package proposal import ( "sort" "strconv" "time" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const logModule = "mining" // createCoinbaseTx returns a coinbase transaction paying an appropriate subsidy // based on the passed block height to the provided address. When the address // is nil, the coinbase transaction will instead be redeemable by anyone. func createCoinbaseTx(accountManager *account.Manager, blockHeight uint64) (tx *types.Tx, err error) { arbitrary := append([]byte{0x00}, []byte(strconv.FormatUint(blockHeight, 10))...) var script []byte if accountManager == nil { script, err = vmutil.DefaultCoinbaseProgram() } else { script, err = accountManager.GetCoinbaseControlProgram() arbitrary = append(arbitrary, accountManager.GetCoinbaseArbitrary()...) } if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(arbitrary) > consensus.CoinbaseArbitrarySizeLimit { return nil, validation.ErrCoinbaseArbitraryOversize } builder := txbuilder.NewBuilder(time.Now()) if err = builder.AddInput(types.NewCoinbaseInput(arbitrary), &txbuilder.SigningInstruction{}); err != nil { return nil, err } if err = builder.AddOutput(types.NewIntraChainOutput(*consensus.BTMAssetID, 0, script)); err != nil { return nil, err } _, txData, err := builder.Build() if err != nil { return nil, err } tx = &types.Tx{ TxData: *txData, Tx: types.MapTx(txData), } return tx, nil } // restructCoinbaseTx build coinbase transaction with aggregate outputs when it achieved the specified block height func restructCoinbaseTx(tx *types.Tx, rewards []state.CoinbaseReward) error { for _, r := range rewards { tx.Outputs = append(tx.Outputs, types.NewIntraChainOutput(*consensus.BTMAssetID, r.Amount, r.ControlProgram)) } byteData, err := tx.TxData.MarshalText() if err != nil { return err } tx.TxData.SerializedSize = uint64(len(byteData)) tx.Tx = types.MapTx(&tx.TxData) return nil } // NewBlockTemplate returns a new block template that is ready to be solved func NewBlockTemplate(c *protocol.Chain, txPool *protocol.TxPool, accountManager *account.Manager, timestamp uint64) (b *types.Block, err error) { view := state.NewUtxoViewpoint() txStatus := bc.NewTransactionStatus() if err := txStatus.SetStatus(0, false); err != nil { return nil, err } txEntries := []*bc.Tx{nil} gasUsed := uint64(0) // get preblock info for generate next block preBlockHeader := c.BestBlockHeader() preBlockHash := preBlockHeader.Hash() nextBlockHeight := preBlockHeader.Height + 1 b = &types.Block{ BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{ Version: 1, Height: nextBlockHeight, PreviousBlockHash: preBlockHash, Timestamp: timestamp, BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{}, BlockWitness: types.BlockWitness{Witness: make([][]byte, consensus.NumOfConsensusNode)}, }, } bcBlock := &bc.Block{BlockHeader: &bc.BlockHeader{Height: nextBlockHeight}} b.Transactions = []*types.Tx{nil} txs := txPool.GetTransactions() sort.Sort(byTime(txs)) entriesTxs := []*bc.Tx{} for _, txDesc := range txs { entriesTxs = append(entriesTxs, txDesc.Tx.Tx) } validateResults := validation.ValidateTxs(entriesTxs, bcBlock) for i, validateResult := range validateResults { txDesc := txs[i] tx := txDesc.Tx.Tx gasOnlyTx := false gasStatus := validateResult.GetGasState() if validateResult.GetError() != nil { if !gasStatus.GasValid { blkGenSkipTxForErr(txPool, &tx.ID, err) continue } gasOnlyTx = true } if err := c.GetTransactionsUtxo(view, []*bc.Tx{tx}); err != nil { blkGenSkipTxForErr(txPool, &tx.ID, err) continue } if gasUsed+uint64(gasStatus.GasUsed) > consensus.MaxBlockGas { break } if err := view.ApplyTransaction(bcBlock, tx, gasOnlyTx); err != nil { blkGenSkipTxForErr(txPool, &tx.ID, err) continue } if err := txStatus.SetStatus(len(b.Transactions), gasOnlyTx); err != nil { return nil, err } b.Transactions = append(b.Transactions, txDesc.Tx) txEntries = append(txEntries, tx) gasUsed += uint64(gasStatus.GasUsed) if gasUsed == consensus.MaxBlockGas { break } } // create coinbase transaction b.Transactions[0], err = createCoinbaseTx(accountManager, nextBlockHeight) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "fail on createCoinbaseTx") } consensusResult, err := c.GetConsensusResultByHash(&preBlockHash) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err := consensusResult.AttachCoinbaseReward(b); err != nil { return nil, err } rewards, err := consensusResult.GetCoinbaseRewards(nextBlockHeight) if err != nil { return nil, err } // restruct coinbase transaction if err = restructCoinbaseTx(b.Transactions[0], rewards); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "fail on createCoinbaseTx") } txEntries[0] = b.Transactions[0].Tx b.BlockHeader.BlockCommitment.TransactionsMerkleRoot, err = types.TxMerkleRoot(txEntries) if err != nil { return nil, err } b.BlockHeader.BlockCommitment.TransactionStatusHash, err = types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(txStatus.VerifyStatus) _, err = c.SignBlock(b) return b, err } func blkGenSkipTxForErr(txPool *protocol.TxPool, txHash *bc.Hash, err error) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "error": err}).Error("mining block generation: skip tx due to") txPool.RemoveTransaction(txHash) }