OSDN Git Service

Merge pull request #41 from Bytom/dev
[bytom/vapor.git] / vendor / github.com / btcsuite / btcd / btcjson / helpers_test.go
1 // Copyright (c) 2014 The btcsuite developers
2 // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 package btcjson_test
7 import (
8         "reflect"
9         "testing"
11         "github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcjson"
12 )
14 // TestHelpers tests the various helper functions which create pointers to
15 // primitive types.
16 func TestHelpers(t *testing.T) {
17         t.Parallel()
19         tests := []struct {
20                 name     string
21                 f        func() interface{}
22                 expected interface{}
23         }{
24                 {
25                         name: "bool",
26                         f: func() interface{} {
27                                 return btcjson.Bool(true)
28                         },
29                         expected: func() interface{} {
30                                 val := true
31                                 return &val
32                         }(),
33                 },
34                 {
35                         name: "int",
36                         f: func() interface{} {
37                                 return btcjson.Int(5)
38                         },
39                         expected: func() interface{} {
40                                 val := int(5)
41                                 return &val
42                         }(),
43                 },
44                 {
45                         name: "uint",
46                         f: func() interface{} {
47                                 return btcjson.Uint(5)
48                         },
49                         expected: func() interface{} {
50                                 val := uint(5)
51                                 return &val
52                         }(),
53                 },
54                 {
55                         name: "int32",
56                         f: func() interface{} {
57                                 return btcjson.Int32(5)
58                         },
59                         expected: func() interface{} {
60                                 val := int32(5)
61                                 return &val
62                         }(),
63                 },
64                 {
65                         name: "uint32",
66                         f: func() interface{} {
67                                 return btcjson.Uint32(5)
68                         },
69                         expected: func() interface{} {
70                                 val := uint32(5)
71                                 return &val
72                         }(),
73                 },
74                 {
75                         name: "int64",
76                         f: func() interface{} {
77                                 return btcjson.Int64(5)
78                         },
79                         expected: func() interface{} {
80                                 val := int64(5)
81                                 return &val
82                         }(),
83                 },
84                 {
85                         name: "uint64",
86                         f: func() interface{} {
87                                 return btcjson.Uint64(5)
88                         },
89                         expected: func() interface{} {
90                                 val := uint64(5)
91                                 return &val
92                         }(),
93                 },
94                 {
95                         name: "string",
96                         f: func() interface{} {
97                                 return btcjson.String("abc")
98                         },
99                         expected: func() interface{} {
100                                 val := "abc"
101                                 return &val
102                         }(),
103                 },
104         }
106         t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
107         for i, test := range tests {
108                 result := test.f()
109                 if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, test.expected) {
110                         t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) unexpected value - got %v, "+
111                                 "want %v", i, test.name, result, test.expected)
112                         continue
113                 }
114         }
115 }