// Package event deals with subscriptions to real-time events. package event import ( "errors" "reflect" "sync" "time" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/bytom/vapor/protocol/bc" "github.com/bytom/vapor/protocol/bc/types" ) const ( logModule = "event" maxEventChSize = 65536 ) var ( // ErrMuxClosed is returned when Posting on a closed TypeMux. ErrMuxClosed = errors.New("event: mux closed") //ErrDuplicateSubscribe is returned when subscribe duplicate type ErrDuplicateSubscribe = errors.New("event: subscribe duplicate type") ) type NewProposedBlockEvent struct{ Block types.Block } type BlockSignatureEvent struct { BlockHash bc.Hash Signature []byte XPub []byte } // TypeMuxEvent is a time-tagged notification pushed to subscribers. type TypeMuxEvent struct { Time time.Time Data interface{} } // A Dispatcher dispatches events to registered receivers. Receivers can be // registered to handle events of certain type. Any operation // called after mux is stopped will return ErrMuxClosed. // // The zero value is ready to use. type Dispatcher struct { mutex sync.RWMutex subm map[reflect.Type][]*Subscription stopped bool } func NewDispatcher() *Dispatcher { return &Dispatcher{ subm: make(map[reflect.Type][]*Subscription), } } // Subscribe creates a subscription for events of the given types. The // subscription's channel is closed when it is unsubscribed // or the mux is closed. func (d *Dispatcher) Subscribe(types ...interface{}) (*Subscription, error) { sub := newSubscription(d) d.mutex.Lock() defer d.mutex.Unlock() if d.stopped { // set the status to closed so that calling Unsubscribe after this // call will short circuit. sub.closed = true close(sub.postC) return sub, nil } for _, t := range types { rtyp := reflect.TypeOf(t) oldsubs := d.subm[rtyp] if find(oldsubs, sub) != -1 { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule}).Errorf("duplicate type %s in Subscribe", rtyp) return nil, ErrDuplicateSubscribe } subs := make([]*Subscription, len(oldsubs)+1) copy(subs, oldsubs) subs[len(oldsubs)] = sub d.subm[rtyp] = subs } return sub, nil } // Post sends an event to all receivers registered for the given type. // It returns ErrMuxClosed if the mux has been stopped. func (d *Dispatcher) Post(ev interface{}) error { event := &TypeMuxEvent{ Time: time.Now(), Data: ev, } rtyp := reflect.TypeOf(ev) d.mutex.RLock() if d.stopped { d.mutex.RUnlock() return ErrMuxClosed } subs := d.subm[rtyp] d.mutex.RUnlock() for _, sub := range subs { sub.deliver(event) } return nil } // Stop closes a mux. The mux can no longer be used. // Future Post calls will fail with ErrMuxClosed. // Stop blocks until all current deliveries have finished. func (d *Dispatcher) Stop() { d.mutex.Lock() for _, subs := range d.subm { for _, sub := range subs { sub.closewait() } } d.subm = nil d.stopped = true d.mutex.Unlock() } func (d *Dispatcher) del(s *Subscription) { d.mutex.Lock() for typ, subs := range d.subm { if pos := find(subs, s); pos >= 0 { if len(subs) == 1 { delete(d.subm, typ) } else { d.subm[typ] = posdelete(subs, pos) } } } d.mutex.Unlock() } func find(slice []*Subscription, item *Subscription) int { for i, v := range slice { if v == item { return i } } return -1 } func posdelete(slice []*Subscription, pos int) []*Subscription { news := make([]*Subscription, len(slice)-1) copy(news[:pos], slice[:pos]) copy(news[pos:], slice[pos+1:]) return news } // Subscription is a subscription established through TypeMux. type Subscription struct { dispatcher *Dispatcher created time.Time closeMu sync.Mutex closing chan struct{} closed bool // these two are the same channel. they are stored separately so // postC can be set to nil without affecting the return value of // Chan. postMu sync.RWMutex readC <-chan *TypeMuxEvent postC chan<- *TypeMuxEvent } func newSubscription(dispatcher *Dispatcher) *Subscription { c := make(chan *TypeMuxEvent, maxEventChSize) return &Subscription{ dispatcher: dispatcher, created: time.Now(), readC: c, postC: c, closing: make(chan struct{}), } } func (s *Subscription) Chan() <-chan *TypeMuxEvent { return s.readC } func (s *Subscription) Unsubscribe() { s.dispatcher.del(s) s.closewait() } func (s *Subscription) Closed() bool { s.closeMu.Lock() defer s.closeMu.Unlock() return s.closed } func (s *Subscription) closewait() { s.closeMu.Lock() defer s.closeMu.Unlock() if s.closed { return } close(s.closing) s.closed = true s.postMu.Lock() close(s.postC) s.postC = nil s.postMu.Unlock() } func (s *Subscription) deliver(event *TypeMuxEvent) { // Short circuit delivery if stale event if s.created.After(event.Time) { return } // Otherwise deliver the event s.postMu.RLock() defer s.postMu.RUnlock() select { case s.postC <- event: case <-s.closing: default: log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule}).Errorf("deliver event err unread event size %d", len(s.postC)) } }