OSDN Git Service

2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Remove double cache eviction logic."
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "MediaPlayer2: allow multiple EventCallback's"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "More gracefully handle client death"
2018-01-29 Jorim JaggiMerge "If nothing to animate, don't call remote animator"
2018-01-29 Sudheer ShankaMerge "Add a DPM api to check if a pkg is restricted...
2018-01-29 Jason MonkMore gracefully handle client death
2018-01-29 Jean-Michel... Merge "Add support for external volume handler of volum...
2018-01-29 Dan WillemsenMerge "Differentiate SystemUISharedLib library vs apk"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Clean up MediaMetadataRetriever use"
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Changed "the value of an item that previou...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Keep track of battery drain rate in various...
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Changed "the value of an item that previou...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Fix battery background color in QS"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "PackageSignatures: bring back tag skipping on...
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Changed "the value of an item that previou...
2018-01-29 Winson ChungMerge "Defer surface layouts during recents animation...
2018-01-29 Chris CraikMerge "@FastNative for CursorWindow"
2018-01-29 Android Build... Merge "Merge "Docs: Inserting a line to include the...
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Inserting a line to include the documentat...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Temporary Threshold for Binder Proxy Tracking"
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Added a link to the Motion Sensor docs...
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Inserting a line to include the documentat...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Make device owner user command foreground"
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Added a link to the Motion Sensor docs...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Introduce MeasuredText related perf tests"
2018-01-29 Sudheer ShankaAdd a DPM api to check if a pkg is restricted to use...
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Inserting a line to include the documentat...
2018-01-29 Jon DormodyMerge "Docs: Added a link to the Motion Sensor docs...
2018-01-29 Wei JiaMediaPlayer2: allow multiple EventCallback's
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Fix JNI abort due to mismatched critical get...
2018-01-29 Mike DigmanMerge "Make all unchooseable orientations update rotati...
2018-01-29 Evan LairdFix battery background color in QS
2018-01-29 Makoto OnukiKeep track of battery drain rate in various states...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Adds generic intent Instant App resolution"
2018-01-29 Pavel GrafovMerge "Log additional events in security log."
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Minor fixes on URI permission methods."
2018-01-29 Android Build... Merge "Merge "Add android.Manifest.permission.NFC_TRANS...
2018-01-29 Ruchi KandoiMerge "Add android.Manifest.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_...
2018-01-29 Yao ChenMerge "Add more statsd's debugging info to dumpsys."
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Add slice subtype constants for sliders/progress."
2018-01-29 Ruchi KandoiMerge "Add android.Manifest.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_...
2018-01-29 Ruchi KandoiMerge "Add android.Manifest.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_...
2018-01-29 Jorim JaggiIf nothing to animate, don't call remote animator
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Defer cross profile animation is the activity...
2018-01-29 Treehugger... Merge "Add android.Manifest.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_...
2018-01-29 Winson ChungDefer surface layouts during recents animation setup...
2018-01-29 Jorim JaggiMerge "Fix issue with flickering with recents animation"
2018-01-29 Jean-Michel... Add support for external volume handler of volume adjus...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Re-initialize the brightness slider when out...
2018-01-29 Android Build... Merge "Docs: Removed rogue "(TODO)" note in FLAG_SHOW_L...
2018-01-29 Ricardo Loo... Docs: Removed rogue "(TODO)" note in FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS...
2018-01-29 Annie MengMerge "Update adb backup/restore confirmation activity...
2018-01-29 Lucas DupinMerge "Lock screen message alignment"
2018-01-29 Ricardo Loo... Docs: Removed rogue "(TODO)" note in FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Reduce pss collection amount, improve logging."
2018-01-29 Winson ChungMerge changes I423d6df4,I7b8a079b
2018-01-29 Pavel GrafovLog additional events in security log.
2018-01-29 Patrick BaumannAdds generic intent Instant App resolution
2018-01-29 Jason MonkMerge "Fix nav keys being tiny on sw600dp devices"...
2018-01-29 Dan CashmanPackageSignatures: bring back tag skipping on unknown...
2018-01-29 David BrazdilMerge "Control hidden API toast with a system property...
2018-01-29 Jason MonkMerge "Fix nav keys being tiny on sw600dp devices"...
2018-01-29 David BrazdilMerge "Control hidden API toast with a system property...
2018-01-29 Jason MonkMerge "Fix nav keys being tiny on sw600dp devices"
2018-01-29 David BrazdilMerge "Control hidden API toast with a system property"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Alarms and Media visibly muted in PriorityOnly...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "MediaSession2/Controller2: Add playlist support"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Remove return value in clearApplicationUserData"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge changes from topics "sessiontoken2_simpl", "move_...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "readCertsListXml: fix IndexOutofBoundsException...
2018-01-29 Bryce LeeMerge "Do not propagate parent bound changes from task...
2018-01-29 Ricky WaiMerge "Enable IP callback for Network Watchlist"
2018-01-29 Michael WrightRe-initialize the brightness slider when out of sync.
2018-01-29 Treehugger... Merge "Fix nav keys being tiny on sw600dp devices"
2018-01-29 David BrazdilMerge "Control hidden API toast with a system property"
2018-01-29 Tony MakDefer cross profile animation is the activity is interc...
2018-01-29 Hyundo MoonMediaSession2/Controller2: Add playlist support
2018-01-29 Jaewan KimMediaSession2: Simplify constructor of SessionToken2
2018-01-29 Jaewan KimMediaSession2: Move binder interfaces into the updatable
2018-01-29 Jaewan KimMediaSession2: Move MediaItem2 to updatable
2018-01-29 Jaewan KimMediaSession2: Implements sendCustomCommand()
2018-01-29 Mihai PopaMerge "[Magnifier-17] Decrease magnifier width"
2018-01-29 Narayan KamathMerge "WorkSource: Mark methods required by GMS as...
2018-01-29 Annie MengUpdate adb backup/restore confirmation activity on...
2018-01-29 Eric SandnessMerge "Javadoc For DA Deprecation"
2018-01-29 Mihai PopaMerge "[Magnifier-16] Clamp to surface against distortion"
2018-01-29 Mihai Popa[Magnifier-16] Clamp to surface against distortion
2018-01-29 Mihai Popa[Magnifier-17] Decrease magnifier width
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "LogoutAction should store current user id before...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Remove unnecessary <uses-library> for android...
2018-01-29 Leon ScrogginsMerge "Do not close InputStream from InputStreamSource"
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "Refactor the PackageBackwardCompatibilityTest"
2018-01-29 David BrazdilControl hidden API toast with a system property
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "MediaController2: Implement get/setPlaylistParams"
2018-01-29 Hyundo MoonMediaController2: Implement get/setPlaylistParams
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge changes from topic "session2_playlist_add_remove"
2018-01-29 Insun KangMerge "VideoView2: Adds Executor paramter to setFooList...
2018-01-29 TreeHugger... Merge "VideoView2: MediaRouter integration with MediaSe...
2018-01-29 Ricardo Loo... Docs: Removed rogue "(TODO)" note in FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS...
2018-01-29 Ricardo Loo... Merge "Docs: Fixed broken link to Traceview docs" into...