package vmutil import ( "encoding/binary" "" "" ) type Builder struct { program []byte jumpCounter int // Maps a jump target number to its absolute address. jumpAddr map[int]uint32 // Maps a jump target number to the list of places where its // absolute address must be filled in once known. jumpPlaceholders map[int][]int } func NewBuilder() *Builder { return &Builder{ jumpAddr: make(map[int]uint32), jumpPlaceholders: make(map[int][]int), } } // AddInt64 adds a pushdata instruction for an integer value. func (b *Builder) AddInt64(n int64) *Builder { b.program = append(b.program, vm.PushdataInt64(n)...) return b } // AddData adds a pushdata instruction for a given byte string. func (b *Builder) AddData(data []byte) *Builder { b.program = append(b.program, vm.PushdataBytes(data)...) return b } // AddRawBytes simply appends the given bytes to the program. (It does // not introduce a pushdata opcode.) func (b *Builder) AddRawBytes(data []byte) *Builder { b.program = append(b.program, data...) return b } // AddOp adds the given opcode to the program. func (b *Builder) AddOp(op vm.Op) *Builder { b.program = append(b.program, byte(op)) return b } // NewJumpTarget allocates a number that can be used as a jump target // in AddJump and AddJumpIf. Call SetJumpTarget to associate the // number with a program location. func (b *Builder) NewJumpTarget() int { b.jumpCounter++ return b.jumpCounter } // AddJump adds a JUMP opcode whose target is the given target // number. The actual program location of the target does not need to // be known yet, as long as SetJumpTarget is called before Build. func (b *Builder) AddJump(target int) *Builder { return b.addJump(vm.OP_JUMP, target) } // AddJump adds a JUMPIF opcode whose target is the given target // number. The actual program location of the target does not need to // be known yet, as long as SetJumpTarget is called before Build. func (b *Builder) AddJumpIf(target int) *Builder { return b.addJump(vm.OP_JUMPIF, target) } func (b *Builder) addJump(op vm.Op, target int) *Builder { b.AddOp(op) b.jumpPlaceholders[target] = append(b.jumpPlaceholders[target], len(b.program)) b.AddRawBytes([]byte{0, 0, 0, 0}) return b } // SetJumpTarget associates the given jump-target number with the // current position in the program - namely, the program's length, // such that the first instruction executed by a jump using this // target will be whatever instruction is added next. It is legal for // SetJumpTarget to be called at the end of the program, causing jumps // using that target to fall off the end. There must be a call to // SetJumpTarget for every jump target used before any call to Build. func (b *Builder) SetJumpTarget(target int) *Builder { b.jumpAddr[target] = uint32(len(b.program)) return b } var ErrUnresolvedJump = errors.New("unresolved jump target") // Build produces the bytecode of the program. It first resolves any // jumps in the program by filling in the addresses of their // targets. This requires SetJumpTarget to be called prior to Build // for each jump target used (in a call to AddJump or AddJumpIf). If // any target's address hasn't been set in this way, this function // produces ErrUnresolvedJump. There are no other error conditions. func (b *Builder) Build() ([]byte, error) { for target, placeholders := range b.jumpPlaceholders { addr, ok := b.jumpAddr[target] if !ok { return nil, errors.Wrapf(ErrUnresolvedJump, "target %d", target) } for _, placeholder := range placeholders { binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b.program[placeholder:placeholder+4], addr) } } return b.program, nil }