OSDN Git Service

2010-10-07 0809216Remove /sbin/l7vsadm
2010-10-06 6638678bug fix
2010-10-06 6638678bug fix
2010-10-06 0809216Fix typo
2010-10-06 6638678Change l7vsadm -V format
2010-10-05 0809216Add l7directord scripts.
2010-10-04 0809216spell check by aspell
2010-10-04 0809216Change file name
2010-10-01 6638678bug fix
2010-10-01 6638678Change version number
2010-09-30 0809216Include csignal
2010-09-30 0809216Delete files
2010-09-30 0809216Merge
2010-09-29 0809216Merge DHC codes
2010-09-28 6638678Add SNMP code
2010-09-28 6638678Add doc/mibs
2010-09-28 6638678Add SNMP code
2010-09-28 6638678Marge SourceIP code <= SNMP code
2010-09-17 0809216マージ途中(たぶんビルドできません)
2010-09-17 6638678Add test scripts
2010-09-17 0809216Add tcp_session UT
2010-09-17 0809216Add workaround for address already in use.
2010-09-16 6638678エラーメッセージの変更に対応
2010-09-16 6638678Add test scripts
2010-09-16 0809216Fixed help: added about sorryserver forwarding mechanism
2010-09-16 6638678エラーメッセージの変更に対応
2010-09-10 0809216Fix configure.in, configure
2010-09-09 6638678add test scripts
2010-09-09 6638678bug fix
2010-09-09 6638678delete file
2010-09-09 6638678rename test scripts
2010-09-07 0809216Fix log message bug.
2010-09-07 0809216Add IP_TRANSPARENT guard
2010-09-07 0809216Fix boost lib suffix
2010-09-07 0809216Revert autotools files for RHEL5.5
2010-09-07 6638678Delete file
2010-09-07 6638678Bug fix
2010-09-07 0809216Add weight check(sslid)
2010-09-07 0809216Add weight check...
2010-09-07 0809216typo fix
2010-09-07 0809216xtimeでのcondition.timed_waitからsleepに変更
2010-09-06 0809216ソースIP伝播UT(virtualservice)
2010-09-06 0809216ソースIP伝播UT追加(realaserver)
2010-09-06 6638678Delete file
2010-09-06 0809216ソースIP伝播UT追加(l7vsadm)
2010-09-06 6638678Add test scripts
2010-09-03 6638678delete file
2010-09-03 6638678add snmp func and testscript
2010-09-03 6638678delete file
2010-09-03 6638678add test scripts
2010-09-03 6638678bug fix
2010-09-03 nakairevert ut_run.sh
2010-09-03 nakaiatomic UT...........
2010-09-03 0809216Fix sessionless UT
2010-09-03 0809216Change l7directord log messages.
2010-09-03 0809216Fix --sorry-uri: protocol_module_sessionless.cpp, proto...
2010-09-03 0809216Tproxy implement.
2010-09-02 6638678Add test script
2010-09-01 0809216commit client-src-ip ver. for ossc. not completed
2010-08-31 6638678rename file
2010-08-31 6638678Add test scripts
2010-08-30 0809216Remove test_client(bin)
2010-08-27 6638678add test scripts
2010-08-27 6638678bug fix
2010-08-27 6638678add test scripts
2010-08-27 6638678bugfix
2010-08-26 0809216Change l7vsadm test number.
2010-08-23 nakaifinalizeで無限ループするため、テスト用にはfinalizeを呼ばないように変更
2010-08-23 nakaigetloglevelの関数がdebugを返している部分をwarnに変更
2010-08-23 nakaicond/epollとの整合部分を追加
2010-08-23 nakaiunit_test/l7vs.cfの内容が古かったため更新
2010-08-23 0809216fix makefile
2010-08-20 6638678bug fix
2010-08-20 6638678bug fix
2010-08-19 0809216Add UT make file...
2010-08-19 6638678bug fix
2010-08-18 nakaiboostのライブラリ表記を修正
2010-08-18 nakai--targetを--tcp-serviceに変更した部分のテスト修正。--moduleを--proto...
2010-08-18 0809216fix l7vsd.h
2010-08-17 6638678bug fix
2010-08-17 6638678bug fix
2010-08-17 0809216Revert IP_TRANSPARENT codes.
2010-08-17 6638678add test scripts
2010-08-17 nakaiMakefileの環境依存部分修正
2010-08-17 nakaivirtual_serviceのUTが通るように変更。sessionがepollやcondでwaitをするので...
2010-08-17 0809216Fixed: ip UT
2010-08-17 6638678add test scripts
2010-08-17 0809216Remove direct call of boost::*::detail
2010-08-17 0809216Fixed: Seesionless UT
2010-08-16 0809216Add unit test code
2010-08-16 6638678add test scripts
2010-08-16 6638678add test script
2010-08-16 0809216hook test
2010-08-16 0809216Delete TEST_DIR
2010-08-16 6638678add test scripts and organize folder
2010-08-13 0809216bugfix: l7vsadm test, umtest.sh
2010-08-05 0809216Change filename again...
2010-08-05 0809216test: change l7vsadm script name. see filename_change_h...
2010-08-05 6638678bug fix
2010-08-05 6638678bug fix