Wireless Tools -------------- This package contain the Wireless tools, used to manipulate the Wireless Extensions. The Wireless Extension is an interface allowing you to set Wireless LAN specific parameters and get the specific stats. web page -------- You'll find a lot of useful info on : http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Tools.html http://web.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/ INSTALL ------- This file contains installation instruction and requirements. A *must* read. PCMCIA.txt ---------- This file describes how to use Pcmcia init script to configure Wireless Extensions and how to use Pcmcia schemes. man pages (iwconfig.8, iwlist.8, iwpriv.8, iwspy.8) --------- VERY IMPORTANT : I try to keep the man page up to date, so you'd better read them before asking questions. ALSO IMPORTANT : Those man pages describe the capacity of the tools, no device implement the full range (and drivers usually implement even less). As far as I know, the man pages are the most complete, up to date and accurate documentation of the wireless tools. An update of the web page related to Wireless Extension is long overdue. Send feedback to me. The man pages can either be copied in a location where the command "man" will find them, such as /usr/local/man/man8, or can be read locally with the command : nroff -man xxx.8 | less iwconfig.c ---------- The main wireless tool. Used for device configuration and to see the most common wireless parameters. iwlist.c -------- Display some large chunk of information not displayed by iwconfig. For example, all bit rates, all frequencies, all keys... iwspy.c ------- Mobile IP support test and allow get get stats per MAC address (instead of globally). Also, for some driver/device, this is the only way to get stats in Ad-Hoc mode. iwpriv.c -------- Manipulate driver private ioctls : all parameters that are specific to a driver or a device and therefore not part of iwconfig. iwgetid.c --------- Output the ESSID or NWID of the specified device. Can also output it in a form that can be used as a Pcmcia Scheme. iwevent.c --------- Display Wireless Events. This is new, so there is not much support in drivers for it yet... Changelog, contributions ------------------------ See CHANGELOG.h wireless.h ---------- Definition of the Wireless Extensions. You may drop this file in your kernel headers to update the Wireless Extensions. Just for your enjoyement, there is various release of it. If your kernel/drivers are old, you may want to try the older releases... Other tools : ----------- My web page list many other tools using Wireless Extensions that you may find useful... http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Tools.html#links Other questions : --------------- You have the source, and it is documented. In 99% of the case, you will find your answer there. Good luck... Jean