package mainchain import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" chainjson "" ) // TODO(bobg): most of the code here is duplicated from // signature_witness.go and needs refactoring. // RawTxSigWitness is like SignatureWitness but doesn't involve // signature programs. type RawTxSigWitness struct { Quorum int `json:"quorum"` Keys []keyID `json:"keys"` Sigs []chainjson.HexBytes `json:"signatures"` } func (sw *RawTxSigWitness) Sign(tpl *Template, index uint32, xprv chainkd.XPrv) error { if len(sw.Sigs) < len(sw.Keys) { // Each key in sw.Keys may produce a signature in sw.Sigs. Make // sure there are enough slots in sw.Sigs and that we preserve any // sigs already present. newSigs := make([]chainjson.HexBytes, len(sw.Keys)) copy(newSigs, sw.Sigs) sw.Sigs = newSigs } for i, keyID := range sw.Keys { if len(sw.Sigs[i]) > 0 { // Already have a signature for this key continue } fmt.Println(keyID.XPub.String()) fmt.Println(xprv.XPub().String()) if keyID.XPub.String() != xprv.XPub().String() { continue } data := tpl.Hash(index).Byte32() sigBytes := xprv.Sign(data[:]) // This break is ordered to avoid signing transaction successfully only once for a multiple-sign account // that consist of different keys by the same password. Exit immediately when the signature is success, // it means that only one signature will be successful in the loop for this multiple-sign account. sw.Sigs[i] = sigBytes break } return nil } func (sw RawTxSigWitness) Materialize(args *[][]byte) error { var nsigs int for i := 0; i < len(sw.Sigs) && nsigs < sw.Quorum; i++ { if len(sw.Sigs[i]) > 0 { *args = append(*args, sw.Sigs[i]) nsigs++ } } return nil } // MarshalJSON convert struct to json func (sw RawTxSigWitness) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { obj := struct { Type string `json:"type"` Quorum int `json:"quorum"` Keys []keyID `json:"keys"` Sigs []chainjson.HexBytes `json:"signatures"` }{ Type: "raw_tx_signature", Quorum: sw.Quorum, Keys: sw.Keys, Sigs: sw.Sigs, } return json.Marshal(obj) }