package types import ( "" "" "" "" ) // MapTx converts a types TxData object into its entries-based // representation. func MapTx(oldTx *TxData) *bc.Tx { txID, txHeader, entries := mapTx(oldTx) tx := &bc.Tx{ TxHeader: txHeader, ID: txID, Entries: entries, InputIDs: make([]bc.Hash, len(oldTx.Inputs)), } spentOutputIDs := make(map[bc.Hash]bool) for id, e := range entries { var ord uint64 switch e := e.(type) { case *bc.Issuance: ord = e.Ordinal case *bc.Spend: ord = e.Ordinal spentOutputIDs[*e.SpentOutputId] = true if *e.WitnessDestination.Value.AssetId == *consensus.BTMAssetID { tx.GasInputIDs = append(tx.GasInputIDs, id) } case *bc.Coinbase: ord = 0 tx.GasInputIDs = append(tx.GasInputIDs, id) default: continue } if ord >= uint64(len(oldTx.Inputs)) { continue } tx.InputIDs[ord] = id } for id := range spentOutputIDs { tx.SpentOutputIDs = append(tx.SpentOutputIDs, id) } return tx } func mapTx(tx *TxData) (headerID bc.Hash, hdr *bc.TxHeader, entryMap map[bc.Hash]bc.Entry) { entryMap = make(map[bc.Hash]bc.Entry) addEntry := func(e bc.Entry) bc.Hash { id := bc.EntryID(e) entryMap[id] = e return id } var ( spends []*bc.Spend issuances []*bc.Issuance coinbase *bc.Coinbase ) muxSources := make([]*bc.ValueSource, len(tx.Inputs)) for i, input := range tx.Inputs { switch inp := input.TypedInput.(type) { case *IssuanceInput: nonceHash := inp.NonceHash() assetDefHash := inp.AssetDefinitionHash() value := input.AssetAmount() issuance := bc.NewIssuance(&nonceHash, &value, uint64(i)) issuance.WitnessAssetDefinition = &bc.AssetDefinition{ Data: &assetDefHash, IssuanceProgram: &bc.Program{ VmVersion: inp.VMVersion, Code: inp.IssuanceProgram, }, } issuance.WitnessArguments = inp.Arguments issuanceID := addEntry(issuance) muxSources[i] = &bc.ValueSource{ Ref: &issuanceID, Value: &value, } issuances = append(issuances, issuance) case *SpendInput: // create entry for prevout prog := &bc.Program{VmVersion: inp.VMVersion, Code: inp.ControlProgram} src := &bc.ValueSource{ Ref: &inp.SourceID, Value: &inp.AssetAmount, Position: inp.SourcePosition, } prevout := bc.NewOutput(src, prog, 0) // ordinal doesn't matter for prevouts, only for result outputs prevoutID := addEntry(prevout) // create entry for spend spend := bc.NewSpend(&prevoutID, uint64(i)) spend.WitnessArguments = inp.Arguments spendID := addEntry(spend) // setup mux muxSources[i] = &bc.ValueSource{ Ref: &spendID, Value: &inp.AssetAmount, } spends = append(spends, spend) case *CoinbaseInput: coinbase = bc.NewCoinbase(inp.Arbitrary) coinbaseID := addEntry(coinbase) out := tx.Outputs[0] muxSources[i] = &bc.ValueSource{ Ref: &coinbaseID, Value: &out.AssetAmount, } } } mux := bc.NewMux(muxSources, &bc.Program{VmVersion: 1, Code: []byte{byte(vm.OP_TRUE)}}) muxID := addEntry(mux) // connect the inputs to the mux for _, spend := range spends { spentOutput := entryMap[*spend.SpentOutputId].(*bc.Output) spend.SetDestination(&muxID, spentOutput.Source.Value, spend.Ordinal) } for _, issuance := range issuances { issuance.SetDestination(&muxID, issuance.Value, issuance.Ordinal) } if coinbase != nil { coinbase.SetDestination(&muxID, mux.Sources[0].Value, 0) } // convert types.outputs to the bc.output var resultIDs []*bc.Hash for i, out := range tx.Outputs { src := &bc.ValueSource{ Ref: &muxID, Value: &out.AssetAmount, Position: uint64(i), } var resultID bc.Hash if vmutil.IsUnspendable(out.ControlProgram) { // retirement r := bc.NewRetirement(src, uint64(i)) resultID = addEntry(r) } else { // non-retirement prog := &bc.Program{out.VMVersion, out.ControlProgram} o := bc.NewOutput(src, prog, uint64(i)) resultID = addEntry(o) } dest := &bc.ValueDestination{ Value: src.Value, Ref: &resultID, Position: 0, } resultIDs = append(resultIDs, &resultID) mux.WitnessDestinations = append(mux.WitnessDestinations, dest) } h := bc.NewTxHeader(tx.Version, tx.SerializedSize, tx.TimeRange, resultIDs) return addEntry(h), h, entryMap } func mapBlockHeader(old *BlockHeader) (bc.Hash, *bc.BlockHeader) { bh := bc.NewBlockHeader(old.Version, old.Height, &old.PreviousBlockHash, old.Timestamp, &old.TransactionsMerkleRoot, &old.TransactionStatusHash, old.Witness) return bc.EntryID(bh), bh } // MapBlock converts a types block to bc block func MapBlock(old *Block) *bc.Block { if old == nil { return nil } b := new(bc.Block) b.ID, b.BlockHeader = mapBlockHeader(&old.BlockHeader) for _, oldTx := range old.Transactions { b.Transactions = append(b.Transactions, oldTx.Tx) } return b }