package protocol import ( "encoding/hex" "fmt" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( maxSignatureCacheSize = 10000 ) var ( errVotingOperationOverFlow = errors.New("voting operation result overflow") errDoubleSignBlock = errors.New("the consensus is double sign in same height of different block") errInvalidSignature = errors.New("the signature of block is invalid") errSignForkChain = errors.New("can not sign fork before the irreversible block") ) func signCacheKey(blockHash, pubkey string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", blockHash, pubkey) } func (c *Chain) isIrreversible(blockNode *state.BlockNode) bool { consensusNodes, err := c.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNodes(&blockNode.Parent.Hash) if err != nil { return false } signCount := 0 for i := 0; i < len(consensusNodes); i++ { if ok, _ := blockNode.BlockWitness.Test(uint32(i)); ok { signCount++ } } return signCount > len(consensusNodes)*2/3 } // GetVoteResultByHash return vote result by block hash func (c *Chain) GetVoteResultByHash(blockHash *bc.Hash) (*state.VoteResult, error) { blockNode := c.index.GetNode(blockHash) return c.consensusNodeManager.getVoteResult(state.CalcVoteSeq(blockNode.Height), blockNode) } // IsBlocker returns whether the consensus node is a blocker at the specified time func (c *Chain) IsBlocker(prevBlockHash *bc.Hash, pubKey string, timeStamp uint64) (bool, error) { xPub, err := c.consensusNodeManager.getBlocker(prevBlockHash, timeStamp) if err != nil { return false, err } return xPub == pubKey, nil } // GetBlock return blocker by specified timestamp func (c *Chain) GetBlocker(prevBlockHash *bc.Hash, timestamp uint64) (string, error) { return c.consensusNodeManager.getBlocker(prevBlockHash, timestamp) } // ProcessBlockSignature process the received block signature messages // return whether a block become irreversible, if so, the chain module must update status func (c *Chain) ProcessBlockSignature(signature, xPub []byte, blockHash *bc.Hash) error { xpubStr := hex.EncodeToString(xPub[:]) blockNode := c.index.GetNode(blockHash) // save the signature if the block is not exist if blockNode == nil { cacheKey := signCacheKey(blockHash.String(), xpubStr) c.signatureCache.Add(cacheKey, signature) return nil } consensusNode, err := c.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNode(&blockNode.Parent.Hash, xpubStr) if err != nil { return err } if exist, _ := blockNode.BlockWitness.Test(uint32(consensusNode.Order)); exist { return nil } c.cond.L.Lock() defer c.cond.L.Unlock() if err := c.checkNodeSign(blockNode.BlockHeader(), consensusNode, signature); err != nil { return err } if err := c.updateBlockSignature(blockNode, consensusNode.Order, signature); err != nil { return err } return c.eventDispatcher.Post(event.BlockSignatureEvent{BlockHash: *blockHash, Signature: signature, XPub: xPub}) } // validateSign verify the signatures of block, and return the number of correct signature // if some signature is invalid, they will be reset to nil // if the block has not the signature of blocker, it will return error func (c *Chain) validateSign(block *types.Block) error { consensusNodeMap, err := c.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNodes(&block.PreviousBlockHash) if err != nil { return err } hasBlockerSign := false blockHash := block.Hash() for pubKey, node := range consensusNodeMap { if len(block.Witness) <= int(node.Order) { continue } if block.Get(node.Order) == nil { cachekey := signCacheKey(blockHash.String(), pubKey) if signature, ok := c.signatureCache.Get(cachekey); ok { block.Set(node.Order, signature.([]byte)) } else { continue } } if err := c.checkNodeSign(&block.BlockHeader, node, block.Get(node.Order)); err == errDoubleSignBlock { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "blockHash": blockHash.String(), "pubKey": pubKey}).Warn("the consensus node double sign the same height of different block") block.Delete(node.Order) continue } else if err != nil { return err } isBlocker, err := c.IsBlocker(&block.PreviousBlockHash, pubKey, block.Timestamp) if err != nil { return err } if isBlocker { hasBlockerSign = true } } if !hasBlockerSign { return errors.New("the block has no signature of the blocker") } return nil } func (c *Chain) checkNodeSign(bh *types.BlockHeader, consensusNode *state.ConsensusNode, signature []byte) error { if !consensusNode.XPub.Verify(bh.Hash().Bytes(), signature) { return errInvalidSignature } blockNodes := c.consensusNodeManager.blockIndex.NodesByHeight(bh.Height) for _, blockNode := range blockNodes { if blockNode.Hash == bh.Hash() { continue } consensusNode, err := c.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNode(&blockNode.Parent.Hash, consensusNode.XPub.String()) if err != nil && err != errNotFoundConsensusNode { return err } if err == errNotFoundConsensusNode { continue } if ok, err := blockNode.BlockWitness.Test(uint32(consensusNode.Order)); err == nil && ok { return errDoubleSignBlock } } return nil } // SignBlock signing the block if current node is consensus node func (c *Chain) SignBlock(block *types.Block) ([]byte, error) { xprv := config.CommonConfig.PrivateKey() xpubStr := xprv.XPub().String() node, err := c.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNode(&block.PreviousBlockHash, xpubStr) if err == errNotFoundConsensusNode { return nil, nil } else if err != nil { return nil, err } c.cond.L.Lock() defer c.cond.L.Unlock() //check double sign in same block height blockNodes := c.consensusNodeManager.blockIndex.NodesByHeight(block.Height) for _, blockNode := range blockNodes { // Has already signed the same height block if ok, err := blockNode.BlockWitness.Test(uint32(node.Order)); err == nil && ok { return nil, nil } } for blockNode := c.index.GetNode(&block.PreviousBlockHash); !c.index.InMainchain(blockNode.Hash); blockNode = blockNode.Parent { if blockNode.Height <= c.bestIrreversibleNode.Height { return nil, errSignForkChain } } signature := block.Get(node.Order) if len(signature) == 0 { signature = xprv.Sign(block.Hash().Bytes()) block.Set(node.Order, signature) } return signature, nil } func (c *Chain) updateBlockSignature(blockNode *state.BlockNode, nodeOrder uint64, signature []byte) error { if err := blockNode.BlockWitness.Set(uint32(nodeOrder)); err != nil { return err } blockHeader, err :=, blockNode.Height) if err != nil { return err } blockHeader.Set(nodeOrder, signature) if err :=; err != nil { return err } if c.isIrreversible(blockNode) && blockNode.Height > c.bestIrreversibleNode.Height { if err :=, blockNode, state.NewUtxoViewpoint(), []*state.VoteResult{}); err != nil { return err } c.bestIrreversibleNode = blockNode } return nil }