package pseudohsm import ( "bufio" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time" log "" "" ) // Minimum amount of time between cache reloads. This limit applies if the platform does // not support change notifications. It also applies if the keystore directory does not // exist yet, the code will attempt to create a watcher at most this often. const minReloadInterval = 2 * time.Second type keysByFile []XPub func (s keysByFile) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s keysByFile) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].File < s[j].File } func (s keysByFile) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } // AmbiguousKeyError is returned when attempting to unlock // an XPub for which more than one file exists. type AmbiguousKeyError struct { Pubkey string Matches []XPub } func (err *AmbiguousKeyError) Error() string { files := "" for i, a := range err.Matches { files += a.File if i < len(err.Matches)-1 { files += ", " } } return fmt.Sprintf("multiple keys match keys (%s)", files) } // keyCache is a live index of all keys in the keystore. type keyCache struct { keydir string watcher *watcher mu sync.Mutex all keysByFile byPubs map[chainkd.XPub][]XPub throttle *time.Timer } func newKeyCache(keydir string) *keyCache { kc := &keyCache{ keydir: keydir, byPubs: make(map[chainkd.XPub][]XPub), } kc.watcher = newWatcher(kc) return kc } func (kc *keyCache) hasKey(xpub chainkd.XPub) bool { kc.maybeReload() defer return len(kc.byPubs[xpub]) > 0 } func (kc *keyCache) hasAlias(alias string) bool { xpubs := kc.keys() for _, xpub := range xpubs { if xpub.Alias == alias { return true } } return false } func (kc *keyCache) add(newKey XPub) { defer i := sort.Search(len(kc.all), func(i int) bool { return kc.all[i].File >= newKey.File }) if i < len(kc.all) && kc.all[i] == newKey { return } // newKey is not in the cache. kc.all = append(kc.all, XPub{}) copy(kc.all[i+1:], kc.all[i:]) kc.all[i] = newKey kc.byPubs[newKey.XPub] = append(kc.byPubs[newKey.XPub], newKey) } func (kc *keyCache) keys() []XPub { kc.maybeReload() defer cpy := make([]XPub, len(kc.all)) copy(cpy, kc.all) return cpy } func (kc *keyCache) maybeReload() { defer if kc.watcher.running { return // A watcher is running and will keep the cache up-to-date. } if kc.throttle == nil { kc.throttle = time.NewTimer(0) } else { select { case <-kc.throttle.C: default: return // The cache was reloaded recently. } } kc.watcher.start() kc.reload() kc.throttle.Reset(minReloadInterval) } // find returns the cached keys for alias if there is a unique match. // The exact matching rules are explained by the documentation of Account. // Callers must hold func (kc *keyCache) find(xpub XPub) (XPub, error) { // Limit search to xpub candidates if possible. matches := kc.all if (xpub.XPub != chainkd.XPub{}) { matches = kc.byPubs[xpub.XPub] } if xpub.File != "" { // If only the basename is specified, complete the path. if !strings.ContainsRune(xpub.File, filepath.Separator) { xpub.File = filepath.Join(kc.keydir, xpub.File) } for i := range matches { if matches[i].File == xpub.File { return matches[i], nil } } if (xpub.XPub == chainkd.XPub{}) { return XPub{}, ErrLoadKey } } switch len(matches) { case 1: return matches[0], nil case 0: return XPub{}, ErrLoadKey default: err := &AmbiguousKeyError{Pubkey: hex.EncodeToString(xpub.XPub[:]), Matches: make([]XPub, len(matches))} copy(err.Matches, matches) return XPub{}, err } } // reload caches addresses of existing key. // Callers must hold func (kc *keyCache) reload() { keys, err := kc.scan() if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "load keys error": err}).Error("can't load keys") } kc.all = keys sort.Sort(kc.all) for k := range kc.byPubs { delete(kc.byPubs, k) } for _, k := range keys { kc.byPubs[k.XPub] = append(kc.byPubs[k.XPub], k) } log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "cache has keys:": len(kc.all)}).Debug("reloaded keys") } func (kc *keyCache) scan() ([]XPub, error) { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(kc.keydir) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ( buf = new(bufio.Reader) keys []XPub keyJSON struct { Alias string `json:"alias"` XPub chainkd.XPub `json:"xpub"` } ) for _, fi := range files { path := filepath.Join(kc.keydir, fi.Name()) if skipKeyFile(fi) { //log.Printf("ignoring file %v", path) //fmt.Printf("ignoring file %v", path) continue } fd, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { //log.Printf(err) fmt.Printf("err") continue } buf.Reset(fd) // Parse the address. keyJSON.Alias = "" err = json.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&keyJSON) switch { case err != nil: log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "decode json err": err}).Errorf("can't decode key %s: %v", path, err) case (keyJSON.Alias == ""): log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "can't decode key, key path:": path}).Warn("missing or void alias") default: keys = append(keys, XPub{XPub: keyJSON.XPub, Alias: keyJSON.Alias, File: path}) } fd.Close() } return keys, err } func (kc *keyCache) delete(removed XPub) { defer kc.all = removeKey(kc.all, removed) if ba := removeKey(kc.byPubs[removed.XPub], removed); len(ba) == 0 { delete(kc.byPubs, removed.XPub) } else { kc.byPubs[removed.XPub] = ba } } func removeKey(slice []XPub, elem XPub) []XPub { for i := range slice { if slice[i] == elem { return append(slice[:i], slice[i+1:]...) } } return slice } func skipKeyFile(fi os.FileInfo) bool { // Skip editor backups and UNIX-style hidden files. if strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), "~") || strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), ".") { return true } // Skip misc special files, directories (yes, symlinks too). if fi.IsDir() || fi.Mode()&os.ModeType != 0 { return true } return false } func (kc *keyCache) close() { kc.watcher.close() if kc.throttle != nil { kc.throttle.Stop() } }