iio sensors HAL documentation _____________________________ PURPOSE OF THE IIO SENSORS HAL This library links the Android sensors framework to the set of Linux sensors drivers that expose a iio interface. These layers are mostly documented here: https://source.android.com/devices/sensors/hal-interface.html [basic tour of the Android sensors HAL interface] http://source.android.com/devices/halref/sensors_8h_source.html [Android sensor details] https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-iio [overview of the iio interface] DESIGN GOALS The iio sensors HAL is designed to drive a complete collection of sensors, whose types and properties are discovered dynamically. It should be reusable without modification accross a variety of boards, avoiding creating custom HALs over and over, and allowing quick sensors enabling on new hardware platforms. It's meant to be small, simple, and have minimal CPU and memory overhead. FUNCTION The HAL discovers the set of available sensors at startup, reports them to Android, and performs basic operations on them: - enable and disable sensors - set the rate at which sensors should report events to Android - await for samples and return them to Android in the format it expects This is primarily done by reading and writing sysfs files located under /sys/bus/iio, as well as interacting with /dev/iio:deviceX character devices. SUPPORTED SENSOR TYPES As of march 2015 the following sensor types are supported: - accelerometer - gyroscope - magnetometer - ambient light sensor - temperature sensor - proximity sensor - step detector - step counter ENUMERATION Basic enumeration happens by scanning /sys/bus/iio/devices. We search each of the device subfolders for sysfs entries that we can associate to known sensor types. Each of the iio devices can possibly support several sensors. Of particular interest is the scan_elements subfolder, which we use to determine if a specific sensor will be used in trigger mode (interrupt driven) or in polled mode (sampling happens in response to sysfs reads). EVENTS and POLLING The preferred way to retrieve data from a sensor is though the associated iio character device. That implies that the sensor can report events whenever new samples become available. The iio sensor HAL opens a fd on each of the /dev/iio:deviceX files associated to enabled sensors, and add these fds to a fd set monitored by a single poll call, which blocks the HAL's main sensor data polling function. From there we read "device reports" that can possibly hold data for several sensors, and split that in "sensor reports" that we translate into the format Android expects. Another mode of operation is polling mode. It is engaged if no scan_elements folder is found, or if no iio channels are detected for the sensor. In that case we start a dedicated data acquisition thread for the sensor, which will periodically read sysfs entries (either _raw or _input) to get sensor data. This data is then transmitted to the main poll thread through Unix pipes, whose reader end fds get added to the monitored fd set. TRIGGERS Triggers are the iio way of selecting when a iio driver should alert userspace that there is new data available. At least one "data ready" trigger needs to be exposed. These are expected to fire periodically, at a programmed sampling rate, whenever the sensor driver acquires a new sample from hardware. Another type of trigger we support is motion based ; if a motion trigger is selected, the driver will avoid sending duplicate samples to userspace. In practise, the sensors HAL only gets data when there the device position changes. The iio sensor HAL has an internal "repeat last sample" logic for sensor types from which Android expects to get data periodically, unbeknown that layers below are only sending data on motion. We selected to engage this mode only for low frequencies (~25 Hz or less) as certain games are sensitive to the thresholding effects that motion triggers yield. FDs and CHANNELS The iio sensors HAL always open a fd on the iio device associated to an enabled sensor. The assumption there is that the hardware should be powered off unless a fd is open on the associated iio device. That is done even for polled sensors. If the iio device supports several sensors types we can handle, all recognized channels get enabled at startup, and remain so. Although the iio interface supports dynamic enabling and disabling of individual channels, doing so changes the size of the "device reports" we read from the iio device fds, and creates complicated synchronization issues in the data decoding code path of the HAL, that we preferred to avoid for the time being. TIMESTAMPS Android associates timestamps to samples. These timestamps are expressed as the time elapsed since the beginning of the boot sequence. If possible, we read the iio timestamps from the timestamp channel, alongside sample data ; these are closely correlated to the actual data acquisition time, as they come from the driver, and possibly from hardware. ORIENTATION MAPPING The sensors HAL is able to interpret optional 'panel' and 'rotation' specifiers from ACPI DSDT entries for sensors. See: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-acpi/msg51540.html It is possible to supersede these values using the .panel and .rotation properties (both need to be specified, and they are read only once at boot time). UNIT CONVERSION iio and Android occasionally disagree on the units to use. That is the case for: - magnetic field strength: Tesla vs Gauss - proximity The HAL performs appropriate mappings. OPTIONAL PROPERTIES We support a variety of properties. Some convey user visible information which is passed Android. Properties are expressed by sensor type, such as: ro.iio.accel.name = "Intel Accelerometer" On certain boards we may have several sensors of the same type. It's then possible to specialize the name using the iio sysfs 'name' contents: ro.iio.temp.bmg160.name = "BMG160 Thermometer". If several properties match, the most specific form has higher priority. All properties are optional. As of March 2015 the following properties are supported: .name : user visible sensor name, passed to Android .vendor : user visible sensor manufacturer name, passed to Android .resolution : sensor measurement resolution, in Android units, passed to Android .power : sensor estimated power draw, in mA, presumably at 3.7V .transform : used to switch to the units used by early ISH drivers ; deprecated .max_freq : specifies a cap for the sensor sampling rate .min_freq : specify a floor for the sensor sampling rate .cal_steps : specify the maximum attempted calibration level for the magnetometer .illumincalib : specify a gain for certain ALS drivers ; passed through sysfs .order : allows reordering channels ; used internally ; deprecated .quirks : allows specifying various processing options ; see QUIRKS .panel : allows expressing/superseding the _PLD panel indicator (4=front, 5=back) .rotation : allows expressing/superseding the _PLD rotation indicator (x 45° clockwise) .scale : scaling/sensitivity hint for the driver, stored through sysfs .opt_scale : optional scaling applied at a late stage to channel values ; deprecated .filter : allows selecting one of the available filters, and its strength QUIRKS One of the properties we use allows influencing how a specific sensor is used. It's the 'quirks' property, and allows the HAL to compensate for hardware or driver idiosyncrasies. Several quirks can be specified using commas to separate them. Available quirks are: noisy : engage default filter for the sensor type to smooth out noise terse : auto-repeat events as if the trigger was a motion trigger, even though it's not advertised as such continuous : disable use of motion trigger even if the sensor supports it init-rate : set sampling rate at 10 Hz after enabling that sensor biased : the sensor has unusually high bias ; engage high bias detection and compensation routines spotty : the sensor may have gaps in its events sequence ; adjust timestamps accordingly FILTERING Some sensor types are inherently low precision and provide data that is statistically noisy. If the noisy quirk is specified, we apply a predetermined filtering strategy depending on the sensor type, to smooth out the noise in samples before they are passed to Android. That can add latency in the sensor output. It's also possible to individually set a sensor filter selection and strength through properties. ro.iio.anglvel.filter = average or ro.iio.anglvel.filter = average, 10 CALIBRATION Calibration is a different concept from filtering. It has a different meaning depending on the sensor type. UNCALIBRATED SENSORS Android 4.4 (KitKat) introduced the uncalibrated gyroscope and uncalibrated magnetometer sensor types. They are virtual sensors that decouple the sensor data from the correction that is applied to it by the HAL, so upper layers can choose to alter or ignore the correction that got applied at the HAL level. VIRTUAL SENSORS The HAL can expose logical sensors, such as the uncalibrated gyroscope, in addition to the set of iio sensors. These are built on top of base sensors. The Android framework can add its own virtual sensors too. Those are typically composite (fusion) sensors, relying on several base sensors for their work. The current Android code for this, as of Android 5.0, sets the gyroscope at 200 Hz, the magnetometer at 50 Hz, and the accelerometer at the target frequency for the virtual sensor. SAMPLING RATE Arbitration levels and iio device colocation, virtual sensors, per sensor rate, Android level arbitration, published rates. TRANSFORMS The transform property got used to support early iio drivers for the Intel Sensor Hub on Haswell machines. It should no longer be used and support for it may be deleted in the future. SOURCE TREE The most central source files are: common.h : definitions shared among all files entry.c : iio sensors HAL entry points enumeration.c : sensor enumeration routines control.c : enabling, disabling, sampling rate control THREADS The sensors HAL code runs in the context of the calling threads (Android Sensor Service threads, from the Service Manager process). It spawns one additional thread per polling sensor in use though. This thread communicates its data to the single polling thread through a pipe, whose fd is added to the set of fds the polling thread waits on. BATCHING DRIVER DESIDERATA - one iio device per sensor - interrupt driven - no jitter - sampling frequency per sensor - timestamp channel - fast stabilization time on enabling MISC - ueventd.rc file access rights - iio-sensors-hal.so (IRDA autodetect) vs sensors.gmin.so (GMIN) - .conf files, persistency - code writing convention HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE - Star Peak on XPS 12, Harris Beach, T100 - GMIN MRD 7, Anchor 8 - IRDA ECS, ECS 2, CHIPHD, Malata - SoFIA - ISH AUTO-DETECTION Multi-device targets (coho/cohol) rely on the hardware auto-detection daemon (hald) to set properties for the enumerated sensors. hald listens for uevents that get sent by the kernel during system startup, and matches them against a list of known sensor parts. This list is built from the set of HAL record files located under /system/etc/hald/hrec.d. Whenever a match is found, the properties defined in the sensor's record file are set. Additional actions, such as installing permission files, are possible. For targets that don't rely on autodetection, sensor properties are set in system init scripts. The following commands may be useful (run as root): halctl -l : lists detected devices halctl -g sensors : identifies the selected sensors HAL library getprop | grep iio : list sensor properties pm list features | grep sensor : list sensor features, as defined through permission files logcat | grep -i sensor : get sensor traces TIPS AND TRICKS The iio sensors HAL .so file is stored on a read-only partition, under /system/lib/hw. Quick testing of code changes can be done using the following commands: mmm adb root adb remount adb pull adb push adb reboot adb shell ALOGV traces are compiled out ; you may want to redefine ALOGV in common.h in order to get them.