package dpos import ( "encoding/json" "strconv" "strings" log "" "" "" "" ) const ( /* * vapor:version:category:action/data */ vaporPrefix = "vapor" vaporVersion = "1" vaporCategoryEvent = "event" vaporCategoryLog = "oplog" vaporCategorySC = "sc" vaporEventVote = "vote" vaporEventConfirm = "confirm" vaporEventPorposal = "proposal" vaporEventDeclare = "declare" vaporMinSplitLen = 3 posPrefix = 0 posVersion = 1 posCategory = 2 posEventVote = 3 posEventConfirm = 3 posEventProposal = 3 posEventDeclare = 3 posEventConfirmNumber = 4 /* * proposal type */ proposalTypeCandidateAdd = 1 proposalTypeCandidateRemove = 2 proposalTypeMinerRewardDistributionModify = 3 // count in one thousand /* * proposal related */ maxValidationLoopCnt = 123500 // About one month if seal each block per second & 21 super nodes minValidationLoopCnt = 12350 // About three days if seal each block per second & 21 super nodes defaultValidationLoopCnt = 30875 // About one week if seal each block per second & 21 super nodes ) // Vote : // vote come from custom tx which data like "vapor:1:event:vote" // Sender of tx is Voter, the is Candidate // Stake is the balance of Voter when create this vote type Vote struct { Voter string `json:"Voter"` Candidate string `json:"Candidate"` Stake uint64 `json:"Stake"` } // Confirmation : // confirmation come from custom tx which data like "vapor:1:event:confirm:123" // 123 is the block number be confirmed // Sender of tx is Signer only if the signer in the SignerQueue for block number 123 type Confirmation struct { Signer string `json:"signer"` BlockNumber uint64 `json:"block_number"` } // Proposal : // proposal come from custom tx which data like "vapor:1:event:proposal:candidate:add:address" or "vapor:1:event:proposal:percentage:60" // proposal only come from the current candidates // not only candidate add/remove , current signer can proposal for params modify like percentage of reward distribution ... type Proposal struct { Hash bc.Hash `json:"hash"` // tx hash ValidationLoopCnt uint64 `json:"ValidationLoopCnt"` // validation block number length of this proposal from the received block number ImplementNumber uint64 `json:"ImplementNumber"` // block number to implement modification in this proposal ProposalType uint64 `json:"ProposalType"` // type of proposal 1 - add candidate 2 - remove candidate ... Proposer string `json:"Proposer"` // Candidate string `json:"Candidate"` MinerRewardPerThousand uint64 `json:"MinerRewardPerThousand"` Declares []*Declare `json:"Declares"` // Declare this proposal received ReceivedNumber uint64 `json:"ReceivedNumber"` // block number of proposal received } func (p *Proposal) copy() *Proposal { cpy := &Proposal{ Hash: p.Hash, ValidationLoopCnt: p.ValidationLoopCnt, ImplementNumber: p.ImplementNumber, ProposalType: p.ProposalType, Proposer: p.Proposer, Candidate: p.Candidate, MinerRewardPerThousand: p.MinerRewardPerThousand, Declares: make([]*Declare, len(p.Declares)), ReceivedNumber: p.ReceivedNumber, } copy(cpy.Declares, p.Declares) return cpy } // Declare : // declare come from custom tx which data like "vapor:1:event:declare:hash:yes" // proposal only come from the current candidates // hash is the hash of proposal tx type Declare struct { ProposalHash bc.Hash `json:"ProposalHash"` Declarer string `json:"Declarer"` Decision bool `json:"Decision"` } // HeaderExtra is the struct of info in header.Extra[extraVanity:len(header.extra)-extraSeal] type HeaderExtra struct { CurrentBlockConfirmations []Confirmation `json:"current_block_confirmations"` CurrentBlockVotes []Vote `json:"CurrentBlockVotes"` CurrentBlockProposals []Proposal `json:"CurrentBlockProposals"` CurrentBlockDeclares []Declare `json:"CurrentBlockDeclares"` ModifyPredecessorVotes []Vote `json:"ModifyPredecessorVotes"` LoopStartTime uint64 `json:"LoopStartTime"` SignerQueue []string `json:"SignerQueue"` SignerMissing []string `json:"SignerMissing"` ConfirmedBlockNumber uint64 `json:"ConfirmedBlockNumber"` } // Calculate Votes from transaction in this block, write into header.Extra func (d *Dpos) processCustomTx(headerExtra HeaderExtra, c chain.Chain, header *types.BlockHeader, txs []*bc.Tx) (HeaderExtra, error) { var ( snap *Snapshot err error height uint64 ) height = header.Height if height > 1 { snap, err = d.snapshot(c, height-1, header.PreviousBlockHash, nil, nil, defaultLoopCntRecalculateSigners) if err != nil { return headerExtra, err } } for _, tx := range txs { var ( from string to string ) dpos := new(bc.Dpos) stake := uint64(0) for _, value := range tx.Entries { switch d := value.(type) { case *bc.Dpos: from = d.From to = d.To dpos = d stake = d.Stake default: continue } if len(dpos.Data) >= len(vaporPrefix) { txData := dpos.Data txDataInfo := strings.Split(txData, ":") if len(txDataInfo) >= vaporMinSplitLen && txDataInfo[posPrefix] == vaporPrefix && txDataInfo[posVersion] == vaporVersion { switch txDataInfo[posCategory] { case vaporCategoryEvent: if len(txDataInfo) > vaporMinSplitLen { if txDataInfo[posEventVote] == vaporEventVote && (!candidateNeedPD || snap.isCandidate(to)) { headerExtra.CurrentBlockVotes = d.processEventVote(headerExtra.CurrentBlockVotes, stake, from, to) } else if txDataInfo[posEventConfirm] == vaporEventConfirm { headerExtra.CurrentBlockConfirmations = d.processEventConfirm(headerExtra.CurrentBlockConfirmations, c, txDataInfo, height, tx, from) } else if txDataInfo[posEventProposal] == vaporEventPorposal && snap.isCandidate(from) { headerExtra.CurrentBlockProposals = d.processEventProposal(headerExtra.CurrentBlockProposals, txDataInfo, tx, from) } else if txDataInfo[posEventDeclare] == vaporEventDeclare && snap.isCandidate(from) { headerExtra.CurrentBlockDeclares = d.processEventDeclare(headerExtra.CurrentBlockDeclares, txDataInfo, tx, from) } } else { // todo : something wrong, leave this transaction to process as normal transaction } case vaporCategoryLog: // todo : case vaporCategorySC: // todo : } } } /* if height > 1 { headerExtra.ModifyPredecessorVotes = d.processPredecessorVoter(headerExtra.ModifyPredecessorVotes, stake, from, to, snap) } */ } } return headerExtra, nil } func (d *Dpos) processEventProposal(currentBlockProposals []Proposal, txDataInfo []string, tx *bc.Tx, proposer string) []Proposal { proposal := Proposal{ Hash: tx.ID, ValidationLoopCnt: defaultValidationLoopCnt, ImplementNumber: uint64(1), ProposalType: proposalTypeCandidateAdd, Proposer: proposer, MinerRewardPerThousand: minerRewardPerThousand, Declares: []*Declare{}, ReceivedNumber: uint64(0), } for i := 0; i < len(txDataInfo[posEventProposal+1:])/2; i++ { k, v := txDataInfo[posEventProposal+1+i*2], txDataInfo[posEventProposal+2+i*2] switch k { case "vlcnt": // If vlcnt is missing then user default value, but if the vlcnt is beyond the min/max value then ignore this proposal if validationLoopCnt, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err != nil || validationLoopCnt < minValidationLoopCnt || validationLoopCnt > maxValidationLoopCnt { return currentBlockProposals } else { proposal.ValidationLoopCnt = uint64(validationLoopCnt) } case "implement_number": if implementNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err != nil || implementNumber <= 0 { return currentBlockProposals } else { proposal.ImplementNumber = uint64(implementNumber) } case "proposal_type": if proposalType, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err != nil || (proposalType != proposalTypeCandidateAdd && proposalType != proposalTypeCandidateRemove && proposalType != proposalTypeMinerRewardDistributionModify) { return currentBlockProposals } else { proposal.ProposalType = uint64(proposalType) } case "candidate": // not check here //proposal.Candidate.UnmarshalText([]byte(v)) /* address, err := common.DecodeAddress(v, &consensus.ActiveNetParams) if err != nil { return currentBlockProposals } */ proposal.Candidate = v case "mrpt": // miner reward per thousand if mrpt, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err != nil || mrpt < 0 || mrpt > 1000 { return currentBlockProposals } else { proposal.MinerRewardPerThousand = uint64(mrpt) } } } return append(currentBlockProposals, proposal) } func (d *Dpos) processEventDeclare(currentBlockDeclares []Declare, txDataInfo []string, tx *bc.Tx, declarer string) []Declare { declare := Declare{ ProposalHash: bc.Hash{}, Declarer: declarer, Decision: true, } for i := 0; i < len(txDataInfo[posEventDeclare+1:])/2; i++ { k, v := txDataInfo[posEventDeclare+1+i*2], txDataInfo[posEventDeclare+2+i*2] switch k { case "hash": declare.ProposalHash.UnmarshalText([]byte(v)) case "decision": if v == "yes" { declare.Decision = true } else if v == "no" { declare.Decision = false } else { return currentBlockDeclares } } } return append(currentBlockDeclares, declare) } func (d *Dpos) processEventVote(currentBlockVotes []Vote, stake uint64, voter, to string) []Vote { //if new(big.Int).SetUint64(stake).Cmp(d.config.MinVoterBalance) > 0 { currentBlockVotes = append(currentBlockVotes, Vote{ Voter: voter, Candidate: to, Stake: stake, }) //} return currentBlockVotes } func (d *Dpos) processEventConfirm(currentBlockConfirmations []Confirmation, c chain.Chain, txDataInfo []string, number uint64, tx *bc.Tx, confirmer string) []Confirmation { if len(txDataInfo) > posEventConfirmNumber { confirmedBlockNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(txDataInfo[posEventConfirmNumber]) if err != nil || number-uint64(confirmedBlockNumber) > d.config.MaxSignerCount || number-uint64(confirmedBlockNumber) < 0 { return currentBlockConfirmations } confirmedHeader, err := c.GetBlockByHeight(uint64(confirmedBlockNumber)) if confirmedHeader == nil { log.Info("Fail to get confirmedHeader") return currentBlockConfirmations } confirmedHeaderExtra := HeaderExtra{} if extraVanity+extraSeal > len(confirmedHeader.Extra) { return currentBlockConfirmations } //err = rlp.DecodeBytes(confirmedHeader.Extra[extraVanity:len(confirmedHeader.Extra)-extraSeal], &confirmedHeaderExtra) if err := json.Unmarshal(confirmedHeader.Extra[extraVanity:len(confirmedHeader.Extra)-extraSeal], &confirmedHeaderExtra); err != nil { log.Info("Fail to decode parent header", "err", err) return currentBlockConfirmations } for _, s := range confirmedHeaderExtra.SignerQueue { if s == confirmer { currentBlockConfirmations = append(currentBlockConfirmations, Confirmation{ Signer: confirmer, BlockNumber: uint64(confirmedBlockNumber), }) break } } } return currentBlockConfirmations } func (d *Dpos) processPredecessorVoter(modifyPredecessorVotes []Vote, stake uint64, voter, to string, snap *Snapshot) []Vote { if stake > 0 { if snap.isVoter(voter) { modifyPredecessorVotes = append(modifyPredecessorVotes, Vote{ Voter: voter, Candidate: "", Stake: stake, }) } if snap.isVoter(to) { modifyPredecessorVotes = append(modifyPredecessorVotes, Vote{ Voter: to, Candidate: "", Stake: stake, }) } } return modifyPredecessorVotes }