package common import ( "fmt" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" ) // MakeName creates a node name that follows the ethereum convention // for such names. It adds the operation system name and Go runtime version // the name. func MakeName(name, version string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%s/%s/%s", name, version, runtime.GOOS, runtime.Version()) } func ExpandHomePath(p string) (path string) { path = p sep := string(os.PathSeparator) // Check in case of paths like "/something/~/something/" if len(p) > 1 && p[:1+len(sep)] == "~"+sep { usr, _ := user.Current() dir := usr.HomeDir path = strings.Replace(p, "~", dir, 1) } return } func FileExist(filePath string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(filePath) if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return true } func AbsolutePath(Datadir string, filename string) string { if filepath.IsAbs(filename) { return filename } return filepath.Join(Datadir, filename) } func HomeDir() string { if home := os.Getenv("HOME"); home != "" { return home } if usr, err := user.Current(); err == nil { return usr.HomeDir } return "" }