package p2p import ( "sync" ) // IPeerSet has a (immutable) subset of the methods of PeerSet. type IPeerSet interface { Has(key string) bool Get(key string) *Peer List() []*Peer Size() int } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PeerSet is a special structure for keeping a table of peers. // Iteration over the peers is super fast and thread-safe. type PeerSet struct { mtx sync.Mutex lookup map[string]*peerSetItem list []*Peer } type peerSetItem struct { peer *Peer index int } // NewPeerSet creates a new peerSet with a list of initial capacity of 256 items. func NewPeerSet() *PeerSet { return &PeerSet{ lookup: make(map[string]*peerSetItem), list: make([]*Peer, 0, 256), } } // Add adds the peer to the PeerSet. // Returns false if peer with key (PubKeyEd25519) is already set func (ps *PeerSet) Add(peer *Peer) error { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() if ps.lookup[peer.Key] != nil { return ErrDuplicatePeer } ps.lookup[peer.Key] = &peerSetItem{peer, len(ps.list)} ps.list = append(ps.list, peer) return nil } // Get looks up a peer by the provided peerKey. func (ps *PeerSet) Get(peerKey string) *Peer { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() item, ok := ps.lookup[peerKey] if ok { return item.peer } return nil } // Has returns true if the PeerSet contains // the peer referred to by this peerKey. func (ps *PeerSet) Has(peerKey string) bool { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() _, ok := ps.lookup[peerKey] return ok } // List threadsafe list of peers. func (ps *PeerSet) List() []*Peer { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() return ps.list } // Remove discards peer if the peer was previously memoized. func (ps *PeerSet) Remove(peer *Peer) { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() item := ps.lookup[peer.Key] if item == nil { return } index := item.index // Copy the list but without the last element. // (we must copy because we're mutating the list) newList := make([]*Peer, len(ps.list)-1) copy(newList, ps.list) // If it's the last peer, that's an easy special case. if index == len(ps.list)-1 { ps.list = newList delete(ps.lookup, peer.Key) return } // Move the last item from ps.list to "index" in list. lastPeer := ps.list[len(ps.list)-1] lastPeerKey := lastPeer.Key lastPeerItem := ps.lookup[lastPeerKey] newList[index] = lastPeer lastPeerItem.index = index ps.list = newList delete(ps.lookup, peer.Key) } // Size returns the number of unique items in the peerSet. func (ps *PeerSet) Size() int { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() return len(ps.list) }