#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # set -u export LANG=C script_path=$(readlink -f ${0%/*}) cache_dir="${script_path}/cache" channels_dir="${script_path}/channels" isolinux_dir="${script_path}/isolinux" codename="focal" mirror="http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/ubuntu/" os_name="Ubuntu" iso_name="ubuntu" arch=amd64 work_dir="${script_path}/work" out_dir="${script_path}/out" iso_label="${os_name}_${codename}_${arch}" iso_publisher='Fascode Network ' iso_application="${os_name} Live/Rescue CD" iso_version="${codename}-$(date +%Y.%m.%d)" iso_filename="${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${arch}.iso" channel_name="serene" debug=false cache_only=false start_time="$(date +%s)" _msg_common() { if [[ "${debug}" = true ]]; then local _current_time="$(date +%s)" local _time _time="$(("${_current_time}"-"${start_time}"))" if [[ "${_time}" -ge 3600 ]]; then echo "[$(date -d @${_time} +%H:%M.%S)]$("${script_path}/echo_color" -t 6 "[LUBS Core]")" elif [[ "${_time}" -ge 60 ]]; then echo "[00:$(date -d @${_time} +%M.%S)]$("${script_path}/echo_color" -t 6 "[LUBS Core]")" else echo "[00:00.$(date -d @${_time} +%S)] $("${script_path}/echo_color" -t 6 "[LUBS Core]")" fi else "${script_path}/echo_color" -t 6 "[LUBS Core]" fi } # Show an INFO message # _msg_info _msg_info() { local _msg="${@}" echo "$(_msg_common) $("${script_path}/echo_color" -t 2 "Info:") ${_msg}" } # Show an debug message # _msg_debug _msg_debug() { if [[ "${debug}" = true ]]; then local _msg="${@}" echo "$(_msg_common) $("${script_path}/echo_color" -t 3 "Debug:") ${_msg}" fi } # Show an ERROR message then exit with status # _msg_error _msg_error() { local _msg="${1}" local _error=${2} echo "$(_msg_common) $("${script_path}/echo_color" -t 1 "Error:") ${_msg}" if [[ ! ${_error} = 0 ]]; then exit ${_error} fi } # Unmount chroot dir umount_chroot () { local mount for mount in $(mount | awk '{print $3}' | grep $(realpath ${work_dir})); do _msg_info "Unmounting ${mount}" umount -fl "${mount}" done } # Helper function to run make_*() only one time. run_once() { local name umount_chroot if [[ "run_bootfiles" == "$1" ]]; then name="$2" else name="$1" fi if [[ ! -e "${work_dir}/build.${name}" ]]; then _msg_info "$(echo $name | sed "s@_@ @g") is starting." if [[ "run_bootfiles" == "$1" ]]; then "$1" "$2" else "$1" fi _msg_info "$(echo $name | sed "s@_@ @g") was done!" touch "${work_dir}/build.${name}" fi } run_cmd() { arch-chroot "${work_dir}/airootfs" "${@}" } run_bootfiles() { cd "${bootfiles_dir}" "$1" cd - > /dev/null } _apt_install() { run_cmd apt-get --no-install-recommends --yes install ${@} } # rm helper # Delete the file if it exists. # For directories, rm -rf is used. # If the file does not exist, skip it. # remove ... remove() { local _list local _file _list=($(echo "$@")) for _file in "${_list[@]}"; do _msg_debug "Removeing ${_file}" if [[ -f ${_file} ]]; then rm -f "${_file}" elif [[ -d ${_file} ]]; then rm -rf "${_file}" fi done } # Show help _usage () { echo "usage ${0} [options] [channel]" echo echo " General options:" echo echo " -a | --arch Set architecture" echo " Default: ${arch}" echo " -c | --codename Set ubuntu codename" echo " Default: ${codename}" echo " -m | --mirror Set apt mirror server." echo " Default: ${mirror}" echo " -o | --out Set the output directory" echo " Default: ${out_dir}" echo " -w | --work Set the working directory" echo " Default: ${work_dir}" echo echo " -d | --debug " echo " -h | --help This help message and exit" echo echo "You can switch between installed packages, files included in images, etc. by channel." echo echo " Channel:" local _channel local channel_list local description for _channel in $(ls -l "${channels_dir}" | awk '$1 ~ /d/ {print $9 }'); do if [[ -n $(ls "${channels_dir}/${_channel}") ]] && [[ ! "${_channel}" = "share" ]]; then channel_list="${channel_list[@]} ${_channel}" fi done for _channel in ${channel_list[@]}; do if [[ -f "${channels_dir}/${_channel}/description.txt" ]]; then description=$(cat "${channels_dir}/${_channel}/description.txt") else description="This channel does not have a description.txt." fi echo -ne " ${_channel}" for i in $( seq 1 $(( 23 - ${#_channel} )) ); do echo -ne " " done echo -ne "${description}\n" done } prepare_build() { if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then _msg_error "This script must be run as root." 1 fi [[ ! -d "${work_dir}" ]] && mkdir -p "${work_dir}" [[ ! -d "${out_dir}" ]] && mkdir -p "${out_dir}" local mount for mount in $(mount | awk '{print $3}' | grep $(realpath ${work_dir}) | sort -r); do _msg_info "Unmounting ${mount}" umount "${mount}" done # Check codename if [[ -z $(grep -h -v ^'#' ${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/codename.${arch} | grep -x ${codename}) ]]; then _msg_error "This codename (${channel_name}) is not supported on this channel (${codename})." fi } make_basefs() { local debootstrap_status statusfile="${cache_dir}/${codename}/status" debootstrap_status() { if [[ ! -d "$(dirname ${statusfile})" ]]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname ${statusfile})" fi echo "${1}" > "${statusfile}" } if [[ -f "${statusfile}" ]] && [[ $(cat "${statusfile}" 2> /dev/null) = "Done" ]]; then _msg_info "${codename} cache is found." else remove "${cache_dir}/${codename}" debootstrap_status "Running" _msg_info "Installing Ubuntu to '${cache_dir}/${codename}/airootfs'..." mkdir -p "${cache_dir}/${codename}/airootfs" debootstrap --arch=${arch} --include=linux-image-generic --verbose --merged-usr "${codename}" "${cache_dir}/${codename}/airootfs" ${mirror} _msg_info "${codename} installed successfully!" debootstrap_status "Done" fi if [[ "${cache_only}" = true ]]; then exit 0 fi rm -rf "${work_dir}/airootfs" && mkdir -p "${work_dir}/airootfs" _msg_info "copy base files from '${cache_dir}/${codename}/airootfs' to '${work_dir}/airootfs'..." rsync -au "${cache_dir}/${codename}/airootfs/" "${work_dir}/airootfs" echo 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:${PATH}' >> "${work_dir}/airootfs/etc/bash.bashrc" run_cmd apt-get update # run_cmd apt-get upgrade } make_sourcelist() { cp ${script_path}/source.list.d/${codename}/* ${work_dir}/airootfs/etc/apt run_cmd apt-get update if [[ -n $(find ${channels_dir}/*/repo -type f) ]]; then _apt_install gnupg for repo in $(find ${channels_dir}/*/repo -name *.list); do key="$(dirname $repo)/$(basename $repo | sed "s/list/key/")" if [[ -f "$key" ]]; then if $(file $key | grep -q "PGP/GPG key"); then cp $key ${work_dir}/airootfs/$(basename $key) else wget -q -O ${work_dir}/airootfs/$(basename $key) $(cat $key) fi run_cmd apt-key add $(basename $key) rm ${work_dir}/airootfs/$(basename $key) cp $repo ${work_dir}/airootfs/etc/apt/sources.list.d fi done run_cmd apt-get update fi # PPA local PPA_FILELIST local _PPA_FILE local _ppa PPA_FILELIST=("${channels_dir}/share/ppa_list.${arch}" "${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/ppa_list.${arch}") _apt_install software-properties-common for _PPA_FILE in ${PPA_FILELIST[@]}; do if [[ -f "${_PPA_FILE}" ]]; then for _ppa in $(grep -h -v ^'#' ${_PPA_FILE}); do run_cmd add-apt-repository --yes "${_ppa}" done fi done } make_systemd() { _apt_install systemd-sysv run_cmd dbus-uuidgen > /etc/machine-id run_cmd ln -fs /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus/machine-id } make_apt_packages() { remove "${work_dir}/airootfs/aptpkglist" if [[ -f "${channels_dir}/share/packages.${arch}" ]]; then grep -h -v ^'#' "${channels_dir}/share/packages.${arch}" | grep -v "^$" >> "${work_dir}/airootfs/aptpkglist" fi if [[ -f "${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/packages.${arch}" ]]; then grep -h -v ^'#' "${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/packages.${arch}" | grep -v "^$" >> "${work_dir}/airootfs/aptpkglist" fi if [[ -n "$(echo $(<"${work_dir}/airootfs/aptpkglist"))" ]]; then run_cmd env -i bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --no-install-recommends --yes install $(echo $(> "${work_dir}/airootfs/snappkglist" fi if [[ -f "${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/snap-packages.${arch}" ]]; then grep -h -v ^'#' "${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/snap-packages.${arch}" | grep -v "^$" >> "${work_dir}/airootfs/snappkglist" fi if [[ -n "$(echo $(<"${work_dir}/airootfs/snappkglist"))" ]]; then run_cmd env -i bash -c 'snap install $(echo $( '/etc/timezone' #run_cmd dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata run_cmd env -i bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure network-manager' run_cmd truncate -s 0 /etc/machine-id } make_customize_airootfs() { # Overwrite airootfs with customize_airootfs. local copy_airootfs copy_airootfs() { local i for i in "${@}"; do local _dir="${1%/}" if [[ -d "${_dir}" ]]; then cp -af "${_dir}"/* "${work_dir}/airootfs" fi done } copy_airootfs "${channels_dir}/share/airootfs" copy_airootfs "${channels_dir}/${channel_name}/airootfs" if [[ -f "${work_dir}/airootfs/root/customize_airootfs.sh" ]]; then chmod 755 "${work_dir}/airootfs/root/customize_airootfs.sh" run_cmd "/root/customize_airootfs.sh" fi } make_clean() { run_cmd apt-get clean run_cmd apt-get --yes autoremove run_cmd rm -rf "/tmp/* ~/.bash_history" } make_bootfiles() { run_cmd update-initramfs -c -k all _apt_install memtest86+ [[ -d "${bootfiles_dir}" ]] && rm -r "${bootfiles_dir}" mkdir -p ${bootfiles_dir}/{casper,isolinux,install} cp ${work_dir}/airootfs/boot/vmlinuz-*-*-generic ${bootfiles_dir}/casper/vmlinuz cp ${work_dir}/airootfs/boot/initrd.img-*-*-generic ${bootfiles_dir}/casper/initrd cp ${work_dir}/airootfs/boot/memtest86+.bin ${bootfiles_dir}/install/memtest86+ if [[ ! -f "${cache_dir}/memtest86-usb.zip" ]]; then wget -O ${cache_dir}/memtest86-usb.zip https://www.memtest86.com/downloads/memtest86-usb.zip fi (unzip -p ${cache_dir}/memtest86-usb.zip memtest86-usb.img > ${bootfiles_dir}/install/memtest86) } make_grubcfg() { touch "${bootfiles_dir}/ubuntu" cp ${isolinux_dir}/grub.cfg ${bootfiles_dir}/isolinux/grub.cfg } make_manifest() { run_cmd dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package} ${Version}\n' | tee ${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest cp -v ${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop" sed -i '/ubiquity/d' "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop" sed -i '/casper/d' "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop" sed -i '/discover/d' "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop" sed -i '/laptop-detect/d' "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop" sed -i '/os-prober/d' "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop" } make_squashfs() { mksquashfs "${work_dir}/airootfs" "${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.squashfs" printf $(du -sx --block-size=1 "${work_dir}/airootfs" | cut -f1) > ${bootfiles_dir}/casper/filesystem.size } make_deifnes() { cp ${isolinux_dir}/README.diskdefines ${bootfiles_dir}/README.diskdefines } make_isolinux() { if [[ "${arch}" = "amd64" ]]; then local _arch="x86_64" else local _arch="${arch}" fi grub-mkstandalone \ --format=${_arch}-efi \ --output=isolinux/bootx64.efi \ --locales="" \ --fonts="" \ "boot/grub/grub.cfg=isolinux/grub.cfg" ( cd isolinux && \ dd if=/dev/zero of=efiboot.img bs=1M count=10 && \ sudo mkfs.vfat efiboot.img && \ LC_CTYPE=C mmd -i efiboot.img efi efi/boot && \ LC_CTYPE=C mcopy -i efiboot.img ./bootx64.efi ::efi/boot/ ) grub-mkstandalone \ --format=i386-pc \ --output=isolinux/core.img \ --install-modules="linux16 linux normal iso9660 biosdisk memdisk search tar ls" \ --modules="linux16 linux normal iso9660 biosdisk search" \ --locales="" \ --fonts="" \ "boot/grub/grub.cfg=isolinux/grub.cfg" cat /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/cdboot.img isolinux/core.img > isolinux/bios.img } make_md5sum() { /bin/bash -c "(find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v "\./md5sum.txt" > md5sum.txt)" } make_iso() { xorriso \ -as mkisofs \ -iso-level 3 \ -full-iso9660-filenames \ -volid "${iso_label}" \ -appid "${iso_application}" \ -publisher "${iso_publisher}" \ -preparer "prepared by LUBS" \ -eltorito-boot boot/grub/bios.img \ -no-emul-boot \ -boot-load-size 4 \ -boot-info-table \ --eltorito-catalog boot/grub/boot.cat \ --grub2-boot-info \ --grub2-mbr /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/boot_hybrid.img \ -eltorito-alt-boot \ -e EFI/efiboot.img \ -no-emul-boot \ -append_partition 2 0xef isolinux/efiboot.img \ -output "${out_dir}/${iso_filename}" \ -graft-points \ "." \ /boot/grub/bios.img=isolinux/bios.img \ /EFI/efiboot.img=isolinux/efiboot.img } make_checksum() { cd ${out_dir} _msg_info "Creating md5 checksum ..." md5sum "${iso_filename}" > "${iso_filename}.md5" _msg_info "Creating sha256 checksum ..." sha256sum "${iso_filename}" > "${iso_filename}.sha256" cd - > /dev/null 2>&1 } # 引数解析() # 参考記事:https://0e0.pw/ci83 https://0e0.pw/VJlg _opt_short="w:o:ha:-:m:c:d" _opt_long="help,arch:,codename:,debug,help,mirror:,out:,work,cache-only" OPT=$(getopt -o ${_opt_short} -l ${_opt_long} -- "${@}") if [[ ${?} != 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi eval set -- "${OPT}" while :; do case ${1} in -a | --arch) if [[ -z ${2} ]]; then _msg_error "Please specify the architecture." exit 1 else arch="${2}" fi shift 2 ;; -c | --codename) if [[ -z ${2} ]]; then _msg_error "Please specify the codename." exit 1 else codename="${2}" fi shift 2 ;; -d | --debug) debug=true shift 1 ;; -h | --help) _usage exit 0 ;; -m | --mirror) if [[ -z ${2} ]]; then _msg_error "Please specify the mirror server." exit 1 else mirror="${2}" fi shift 2 ;; -o | --out) if [[ -z ${2} ]]; then _msg_error "Please specify the out dir." exit 1 fi shift 2 ;; -w | --work) if [[ -z ${2} ]]; then _msg_error "Please specify the out dir." exit 1 else work_dir="${2}" fi shift 2 ;; --cache-only) cache_only=true shift 1 ;; --) shift break ;; *) _msg_error "Invalid argument '${1}'" _usage 1 ;; esac done bootfiles_dir="${work_dir}/bootfiles" prepare_build run_once make_basefs run_once make_sourcelist run_once make_systemd run_once make_apt_packages # run_once make_snap_packages run_once make_config run_once make_customize_airootfs run_once make_clean run_once make_bootfiles run_once make_grubcfg run_once make_manifest run_once make_squashfs run_once make_deifnes run_once run_bootfiles make_isolinux run_once run_bootfiles make_md5sum run_once run_bootfiles make_iso run_once make_checksum