package accesstoken import ( "context" "os" "strings" "testing" dbm "" "" ) func TestCreate(t *testing.T) { testDB := dbm.NewDB("testdb", "leveldb", "temp") defer os.RemoveAll("temp") cs := NewStore(testDB) ctx := context.Background() cases := []struct { id, typ string want error }{ {"a", "client", nil}, {"b", "network", nil}, {"", "client", ErrBadID}, {"bad:id", "client", ErrBadID}, {"a", "network", ErrDuplicateID}, // this aborts the transaction, so no tests can follow } for _, c := range cases { _, err := cs.Create(ctx,, c.typ) if errors.Root(err) != c.want { t.Errorf("Create(%s, %s) error = %s want %s",, c.typ, err, c.want) } } } func TestList(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() testDB := dbm.NewDB("testdb", "leveldb", "temp") defer os.RemoveAll("temp") cs := NewStore(testDB) tokenMap := make(map[string]*Token) tokenMap["ab"] = mustCreateToken(ctx, t, cs, "ab", "test") tokenMap["bc"] = mustCreateToken(ctx, t, cs, "bc", "test") tokenMap["cd"] = mustCreateToken(ctx, t, cs, "cd", "test") got, err := cs.List(ctx) if err != nil { t.Errorf("List errored: get list error") } if len(got) != len(tokenMap) { t.Error("List errored: get invalid length") } for _, v := range got { if v.Token != tokenMap[v.ID].Token { t.Errorf("List error: ID: %s, expected token: %s, DB token: %s", v.ID, *tokenMap[v.ID], v.Token) } continue } } func TestCheck(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() testDB := dbm.NewDB("testdb", "leveldb", "temp") defer os.RemoveAll("temp") cs := NewStore(testDB) token := mustCreateToken(ctx, t, cs, "x", "client") tokenParts := strings.Split(token.Token, ":") if err := cs.Check(ctx, tokenParts[0], tokenParts[1]); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := cs.Check(ctx, "x", "badsecret"); err != ErrInvalidToken { t.Fatal("invalid token check passed") } } func TestDelete(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() testDB := dbm.NewDB("testdb", "leveldb", "temp") defer os.RemoveAll("temp") cs := NewStore(testDB) const id = "Y" mustCreateToken(ctx, t, cs, id, "client") err := cs.Delete(ctx, id) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } value := cs.DB.Get([]byte(id)) if len(value) > 0 { t.Fatal("delete fail") } } func TestDeleteWithInvalidId(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() testDB := dbm.NewDB("testdb", "leveldb", "temp") defer os.RemoveAll("temp") cs := NewStore(testDB) err := cs.Delete(ctx, "@") if errors.Root(err) != ErrBadID { t.Errorf("Deletion with invalid id success, while it should not") } } func mustCreateToken(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, cs *CredentialStore, id, typ string) *Token { token, err := cs.Create(ctx, id, typ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return token }