ifndef GOOS UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) GOOS := darwin else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) GOOS := linux else $(error "$$GOOS is not defined. If you are using Windows, try to re-make using 'GOOS=windows make ...' ") endif endif PACKAGES := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/' | grep -v '/crypto/ed25519/chainkd' | grep -v '/mining/tensority') BUILD_FLAGS := -ldflags "-X github.com/vapor/version.GitCommit=`git rev-parse HEAD`" VAPORD_BINARY32 := vapord-$(GOOS)_386 VAPORD_BINARY64 := vapord-$(GOOS)_amd64 VAPORCLI_BINARY32 := vaporcli-$(GOOS)_386 VAPORCLI_BINARY64 := vaporcli-$(GOOS)_amd64 VERSION := $(shell awk -F= '/Version =/ {print $$2}' version/version.go | tr -d "\" ") VAPORD_RELEASE32 := vapord-$(VERSION)-$(GOOS)_386 VAPORD_RELEASE64 := vapord-$(VERSION)-$(GOOS)_amd64 VAPORCLI_RELEASE32 := vaporcli-$(VERSION)-$(GOOS)_386 VAPORCLI_RELEASE64 := vaporcli-$(VERSION)-$(GOOS)_amd64 VAPOR_RELEASE32 := vapor-$(VERSION)-$(GOOS)_386 VAPOR_RELEASE64 := vapor-$(VERSION)-$(GOOS)_amd64 all: test target release-all install fedd: @echo "Building fedd to cmd/fedd/fedd" @go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o cmd/fedd/fedd cmd/fedd/main.go vapord: @echo "Building vapord to cmd/vapord/vapord" @go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o cmd/vapord/vapord cmd/vapord/main.go vaporcli: @echo "Building vaporcli to cmd/vaporcli/vaporcli" @go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o cmd/vaporcli/vaporcli cmd/vaporcli/main.go install: @echo "Installing vapord and vaporcli to $(GOPATH)/bin" @go install ./cmd/vapord @go install ./cmd/vaporcli target: mkdir -p $@ binary: target/$(VAPORD_BINARY32) target/$(VAPORD_BINARY64) target/$(VAPORCLI_BINARY32) target/$(VAPORCLI_BINARY64) ifeq ($(GOOS),windows) release: binary cd target && cp -f $(VAPORD_BINARY32) $(VAPORD_BINARY32).exe cd target && cp -f $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32).exe cd target && md5sum $(VAPORD_BINARY32).exe $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32).exe >$(VAPOR_RELEASE32).md5 cd target && zip $(VAPOR_RELEASE32).zip $(VAPORD_BINARY32).exe $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32).exe $(VAPOR_RELEASE32).md5 cd target && rm -f $(VAPORD_BINARY32) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32) $(VAPORD_BINARY32).exe $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32).exe $(VAPOR_RELEASE32).md5 cd target && cp -f $(VAPORD_BINARY64) $(VAPORD_BINARY64).exe cd target && cp -f $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64).exe cd target && md5sum $(VAPORD_BINARY64).exe $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64).exe >$(VAPOR_RELEASE64).md5 cd target && zip $(VAPOR_RELEASE64).zip $(VAPORD_BINARY64).exe $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64).exe $(VAPOR_RELEASE64).md5 cd target && rm -f $(VAPORD_BINARY64) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64) $(VAPORD_BINARY64).exe $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64).exe $(VAPOR_RELEASE64).md5 else release: binary cd target && md5sum $(VAPORD_BINARY32) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32) >$(VAPOR_RELEASE32).md5 cd target && tar -czf $(VAPOR_RELEASE32).tgz $(VAPORD_BINARY32) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32) $(VAPOR_RELEASE32).md5 cd target && rm -f $(VAPORD_BINARY32) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY32) $(VAPOR_RELEASE32).md5 cd target && md5sum $(VAPORD_BINARY64) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64) >$(VAPOR_RELEASE64).md5 cd target && tar -czf $(VAPOR_RELEASE64).tgz $(VAPORD_BINARY64) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64) $(VAPOR_RELEASE64).md5 cd target && rm -f $(VAPORD_BINARY64) $(VAPORCLI_BINARY64) $(VAPOR_RELEASE64).md5 endif release-all: clean GOOS=darwin make release GOOS=linux make release GOOS=windows make release clean: @echo "Cleaning binaries built..." @rm -rf cmd/vapord/vapord @rm -rf cmd/vaporcli/vaporcli @rm -rf target @rm -rf $(GOPATH)/bin/vapord @rm -rf $(GOPATH)/bin/vaporcli @echo "Cleaning temp test data..." @rm -rf test/pseudo_hsm* @rm -rf blockchain/pseudohsm/testdata/pseudo/ @echo "Cleaning sm2 pem files..." @rm -rf crypto/sm2/*.pem @echo "Done." target/$(VAPORD_BINARY32): CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=386 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ cmd/vapord/main.go target/$(VAPORD_BINARY64): CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ cmd/vapord/main.go target/$(VAPORCLI_BINARY32): CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=386 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ cmd/vaporcli/main.go target/$(VAPORCLI_BINARY64): CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ cmd/vaporcli/main.go test: @echo "====> Running go test" @go test -tags "network" $(PACKAGES) benchmark: @go test -bench $(PACKAGES) functional-tests: @go test -timeout=5m -tags="functional" ./test ci: test .PHONY: all target release-all clean test benchmark