package protocol import ( "encoding/hex" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( errVotingOperationOverFlow = errors.New("voting operation result overflow") ) type bbft struct { consensusNodeManager *consensusNodeManager } func newBbft(store Store, blockIndex *state.BlockIndex) *bbft { return &bbft{ consensusNodeManager: newConsensusNodeManager(store, blockIndex), } } // IsConsensusPubkey determine whether a public key is a consensus node at a specified height func (b *bbft) IsConsensusPubkey(height uint64, pubkey []byte) (bool, error) { node, err := b.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNode(height, hex.EncodeToString(pubkey)) if err != nil && err != errNotFoundConsensusNode { return false, err } return node != nil, nil } func (b *bbft) isIrreversible(block *types.Block) bool { signNum, err := b.validateSign(block) if err != nil { return false } return signNum > (numOfConsensusNode * 2 / 3) } // NextLeaderTime returns the start time of the specified public key as the next leader node func (b *bbft) NextLeaderTime(pubkey []byte, bestBlockTimestamp, bestBlockHeight uint64) (*time.Time, error) { return b.consensusNodeManager.nextLeaderTime(pubkey, bestBlockTimestamp, bestBlockHeight) } func (b *bbft) ApplyBlock(voteResultMap map[uint64]*state.VoteResult, block *types.Block) (err error) { voteSeq := block.Height / roundVoteBlockNums voteResult := voteResultMap[voteSeq] if voteResult == nil { store := voteResult, err = store.GetVoteResult(voteSeq) if err != nil && err != ErrNotFoundVoteResult { return err } } if voteResult == nil { voteResult = &state.VoteResult{ Seq: voteSeq, NumOfVote: make(map[string]uint64), LastBlockHeight: block.Height, } } voteResultMap[voteSeq] = voteResult if voteResult.LastBlockHeight+1 != block.Height { return errors.New("bbft append block error, the block height is not equals last block height plus 1 of vote result") } for _, tx := range block.Transactions { for _, input := range tx.Inputs { unVoteInput, ok := input.TypedInput.(*types.UnvoteInput) if !ok { continue } pubkey := hex.EncodeToString(unVoteInput.Vote) voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], ok = checked.SubUint64(voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], unVoteInput.Amount) if !ok { return errVotingOperationOverFlow } } for _, output := range tx.Outputs { voteOutput, ok := output.TypedOutput.(*types.VoteTxOutput) if !ok { continue } pubkey := hex.EncodeToString(voteOutput.Vote) voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], ok = checked.AddUint64(voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], voteOutput.Amount) if !ok { return errVotingOperationOverFlow } } } voteResult.LastBlockHeight++ voteResult.Finalized = (block.Height+1)%roundVoteBlockNums == 0 return nil } func (b *bbft) DetachBlock(voteResultMap map[uint64]*state.VoteResult, block *types.Block) error { voteSeq := block.Height / roundVoteBlockNums voteResult := voteResultMap[voteSeq] if voteResult == nil { store := voteResult, err := store.GetVoteResult(voteSeq) if err != nil { return err } voteResultMap[voteSeq] = voteResult } if voteResult.LastBlockHeight != block.Height { return errors.New("bbft detach block error, the block height is not equals last block height of vote result") } for _, tx := range block.Transactions { for _, input := range tx.Inputs { unVoteInput, ok := input.TypedInput.(*types.UnvoteInput) if !ok { continue } pubkey := hex.EncodeToString(unVoteInput.Vote) voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], ok = checked.AddUint64(voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], unVoteInput.Amount) if !ok { return errVotingOperationOverFlow } } for _, output := range tx.Outputs { voteOutput, ok := output.TypedOutput.(*types.VoteTxOutput) if !ok { continue } pubkey := hex.EncodeToString(voteOutput.Vote) voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], ok = checked.SubUint64(voteResult.NumOfVote[pubkey], voteOutput.Amount) if !ok { return errVotingOperationOverFlow } } } voteResult.LastBlockHeight-- voteResult.Finalized = false return nil } // ValidateBlock verify whether the block is valid func (b *bbft) ValidateBlock(block *types.Block) error { signNum, err := b.validateSign(block) if err != nil { return err } if signNum == 0 { return errors.New("no valid signature") } return nil } // validateSign verify the signatures of block, and return the number of correct signature // if some signature is invalid, they will be reset to nil // if the block has not the signature of blocker, it will return error func (b *bbft) validateSign(block *types.Block) (uint64, error) { var correctSignNum uint64 consensusNodeMap, err := b.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNodesByVoteResult(block.Height) if err != nil { return 0, err } hasBlockerSign := false for pubkey, node := range consensusNodeMap { if len(block.Witness) <= int(node.order) { continue } blocks := b.consensusNodeManager.blockIndex.NodesByHeight(block.Height) for _, b := range blocks { if b.Hash == block.Hash() { continue } if ok, err := b.BlockWitness.Test(uint32(node.order)); err != nil && ok { // Consensus node is signed twice with the same block height, discard the signature block.Witness[node.order] = nil break } } if ed25519.Verify(ed25519.PublicKey(pubkey), block.Hash().Bytes(), block.Witness[node.order]) { correctSignNum++ isBlocker, err := b.consensusNodeManager.isBlocker(block.Height, block.Timestamp, pubkey) if err != nil { return 0, err } if isBlocker { hasBlockerSign = true } } else { // discard the invalid signature block.Witness[node.order] = nil } } if !hasBlockerSign { return 0, errors.New("the block has no signature of the blocker") } return correctSignNum, nil } // SignBlock signing the block if current node is consensus node func (b *bbft) SignBlock(block *types.Block) error { var xprv chainkd.XPrv xpub := [64]byte(xprv.XPub()) node, err := b.consensusNodeManager.getConsensusNode(block.Height, hex.EncodeToString(xpub[:])) if err != nil && err != errNotFoundConsensusNode { return err } if node == nil { return nil } block.Witness[node.order] = xprv.Sign(block.Hash().Bytes()) return nil } // UpdateConsensusNodes used to update consensus node after each round of voting func (b *bbft) UpdateConsensusNodes(blockHeight uint64) error { return b.consensusNodeManager.updateConsensusNodes(blockHeight) }