package p2p import ( "fmt" "net" "" cfg "" "" "" "" ) const maxNodeInfoSize = 10240 // 10Kb var ( errDiffMajorVersion = errors.New("Peer is on a different major version.") errDiffNetwork = errors.New("Peer is on a different network name.") errDiffNetworkID = errors.New("Peer has different network ID.") ) //NodeInfo peer node info type NodeInfo struct { PubKey crypto.PubKeyEd25519 `json:"pub_key"` Moniker string `json:"moniker"` Network string `json:"network"` //NetworkID used to isolate subnets with same network name NetworkID uint64 `json:"network_id"` RemoteAddr string `json:"remote_addr"` ListenAddr string `json:"listen_addr"` Version string `json:"version"` // major.minor.revision ServiceFlag consensus.ServiceFlag `json:"service_flag"` // other application specific data Other []string `json:"other"` } func NewNodeInfo(config *cfg.Config, pubkey crypto.PubKeyEd25519, listenAddr string, netID uint64) *NodeInfo { return &NodeInfo{ PubKey: pubkey, Moniker: config.Moniker, Network: config.ChainID, NetworkID: netID, ListenAddr: listenAddr, Version: version.Version, ServiceFlag: consensus.DefaultServices, } } type VersionCompatibleWith func(remoteVerStr string) (bool, error) // CompatibleWith checks if two NodeInfo are compatible with eachother. // CONTRACT: two nodes are compatible if the major version matches and network match func (info *NodeInfo) compatibleWith(other *NodeInfo, versionCompatibleWith VersionCompatibleWith) error { if info.Network != other.Network { return errors.Wrapf(errDiffNetwork, "Peer network: %v, node network: %v", other.Network, info.Network) } if info.NetworkID != other.NetworkID { return errors.Wrapf(errDiffNetworkID, "Peer network id: %v, node network id: %v", other.NetworkID, info.NetworkID) } compatible, err := versionCompatibleWith(other.Version) if err != nil { return err } if !compatible { return errors.Wrapf(errDiffMajorVersion, "Peer version: %v, node version: %v", other.Version, info.Version) } return nil } //listenHost peer listener ip address func (info NodeInfo) listenHost() string { host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(info.ListenAddr) return host } //remoteAddrHost peer external ip address func (info NodeInfo) remoteAddrHost() string { host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(info.RemoteAddr) return host } //String representation func (info NodeInfo) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("NodeInfo{pk: %v, moniker: %v, network: %v [listen %v],networkID: %x, service: %v,version: %v (%v)}", info.PubKey, info.Moniker, info.Network, info.ListenAddr, info.NetworkID, info.ServiceFlag, info.Version, info.Other) }