKarma
2009-04-09 shizuki言語ファイルの「アク禁」を「アクセス規制」に変更
2009-03-30 shizuki管理画面のCSS再調整
2009-03-26 shizukiadd "title" attr for link to CSS
2009-03-26 shizuki最初のアイテムのバージョン表記修正
2009-03-26 shizukiinstall.phpでtabindex飛ばしてたところがあったんで修正
2009-03-22 shizukiFIXED: When inclusion tried to do the special skin...
2009-03-22 shizukiBUG fix parseHighlight() method in globalfunctions.php
2009-03-21 shizukiFIXED: When inclusion tried to do the special skin...
2009-03-18 shizukiEUCのインストールファイル削除
2009-03-17 kmorimatsuSupport using mb-emulator when installing Nucleus.
2009-03-17 kmorimatsuCompletely delete $CONF['DisableEncodingCheck'] feature.
2009-03-17 shizukibug fix
2009-03-17 shizukiインストールスクリプトを統合
2009-03-16 kmorimatsu$CONF['DisableEncodingCheck'] for encoding_check function.
2009-03-16 shizukibookmarklet.php内のuniDecode関数で、「preg_replace_callback...
2009-03-15 shizukiUPDATE: update version history and change version to...