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[bytom/vapor.git] / vendor / github.com / go-kit / kit / examples / addsvc / cmd / addsvc / addsvc.go
1 package main
3 import (
4         "flag"
5         "fmt"
6         "net"
7         "net/http"
8         "os"
9         "os/signal"
10         "syscall"
11         "text/tabwriter"
13         "github.com/apache/thrift/lib/go/thrift"
14         lightstep "github.com/lightstep/lightstep-tracer-go"
15         "github.com/oklog/oklog/pkg/group"
16         stdopentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
17         zipkin "github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go-opentracing"
18         stdprometheus "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
19         "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp"
20         "google.golang.org/grpc"
21         "sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash"
22         appdashot "sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash/opentracing"
24         "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
25         "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics"
26         "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics/prometheus"
28         addpb "github.com/go-kit/kit/examples/addsvc/pb"
29         "github.com/go-kit/kit/examples/addsvc/pkg/addendpoint"
30         "github.com/go-kit/kit/examples/addsvc/pkg/addservice"
31         "github.com/go-kit/kit/examples/addsvc/pkg/addtransport"
32         addthrift "github.com/go-kit/kit/examples/addsvc/thrift/gen-go/addsvc"
33 )
35 func main() {
36         // Define our flags. Your service probably won't need to bind listeners for
37         // *all* supported transports, or support both Zipkin and LightStep, and so
38         // on, but we do it here for demonstration purposes.
39         fs := flag.NewFlagSet("addsvc", flag.ExitOnError)
40         var (
41                 debugAddr      = fs.String("debug.addr", ":8080", "Debug and metrics listen address")
42                 httpAddr       = fs.String("http-addr", ":8081", "HTTP listen address")
43                 grpcAddr       = fs.String("grpc-addr", ":8082", "gRPC listen address")
44                 thriftAddr     = fs.String("thrift-addr", ":8083", "Thrift listen address")
45                 thriftProtocol = fs.String("thrift-protocol", "binary", "binary, compact, json, simplejson")
46                 thriftBuffer   = fs.Int("thrift-buffer", 0, "0 for unbuffered")
47                 thriftFramed   = fs.Bool("thrift-framed", false, "true to enable framing")
48                 zipkinURL      = fs.String("zipkin-url", "", "Enable Zipkin tracing via a collector URL e.g. http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans")
49                 lightstepToken = flag.String("lightstep-token", "", "Enable LightStep tracing via a LightStep access token")
50                 appdashAddr    = flag.String("appdash-addr", "", "Enable Appdash tracing via an Appdash server host:port")
51         )
52         fs.Usage = usageFor(fs, os.Args[0]+" [flags]")
53         fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])
55         // Create a single logger, which we'll use and give to other components.
56         var logger log.Logger
57         {
58                 logger = log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stderr)
59                 logger = log.With(logger, "ts", log.DefaultTimestampUTC)
60                 logger = log.With(logger, "caller", log.DefaultCaller)
61         }
63         // Determine which tracer to use. We'll pass the tracer to all the
64         // components that use it, as a dependency.
65         var tracer stdopentracing.Tracer
66         {
67                 if *zipkinURL != "" {
68                         logger.Log("tracer", "Zipkin", "URL", *zipkinURL)
69                         collector, err := zipkin.NewHTTPCollector(*zipkinURL)
70                         if err != nil {
71                                 logger.Log("err", err)
72                                 os.Exit(1)
73                         }
74                         defer collector.Close()
75                         var (
76                                 debug       = false
77                                 hostPort    = "localhost:80"
78                                 serviceName = "addsvc"
79                         )
80                         recorder := zipkin.NewRecorder(collector, debug, hostPort, serviceName)
81                         tracer, err = zipkin.NewTracer(recorder)
82                         if err != nil {
83                                 logger.Log("err", err)
84                                 os.Exit(1)
85                         }
86                 } else if *lightstepToken != "" {
87                         logger.Log("tracer", "LightStep") // probably don't want to print out the token :)
88                         tracer = lightstep.NewTracer(lightstep.Options{
89                                 AccessToken: *lightstepToken,
90                         })
91                         defer lightstep.FlushLightStepTracer(tracer)
92                 } else if *appdashAddr != "" {
93                         logger.Log("tracer", "Appdash", "addr", *appdashAddr)
94                         tracer = appdashot.NewTracer(appdash.NewRemoteCollector(*appdashAddr))
95                 } else {
96                         logger.Log("tracer", "none")
97                         tracer = stdopentracing.GlobalTracer() // no-op
98                 }
99         }
101         // Create the (sparse) metrics we'll use in the service. They, too, are
102         // dependencies that we pass to components that use them.
103         var ints, chars metrics.Counter
104         {
105                 // Business-level metrics.
106                 ints = prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
107                         Namespace: "example",
108                         Subsystem: "addsvc",
109                         Name:      "integers_summed",
110                         Help:      "Total count of integers summed via the Sum method.",
111                 }, []string{})
112                 chars = prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
113                         Namespace: "example",
114                         Subsystem: "addsvc",
115                         Name:      "characters_concatenated",
116                         Help:      "Total count of characters concatenated via the Concat method.",
117                 }, []string{})
118         }
119         var duration metrics.Histogram
120         {
121                 // Endpoint-level metrics.
122                 duration = prometheus.NewSummaryFrom(stdprometheus.SummaryOpts{
123                         Namespace: "example",
124                         Subsystem: "addsvc",
125                         Name:      "request_duration_seconds",
126                         Help:      "Request duration in seconds.",
127                 }, []string{"method", "success"})
128         }
129         http.DefaultServeMux.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
131         // Build the layers of the service "onion" from the inside out. First, the
132         // business logic service; then, the set of endpoints that wrap the service;
133         // and finally, a series of concrete transport adapters. The adapters, like
134         // the HTTP handler or the gRPC server, are the bridge between Go kit and
135         // the interfaces that the transports expect. Note that we're not binding
136         // them to ports or anything yet; we'll do that next.
137         var (
138                 service      = addservice.New(logger, ints, chars)
139                 endpoints    = addendpoint.New(service, logger, duration, tracer)
140                 httpHandler  = addtransport.NewHTTPHandler(endpoints, tracer, logger)
141                 grpcServer   = addtransport.NewGRPCServer(endpoints, tracer, logger)
142                 thriftServer = addtransport.NewThriftServer(endpoints)
143         )
145         // Now we're to the part of the func main where we want to start actually
146         // running things, like servers bound to listeners to receive connections.
147         //
148         // The method is the same for each component: add a new actor to the group
149         // struct, which is a combination of 2 anonymous functions: the first
150         // function actually runs the component, and the second function should
151         // interrupt the first function and cause it to return. It's in these
152         // functions that we actually bind the Go kit server/handler structs to the
153         // concrete transports and run them.
154         //
155         // Putting each component into its own block is mostly for aesthetics: it
156         // clearly demarcates the scope in which each listener/socket may be used.
157         var g group.Group
158         {
159                 // The debug listener mounts the http.DefaultServeMux, and serves up
160                 // stuff like the Prometheus metrics route, the Go debug and profiling
161                 // routes, and so on.
162                 debugListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", *debugAddr)
163                 if err != nil {
164                         logger.Log("transport", "debug/HTTP", "during", "Listen", "err", err)
165                         os.Exit(1)
166                 }
167                 g.Add(func() error {
168                         logger.Log("transport", "debug/HTTP", "addr", *debugAddr)
169                         return http.Serve(debugListener, http.DefaultServeMux)
170                 }, func(error) {
171                         debugListener.Close()
172                 })
173         }
174         {
175                 // The HTTP listener mounts the Go kit HTTP handler we created.
176                 httpListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", *httpAddr)
177                 if err != nil {
178                         logger.Log("transport", "HTTP", "during", "Listen", "err", err)
179                         os.Exit(1)
180                 }
181                 g.Add(func() error {
182                         logger.Log("transport", "HTTP", "addr", *httpAddr)
183                         return http.Serve(httpListener, httpHandler)
184                 }, func(error) {
185                         httpListener.Close()
186                 })
187         }
188         {
189                 // The gRPC listener mounts the Go kit gRPC server we created.
190                 grpcListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", *grpcAddr)
191                 if err != nil {
192                         logger.Log("transport", "gRPC", "during", "Listen", "err", err)
193                         os.Exit(1)
194                 }
195                 g.Add(func() error {
196                         logger.Log("transport", "gRPC", "addr", *grpcAddr)
197                         baseServer := grpc.NewServer()
198                         addpb.RegisterAddServer(baseServer, grpcServer)
199                         return baseServer.Serve(grpcListener)
200                 }, func(error) {
201                         grpcListener.Close()
202                 })
203         }
204         {
205                 // The Thrift socket mounts the Go kit Thrift server we created earlier.
206                 // There's a lot of boilerplate involved here, related to configuring
207                 // the protocol and transport; blame Thrift.
208                 thriftSocket, err := thrift.NewTServerSocket(*thriftAddr)
209                 if err != nil {
210                         logger.Log("transport", "Thrift", "during", "Listen", "err", err)
211                         os.Exit(1)
212                 }
213                 g.Add(func() error {
214                         logger.Log("transport", "Thrift", "addr", *thriftAddr)
215                         var protocolFactory thrift.TProtocolFactory
216                         switch *thriftProtocol {
217                         case "binary":
218                                 protocolFactory = thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
219                         case "compact":
220                                 protocolFactory = thrift.NewTCompactProtocolFactory()
221                         case "json":
222                                 protocolFactory = thrift.NewTJSONProtocolFactory()
223                         case "simplejson":
224                                 protocolFactory = thrift.NewTSimpleJSONProtocolFactory()
225                         default:
226                                 return fmt.Errorf("invalid Thrift protocol %q", *thriftProtocol)
227                         }
228                         var transportFactory thrift.TTransportFactory
229                         if *thriftBuffer > 0 {
230                                 transportFactory = thrift.NewTBufferedTransportFactory(*thriftBuffer)
231                         } else {
232                                 transportFactory = thrift.NewTTransportFactory()
233                         }
234                         if *thriftFramed {
235                                 transportFactory = thrift.NewTFramedTransportFactory(transportFactory)
236                         }
237                         return thrift.NewTSimpleServer4(
238                                 addthrift.NewAddServiceProcessor(thriftServer),
239                                 thriftSocket,
240                                 transportFactory,
241                                 protocolFactory,
242                         ).Serve()
243                 }, func(error) {
244                         thriftSocket.Close()
245                 })
246         }
247         {
248                 // This function just sits and waits for ctrl-C.
249                 cancelInterrupt := make(chan struct{})
250                 g.Add(func() error {
251                         c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
252                         signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
253                         select {
254                         case sig := <-c:
255                                 return fmt.Errorf("received signal %s", sig)
256                         case <-cancelInterrupt:
257                                 return nil
258                         }
259                 }, func(error) {
260                         close(cancelInterrupt)
261                 })
262         }
263         logger.Log("exit", g.Run())
264 }
266 func usageFor(fs *flag.FlagSet, short string) func() {
267         return func() {
268                 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "USAGE\n")
269                 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  %s\n", short)
270                 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
271                 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FLAGS\n")
272                 w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stderr, 0, 2, 2, ' ', 0)
273                 fs.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
274                         fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t-%s %s\t%s\n", f.Name, f.DefValue, f.Usage)
275                 })
276                 w.Flush()
277                 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
278         }
279 }