package chainmgr import ( "encoding/json" "io/ioutil" "os" "testing" "time" "" dbm "" "" msgs "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestRegularBlockSync(t *testing.T) { baseChain := mockBlocks(nil, 50) chainX := append(baseChain, mockBlocks(baseChain[50], 60)...) chainY := append(baseChain, mockBlocks(baseChain[50], 70)...) chainZ := append(baseChain, mockBlocks(baseChain[50], 200)...) cases := []struct { syncTimeout time.Duration aBlocks []*types.Block bBlocks []*types.Block want []*types.Block err error }{ { syncTimeout: 30 * time.Second, aBlocks: baseChain[:20], bBlocks: baseChain[:50], want: baseChain[:50], err: nil, }, { syncTimeout: 30 * time.Second, aBlocks: chainX, bBlocks: chainY, want: chainY, err: nil, }, { syncTimeout: 30 * time.Second, aBlocks: chainX[:52], bBlocks: chainY[:53], want: chainY[:53], err: nil, }, { syncTimeout: 30 * time.Second, aBlocks: chainX[:52], bBlocks: chainZ, want: chainZ[:180], err: nil, }, } tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary data folder: %v", err) } testDBA := dbm.NewDB("testdba", "leveldb", tmp) testDBB := dbm.NewDB("testdbb", "leveldb", tmp) defer func() { testDBA.Close() testDBB.Close() os.RemoveAll(tmp) }() for i, c := range cases { a := mockSync(c.aBlocks, nil, testDBA) b := mockSync(c.bBlocks, nil, testDBB) netWork := NewNetWork() netWork.Register(a, "", "test node A", consensus.SFFullNode) netWork.Register(b, "", "test node B", consensus.SFFullNode) if B2A, A2B, err := netWork.HandsShake(a, b); err != nil { t.Errorf("fail on peer hands shake %v", err) } else { go B2A.postMan() go A2B.postMan() } a.blockKeeper.syncPeer = a.peers.GetPeer("test node B") if err := a.blockKeeper.regularBlockSync(); errors.Root(err) != c.err { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want %v", i, err, c.err) } got := []*types.Block{} for i := uint64(0); i <= a.chain.BestBlockHeight(); i++ { block, err := a.chain.GetBlockByHeight(i) if err != nil { t.Errorf("case %d got err %v", i, err) } got = append(got, block) } if !testutil.DeepEqual(got, c.want) { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want %v", i, got, c.want) } } } func TestRequireBlock(t *testing.T) { tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary data folder: %v", err) } testDBA := dbm.NewDB("testdba", "leveldb", tmp) testDBB := dbm.NewDB("testdbb", "leveldb", tmp) defer func() { testDBB.Close() testDBA.Close() os.RemoveAll(tmp) }() blocks := mockBlocks(nil, 5) a := mockSync(blocks[:1], nil, testDBA) b := mockSync(blocks[:5], nil, testDBB) netWork := NewNetWork() netWork.Register(a, "", "test node A", consensus.SFFullNode) netWork.Register(b, "", "test node B", consensus.SFFullNode) if B2A, A2B, err := netWork.HandsShake(a, b); err != nil { t.Errorf("fail on peer hands shake %v", err) } else { go B2A.postMan() go A2B.postMan() } a.blockKeeper.syncPeer = a.peers.GetPeer("test node B") b.blockKeeper.syncPeer = b.peers.GetPeer("test node A") cases := []struct { syncTimeout time.Duration testNode *Manager requireHeight uint64 want *types.Block err error }{ { syncTimeout: 30 * time.Second, testNode: a, requireHeight: 4, want: blocks[4], err: nil, }, { syncTimeout: 1 * time.Millisecond, testNode: b, requireHeight: 4, want: nil, err: errRequestTimeout, }, } defer func() { requireBlockTimeout = 20 * time.Second }() for i, c := range cases { requireBlockTimeout = c.syncTimeout got, err := c.testNode.blockKeeper.msgFetcher.requireBlock(c.testNode.blockKeeper.syncPeer.ID(), c.requireHeight) if !testutil.DeepEqual(got, c.want) { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want %v", i, got, c.want) } if errors.Root(err) != c.err { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want %v", i, err, c.err) } } } func TestSendMerkleBlock(t *testing.T) { tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary data folder: %v", err) } testDBA := dbm.NewDB("testdba", "leveldb", tmp) testDBB := dbm.NewDB("testdbb", "leveldb", tmp) defer func() { testDBA.Close() testDBB.Close() os.RemoveAll(tmp) }() cases := []struct { txCount int relatedTxIndex []int }{ { txCount: 10, relatedTxIndex: []int{0, 2, 5}, }, { txCount: 0, relatedTxIndex: []int{}, }, { txCount: 10, relatedTxIndex: []int{}, }, { txCount: 5, relatedTxIndex: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, }, { txCount: 20, relatedTxIndex: []int{1, 6, 3, 9, 10, 19}, }, } for _, c := range cases { blocks := mockBlocks(nil, 2) targetBlock := blocks[1] txs, bcTxs := mockTxs(c.txCount) var err error targetBlock.Transactions = txs if targetBlock.TransactionsMerkleRoot, err = types.TxMerkleRoot(bcTxs); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } spvNode := mockSync(blocks, nil, testDBA) blockHash := targetBlock.Hash() var statusResult *bc.TransactionStatus if statusResult, err = spvNode.chain.GetTransactionStatus(&blockHash); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if targetBlock.TransactionStatusHash, err = types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(statusResult.VerifyStatus); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } fullNode := mockSync(blocks, nil, testDBB) netWork := NewNetWork() netWork.Register(spvNode, "", "spv_node", consensus.SFFastSync) netWork.Register(fullNode, "", "full_node", consensus.DefaultServices) var F2S *P2PPeer if F2S, _, err = netWork.HandsShake(spvNode, fullNode); err != nil { t.Errorf("fail on peer hands shake %v", err) } completed := make(chan error) go func() { msgBytes := <-F2S.msgCh _, msg, _ := decodeMessage(msgBytes) switch m := msg.(type) { case *msgs.MerkleBlockMessage: var relatedTxIDs []*bc.Hash for _, rawTx := range m.RawTxDatas { tx := &types.Tx{} if err := tx.UnmarshalText(rawTx); err != nil { completed <- err } relatedTxIDs = append(relatedTxIDs, &tx.ID) } var txHashes []*bc.Hash for _, hashByte := range m.TxHashes { hash := bc.NewHash(hashByte) txHashes = append(txHashes, &hash) } if ok := types.ValidateTxMerkleTreeProof(txHashes, m.Flags, relatedTxIDs, targetBlock.TransactionsMerkleRoot); !ok { completed <- errors.New("validate tx fail") } var statusHashes []*bc.Hash for _, statusByte := range m.StatusHashes { hash := bc.NewHash(statusByte) statusHashes = append(statusHashes, &hash) } var relatedStatuses []*bc.TxVerifyResult for _, statusByte := range m.RawTxStatuses { status := &bc.TxVerifyResult{} err := json.Unmarshal(statusByte, status) if err != nil { completed <- err } relatedStatuses = append(relatedStatuses, status) } if ok := types.ValidateStatusMerkleTreeProof(statusHashes, m.Flags, relatedStatuses, targetBlock.TransactionStatusHash); !ok { completed <- errors.New("validate status fail") } completed <- nil } }() spvPeer := fullNode.peers.GetPeer("spv_node") for i := 0; i < len(c.relatedTxIndex); i++ { spvPeer.AddFilterAddress(txs[c.relatedTxIndex[i]].Outputs[0].ControlProgram()) } msg := &msgs.GetMerkleBlockMessage{RawHash: targetBlock.Hash().Byte32()} fullNode.handleGetMerkleBlockMsg(spvPeer, msg) if err := <-completed; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } func TestLocateBlocks(t *testing.T) { maxNumOfBlocksPerMsg = 5 blocks := mockBlocks(nil, 100) cases := []struct { locator []uint64 stopHash bc.Hash wantHeight []uint64 }{ { locator: []uint64{20}, stopHash: blocks[100].Hash(), wantHeight: []uint64{20, 21, 22, 23, 24}, }, } mockChain := mock.NewChain(nil) bk := &blockKeeper{chain: mockChain} for _, block := range blocks { mockChain.SetBlockByHeight(block.Height, block) } for i, c := range cases { locator := []*bc.Hash{} for _, i := range c.locator { hash := blocks[i].Hash() locator = append(locator, &hash) } want := []*types.Block{} for _, i := range c.wantHeight { want = append(want, blocks[i]) } got, _ := bk.locateBlocks(locator, &c.stopHash) if !testutil.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want %v", i, got, want) } } } func TestLocateHeaders(t *testing.T) { defer func() { maxNumOfHeadersPerMsg = 1000 }() maxNumOfHeadersPerMsg = 10 blocks := mockBlocks(nil, 150) blocksHash := []bc.Hash{} for _, block := range blocks { blocksHash = append(blocksHash, block.Hash()) } cases := []struct { chainHeight uint64 locator []uint64 stopHash *bc.Hash skip uint64 wantHeight []uint64 err bool }{ { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{90}, stopHash: &blocksHash[100], skip: 0, wantHeight: []uint64{90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{20}, stopHash: &blocksHash[24], skip: 0, wantHeight: []uint64{20, 21, 22, 23, 24}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{20}, stopHash: &blocksHash[20], wantHeight: []uint64{20}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{20}, stopHash: &blocksHash[120], wantHeight: []uint64{}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{120, 70}, stopHash: &blocksHash[78], wantHeight: []uint64{70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{15}, stopHash: &blocksHash[10], skip: 10, wantHeight: []uint64{}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{15}, stopHash: &blocksHash[80], skip: 10, wantHeight: []uint64{15, 26, 37, 48, 59, 70, 80}, err: false, }, { chainHeight: 100, locator: []uint64{0}, stopHash: &blocksHash[100], skip: 9, wantHeight: []uint64{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}, err: false, }, } for i, c := range cases { mockChain := mock.NewChain(nil) bk := &blockKeeper{chain: mockChain} for i := uint64(0); i <= c.chainHeight; i++ { mockChain.SetBlockByHeight(i, blocks[i]) } locator := []*bc.Hash{} for _, i := range c.locator { hash := blocks[i].Hash() locator = append(locator, &hash) } want := []*types.BlockHeader{} for _, i := range c.wantHeight { want = append(want, &blocks[i].BlockHeader) } got, err := bk.locateHeaders(locator, c.stopHash, c.skip, maxNumOfHeadersPerMsg) if err != nil != c.err { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want err = %v", i, err, c.err) } if !testutil.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("case %d: got %v want %v", i, got, want) } } }