- lots of work still on device path generation and parsing in -lefiboot: - network paths of all kinds - fcoe - no idea - fc - no idea - iscsi - right now we write out HD paths that don't work because edk2 and similar don't put an HD() below iSCSI(), and there's no such thing as an "abbreviated iscsi device path" - but actually /shows/ it having an HD() path. - so we need to write out: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/MAC(c0ffeec0ffee,1)/IPv4(<->,6,0)/iSCSI(iqn.2012-07.lenovoemc:storage.pjones-iscsi.vol0,1,0x0,None,None,None,TCP) or something like that. - this is ugly :/ - not sure how to tell from the OS side what parts should be DHCP based - pretty ugly when ens3 changes addresses every time - would IPv4(<->,6,0) be valid? - lots of man pages