package common import ( "encoding/hex" "fmt" "math/big" "" "" "" "" ) // MovUtxo store the utxo information for mov order type MovUtxo struct { SourceID *bc.Hash SourcePos uint64 Amount uint64 ControlProgram []byte } // Order store all the order information type Order struct { FromAssetID *bc.AssetID ToAssetID *bc.AssetID Utxo *MovUtxo RatioNumerator int64 RatioDenominator int64 } // Rate return the exchange represented by float64 func (o *Order) Rate() float64 { if o.RatioDenominator == 0 { return 0 } rate := big.NewRat(o.RatioNumerator, o.RatioDenominator) result, _ := rate.Float64() return result } // cmpRate compares rate of x and y and returns -1 if x < y, 0 if x == y, +1 if x > y func (o *Order) cmpRate(other *Order) int { rate := big.NewRat(o.RatioNumerator, o.RatioDenominator) otherRate := big.NewRat(other.RatioNumerator, other.RatioDenominator) return rate.Cmp(otherRate) } // Cmp first compare the rate, if rate is equals, then compare the utxo hash func (o *Order) Cmp(other *Order) int { cmp := o.cmpRate(other) if cmp == 0 { if hex.EncodeToString(o.UTXOHash().Bytes()) < hex.EncodeToString(other.UTXOHash().Bytes()) { return -1 } return 1 } return cmp } // OrderSlice is define for order's sort type OrderSlice []*Order func (o OrderSlice) Len() int { return len(o) } func (o OrderSlice) Swap(i, j int) { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] } func (o OrderSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return o[i].Cmp(o[j]) < 0 } // NewOrderFromOutput convert txinput to order func NewOrderFromOutput(tx *types.Tx, outputIndex int) (*Order, error) { outputID := tx.OutputID(outputIndex) output, err := tx.IntraChainOutput(*outputID) if err != nil { return nil, err } contractArgs, err := segwit.DecodeP2WMCProgram(output.ControlProgram.Code) if err != nil { return nil, err } assetAmount := output.Source.Value return &Order{ FromAssetID: assetAmount.AssetId, ToAssetID: &contractArgs.RequestedAsset, RatioNumerator: contractArgs.RatioNumerator, RatioDenominator: contractArgs.RatioDenominator, Utxo: &MovUtxo{ SourceID: output.Source.Ref, Amount: assetAmount.Amount, SourcePos: uint64(outputIndex), ControlProgram: output.ControlProgram.Code, }, }, nil } // NewOrderFromInput convert txoutput to order func NewOrderFromInput(tx *types.Tx, inputIndex int) (*Order, error) { input, ok := tx.Inputs[inputIndex].TypedInput.(*types.SpendInput) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("input is not type of spend input") } contractArgs, err := segwit.DecodeP2WMCProgram(input.ControlProgram) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Order{ FromAssetID: input.AssetId, ToAssetID: &contractArgs.RequestedAsset, RatioNumerator: contractArgs.RatioNumerator, RatioDenominator: contractArgs.RatioDenominator, Utxo: &MovUtxo{ SourceID: &input.SourceID, Amount: input.Amount, SourcePos: input.SourcePosition, ControlProgram: input.ControlProgram, }, }, nil } // Key return the unique key for representing this order func (o *Order) Key() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", o.Utxo.SourceID, o.Utxo.SourcePos) } // TradePair return the trade pair info func (o *Order) TradePair() *TradePair { return &TradePair{FromAssetID: o.FromAssetID, ToAssetID: o.ToAssetID} } // UTXOHash calculate the utxo hash of this order func (o *Order) UTXOHash() *bc.Hash { prog := &bc.Program{VmVersion: 1, Code: o.Utxo.ControlProgram} src := &bc.ValueSource{ Ref: o.Utxo.SourceID, Value: &bc.AssetAmount{AssetId: o.FromAssetID, Amount: o.Utxo.Amount}, Position: o.Utxo.SourcePos, } hash := bc.EntryID(bc.NewIntraChainOutput(src, prog, 0)) return &hash } // TradePair is the object for record trade pair info type TradePair struct { FromAssetID *bc.AssetID ToAssetID *bc.AssetID Count int } // Key return the unique key for representing this trade pair func (t *TradePair) Key() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", t.FromAssetID, t.ToAssetID) } // Reverse return the reverse trade pair object func (t *TradePair) Reverse() *TradePair { return &TradePair{ FromAssetID: t.ToAssetID, ToAssetID: t.FromAssetID, } } // MovDatabaseState is object to record DB image status type MovDatabaseState struct { Height uint64 Hash *bc.Hash }