package api import ( "context" "time" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func (a *API) dpos(ctx context.Context, ins struct { To string `json:"to"` Fee uint64 `json:"fee"` Stake uint64 `json:"stake"` TxType uint8 `json:"tx_type"` }) Response { // 找到utxo var assetID bc.AssetID assetID.UnmarshalText([]byte("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")) // 生成dpos交易 dpos := account.DopsAction{ Accounts: a.wallet.AccountMgr, From: config.CommonConfig.Consensus.Dpos.Coinbase, To: ins.To, Fee: ins.Fee, } dpos.Amount = ins.Stake dpos.AssetId = &assetID builder := txbuilder.NewBuilder(time.Now()) if err := dpos.Build(ctx, builder); err != nil { return NewErrorResponse(err) } // 签名 tmpl, _, err := builder.Build() if err != nil { return NewErrorResponse(err) } var xprv chainkd.XPrv xprv.UnmarshalText([]byte(config.CommonConfig.Consensus.Dpos.XPrv)) if err := signWithKey(tmpl, xprv); err != nil { return NewErrorResponse(err) } log.Info("Sign Transaction complete.") log.Info(txbuilder.SignProgress(tmpl)) //return NewSuccessResponse(&signTemplateResp{Tx: tmpl, SignComplete: txbuilder.SignProgress(tmpl)}) // 提交 if err := txbuilder.FinalizeTx(ctx, a.chain, tmpl.Transaction); err != nil { return NewErrorResponse(err) } log.WithField("tx_id", tmpl.Transaction.ID.String()).Info("submit single tx") return NewSuccessResponse(&submitTxResp{TxID: &tmpl.Transaction.ID}) //return NewSuccessResponse(nil) } func signWithKey(tmpl *txbuilder.Template, xprv chainkd.XPrv) error { for i, sigInst := range tmpl.SigningInstructions { for j, wc := range sigInst.WitnessComponents { switch sw := wc.(type) { case *txbuilder.SignatureWitness: err := sw.Sign(tmpl, uint32(i), xprv) if err != nil { return errors.WithDetailf(err, "adding signature(s) to signature witness component %d of input %d", j, i) } case *txbuilder.RawTxSigWitness: err := sw.Sign(tmpl, uint32(i), xprv) if err != nil { return errors.WithDetailf(err, "adding signature(s) to raw-signature witness component %d of input %d", j, i) } } } } return materializeWitnessesWithKey(tmpl) } func materializeWitnessesWithKey(txTemplate *txbuilder.Template) error { msg := txTemplate.Transaction if msg == nil { return errors.Wrap(txbuilder.ErrMissingRawTx) } if len(txTemplate.SigningInstructions) > len(msg.Inputs) { return errors.Wrap(txbuilder.ErrBadInstructionCount) } for i, sigInst := range txTemplate.SigningInstructions { if msg.Inputs[sigInst.Position] == nil { return errors.WithDetailf(txbuilder.ErrBadTxInputIdx, "signing instruction %d references missing tx input %d", i, sigInst.Position) } var witness [][]byte for j, wc := range sigInst.WitnessComponents { err := wc.Materialize(&witness) if err != nil { return errors.WithDetailf(err, "error in witness component %d of input %d", j, i) } } msg.SetInputArguments(sigInst.Position, witness) } return nil }