package test import ( "encoding/hex" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // NewBlock create block according to the current status of chain func NewBlock(chain *protocol.Chain, txs []*types.Tx, controlProgram []byte) (*types.Block, error) { gasUsed := uint64(0) txsFee := uint64(0) txEntries := []*bc.Tx{nil} txStatus := bc.NewTransactionStatus() if err := txStatus.SetStatus(0, false); err != nil { return nil, err } preBlockHeader := chain.BestBlockHeader() b := &types.Block{ BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{ Version: 1, Height: preBlockHeader.Height + 1, PreviousBlockHash: preBlockHeader.Hash(), Timestamp: preBlockHeader.Timestamp + 1, BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{}, }, Transactions: []*types.Tx{nil}, } bcBlock := &bc.Block{BlockHeader: &bc.BlockHeader{Height: preBlockHeader.Height + 1}} for _, tx := range txs { gasOnlyTx := false gasStatus, err := validation.ValidateTx(tx.Tx, bcBlock) if err != nil { if !gasStatus.GasValid { continue } gasOnlyTx = true } txStatus.SetStatus(len(b.Transactions), gasOnlyTx) b.Transactions = append(b.Transactions, tx) txEntries = append(txEntries, tx.Tx) gasUsed += uint64(gasStatus.GasUsed) txsFee += txFee(tx) } coinbaseTx, err := CreateCoinbaseTx(controlProgram, preBlockHeader.Height+1, txsFee) if err != nil { return nil, err } b.Transactions[0] = coinbaseTx txEntries[0] = coinbaseTx.Tx b.TransactionsMerkleRoot, err = types.TxMerkleRoot(txEntries) if err != nil { return nil, err } b.TransactionStatusHash, err = types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(txStatus.VerifyStatus) proof, err := generateProof(*b) if err != nil { return nil, err } b.Proof = proof return b, err } func generateProof(block types.Block) (types.Proof, error) { var xPrv chainkd.XPrv if consensus.ActiveNetParams.Signer == "" { return types.Proof{}, errors.New("Signer is empty") } xPrv.UnmarshalText([]byte(consensus.ActiveNetParams.Signer)) sign := xPrv.Sign(block.BlockCommitment.TransactionsMerkleRoot.Bytes()) pubHash := crypto.Ripemd160(xPrv.XPub().PublicKey()) control, err := vmutil.P2WPKHProgram([]byte(pubHash)) if err != nil { return types.Proof{}, err } return types.Proof{Sign: sign, ControlProgram: control}, nil } // ReplaceCoinbase replace the coinbase tx of block with coinbaseTx func ReplaceCoinbase(block *types.Block, coinbaseTx *types.Tx) (err error) { block.Transactions[0] = coinbaseTx txEntires := []*bc.Tx{coinbaseTx.Tx} for i := 1; i < len(block.Transactions); i++ { txEntires = append(txEntires, block.Transactions[i].Tx) } block.TransactionsMerkleRoot, err = types.TxMerkleRoot(txEntires) return } // AppendBlocks append empty blocks to chain, mainly used to mature the coinbase tx func AppendBlocks(chain *protocol.Chain, num uint64) error { for i := uint64(0); i < num; i++ { block, err := NewBlock(chain, nil, []byte{byte(vm.OP_TRUE)}) if err != nil { return err } if err := SolveAndUpdate(chain, block); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func setAuthoritys(chain *protocol.Chain) { authoritys := make(map[string]string) xpubStr := "96bc2ad4b1c2db399990c811c4367688cbb7867612bb9d04e4dc7848e425c6395264d3b177a96646bc0ce517ae7fd63504c183ab6d330dea184331a4cf5912d5" var xpub chainkd.XPub xpub.UnmarshalText([]byte(xpubStr)) pubHash := crypto.Ripemd160(xpub.PublicKey()) control, _ := vmutil.P2WPKHProgram([]byte(pubHash)) key := hex.EncodeToString(control) authoritys[key] = xpub.String() chain.SetAuthoritys(authoritys) } // SolveAndUpdate solve difficulty and update chain status func SolveAndUpdate(chain *protocol.Chain, block *types.Block) error { _, err := chain.ProcessBlock(block) return err }