package config import ( "encoding/hex" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func FederationPMultiSigScript(c *Config) []byte { xpubs := c.Federation.Xpubs program, err := vmutil.P2SPMultiSigProgram(chainkd.XPubKeys(xpubs), c.Federation.Quorum) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail to generate federation scirpt for federation: %v", err) } return program } func FederationWScript(c *Config) []byte { script := FederationPMultiSigScript(c) scriptHash := crypto.Sha256(script) wscript, err := vmutil.P2WSHProgram(scriptHash) if err != nil { log.Panicf("Fail converts scriptHash to witness: %v", err) } return wscript } func GenesisTx() *types.Tx { contract, err := hex.DecodeString("00148c9d063ff74ee6d9ffa88d83aeb038068366c4c4") if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on decode genesis tx output control program") } coinbaseInput := FederationWScript(CommonConfig) txData := types.TxData{ Version: 1, Inputs: []*types.TxInput{ types.NewCoinbaseInput(coinbaseInput[:]), }, Outputs: []*types.TxOutput{ types.NewIntraChainOutput(*consensus.BTMAssetID, consensus.BlockSubsidy(0), contract), }, } return types.NewTx(txData) } func mainNetGenesisBlock() *types.Block { tx := GenesisTx() txStatus := bc.NewTransactionStatus() if err := txStatus.SetStatus(0, false); err != nil { log.Panicf(err.Error()) } txStatusHash, err := types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(txStatus.VerifyStatus) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on calc genesis tx status merkle root") } merkleRoot, err := types.TxMerkleRoot([]*bc.Tx{tx.Tx}) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on calc genesis tx merkel root") } block := &types.Block{ BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{ Version: 1, Height: 0, Timestamp: 1561600800002, BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{ TransactionsMerkleRoot: merkleRoot, TransactionStatusHash: txStatusHash, }, }, Transactions: []*types.Tx{tx}, } return block } func testNetGenesisBlock() *types.Block { tx := GenesisTx() txStatus := bc.NewTransactionStatus() if err := txStatus.SetStatus(0, false); err != nil { log.Panicf(err.Error()) } txStatusHash, err := types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(txStatus.VerifyStatus) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on calc genesis tx status merkle root") } merkleRoot, err := types.TxMerkleRoot([]*bc.Tx{tx.Tx}) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on calc genesis tx merkel root") } block := &types.Block{ BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{ Version: 1, Height: 0, Timestamp: 1561600800001, BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{ TransactionsMerkleRoot: merkleRoot, TransactionStatusHash: txStatusHash, }, }, Transactions: []*types.Tx{tx}, } return block } func soloNetGenesisBlock() *types.Block { tx := GenesisTx() txStatus := bc.NewTransactionStatus() if err := txStatus.SetStatus(0, false); err != nil { log.Panicf(err.Error()) } txStatusHash, err := types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(txStatus.VerifyStatus) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on calc genesis tx status merkle root") } merkleRoot, err := types.TxMerkleRoot([]*bc.Tx{tx.Tx}) if err != nil { log.Panicf("fail on calc genesis tx merkel root") } block := &types.Block{ BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{ Version: 1, Height: 0, Timestamp: 1561600800000, BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{ TransactionsMerkleRoot: merkleRoot, TransactionStatusHash: txStatusHash, }, }, Transactions: []*types.Tx{tx}, } return block } // GenesisBlock will return genesis block func GenesisBlock() *types.Block { return map[string]func() *types.Block{ "main": mainNetGenesisBlock, "test": testNetGenesisBlock, "solo": soloNetGenesisBlock, "vapor": soloNetGenesisBlock, }[consensus.ActiveNetParams.Name]() }