package ecmath import ( "crypto/subtle" "" ) // Point is a point on the ed25519 curve. type Point edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement // ZeroPoint is the zero point on the ed25519 curve (not the zero value of Point). var ZeroPoint Point // Add adds the points in x and y, storing the result in z and // returning that. Any or all of x, y, and z may be the same pointers. func (z *Point) Add(x, y *Point) *Point { var y2 edwards25519.CachedGroupElement (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(y).ToCached(&y2) var z2 edwards25519.CompletedGroupElement edwards25519.GeAdd(&z2, (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(x), &y2) z2.ToExtended((*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(z)) return z } // Sub subtracts y from x, storing the result in z and // returning that. Any or all of x, y, and z may be the same pointers. func (z *Point) Sub(x, y *Point) *Point { var y2 edwards25519.CachedGroupElement (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(y).ToCached(&y2) var z2 edwards25519.CompletedGroupElement edwards25519.GeSub(&z2, (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(x), &y2) z2.ToExtended((*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(z)) return z } // ScMul multiplies the EC point x by the scalar y, placing the result // in z and returning that. X and z may be the same pointer. func (z *Point) ScMul(x *Point, y *Scalar) *Point { return z.ScMulAdd(x, y, &Zero) } // ScMulBase multiplies the ed25519 base point by x and places the // result in z, returning that. func (z *Point) ScMulBase(x *Scalar) *Point { edwards25519.GeScalarMultBase((*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(z), (*[32]byte)(x)) return z } // ScMulAdd computes xa+yB, where B is the ed25519 base point, and // places the result in z, returning that. func (z *Point) ScMulAdd(a *Point, x, y *Scalar) *Point { // TODO: replace with constant-time implementation to avoid // sidechannel attacks var p edwards25519.ProjectiveGroupElement edwards25519.GeDoubleScalarMultVartime(&p, (*[32]byte)(x), (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(a), (*[32]byte)(y)) var buf [32]byte p.ToBytes(&buf) // TODO(bobg): double-check that it's OK to ignore the return value // from ExtendedGroupElement.FromBytes here. (It's a bool indicating // that its input represented a legal value.) (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(z).FromBytes(&buf) return z } func (z *Point) Encode() [32]byte { var e [32]byte (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(z).ToBytes(&e) return e } func (z *Point) Decode(e [32]byte) (*Point, bool) { ok := (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(z).FromBytes(&e) return z, ok } func (z *Point) ConstTimeEqual(x *Point) bool { xe := x.Encode() ze := z.Encode() return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(xe[:], ze[:]) == 1 } func init() { (*edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement)(&ZeroPoint).Zero() }