/* * Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ cc_defaults { name: "minigbm_defaults", srcs: [ "amdgpu.c", "drv.c", "evdi.c", "exynos.c", "helpers_array.c", "helpers.c", "i915.c", "marvell.c", "mediatek.c", "meson.c", "msm.c", "nouveau.c", "radeon.c", "rockchip.c", "tegra.c", "udl.c", "vc4.c", "vgem.c", "virtio_gpu.c", ], cflags: [ "-D_GNU_SOURCE=1", "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "-Wall", "-Wsign-compare", "-Wpointer-arith", "-Wcast-qual", "-Wcast-align", "-Wno-unused-parameter", ], cppflags: ["-std=c++14"], } cc_defaults { name: "minigbm_gralloc_defaults", defaults: ["minigbm_defaults"], header_libs: [ "libhardware_headers", "libnativebase_headers", "libnativewindow_headers", "libsystem_headers", ], export_header_lib_headers: [ "libhardware_headers", "libnativebase_headers", "libnativewindow_headers", "libsystem_headers", ], srcs: [ "cros_gralloc/cros_gralloc_buffer.cc", "cros_gralloc/cros_gralloc_helpers.cc", "cros_gralloc/cros_gralloc_driver.cc", ], static_libs: ["libarect"], export_static_lib_headers: ["libarect"], vendor: true, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "libdrm", "libnativewindow", "libsync", "liblog", ], relative_install_path: "hw", } cc_defaults { name: "gbm_defaults", defaults: ["minigbm_defaults"], srcs: [ "gbm.c", "gbm_helpers.c", ], export_include_dirs: ["."], } cc_library { name: "libgbm", defaults: ["gbm_defaults"], host_supported: true, target: { host: { // Avoid linking to another host copy of libdrm; this library will cause // binary GPU drivers to be loaded from the host, which might be linked // to a system copy of libdrm, which conflicts with the AOSP one allow_undefined_symbols: true, header_libs: ["libdrm"], }, android: { shared_libs: [ "libdrm", "liblog" ], }, }, } cc_library_static { name: "libminigbm_gralloc", defaults: ["minigbm_gralloc_defaults"], shared_libs: ["liblog"], static_libs: ["libdrm"], export_include_dirs: ["."], } cc_library_shared { name: "gralloc.minigbm", defaults: ["minigbm_gralloc_defaults"], srcs: ["cros_gralloc/gralloc0/gralloc0.cc"], } cc_library_shared { name: "gralloc.minigbm_intel", defaults: ["minigbm_gralloc_defaults"], enabled: false, arch: { x86: { enabled: true, }, x86_64: { enabled: true, }, }, cflags: ["-DDRV_I915"], srcs: ["cros_gralloc/gralloc0/gralloc0.cc"], } cc_library_shared { name: "gralloc.minigbm_meson", defaults: ["minigbm_gralloc_defaults"], cflags: ["-DDRV_MESON"], srcs: ["cros_gralloc/gralloc0/gralloc0.cc"], }