package sample import ( "fmt" "" ) // CopyObjectSample shows the copy files usage func CopyObjectSample() { // Create a bucket bucket, err := GetTestBucket(bucketName) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Create an object err = bucket.PutObjectFromFile(objectKey, localFile) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Case 1: Copy an existing object var descObjectKey = "descobject" _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, descObjectKey) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Case 2: Copy an existing object to another existing object _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, descObjectKey) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } err = bucket.DeleteObject(descObjectKey) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Case 3: Copy file with constraints. When the constraints are met, the copy executes. otherwise the copy does not execute. // constraints are not met, copy does not execute _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, descObjectKey, oss.CopySourceIfModifiedSince(futureDate)) if err == nil { HandleError(err) } fmt.Println("CopyObjectError:", err) // Constraints are met, the copy executes _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, descObjectKey, oss.CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince(futureDate)) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Case 4: Specify the properties when copying. The MetadataDirective needs to be MetaReplace options := []oss.Option{ oss.Expires(futureDate), oss.Meta("myprop", "mypropval"), oss.MetadataDirective(oss.MetaReplace)} _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, descObjectKey, options...) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } meta, err := bucket.GetObjectDetailedMeta(descObjectKey) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } fmt.Println("meta:", meta) // Case 5: When the source file is the same as the target file, the copy could be used to update metadata options = []oss.Option{ oss.Expires(futureDate), oss.Meta("myprop", "mypropval"), oss.MetadataDirective(oss.MetaReplace)} _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, objectKey, options...) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } fmt.Println("meta:", meta) // Case 6: Big file's multipart copy. It supports concurrent copy with resumable upload // copy file with multipart. The part size is 100K. By default one routine is used without resumable upload err = bucket.CopyFile(bucketName, objectKey, descObjectKey, 100*1024) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Part size is 100K and three coroutines for the concurrent copy err = bucket.CopyFile(bucketName, objectKey, descObjectKey, 100*1024, oss.Routines(3)) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Part size is 100K and three coroutines for the concurrent copy with resumable upload err = bucket.CopyFile(bucketName, objectKey, descObjectKey, 100*1024, oss.Routines(3), oss.Checkpoint(true, "")) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Specify the checkpoint file path. If the checkpoint file path is not specified, the current folder is used. err = bucket.CopyFile(bucketName, objectKey, descObjectKey, 100*1024, oss.Checkpoint(true, localFile+".cp")) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Case 7: Set the storage classes.OSS provides three storage classes: Standard, Infrequent Access, and Archive. // Copy a object in the same bucket, and set object's storage-class to Archive. _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, objectKey+"DestArchive", oss.ObjectStorageClass("Archive")) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Case 8: Copy object with tagging, the value of tagging directive is REPLACE tag1 := oss.Tag{ Key: "key1", Value: "value1", } tag2 := oss.Tag{ Key: "key2", Value: "value2", } tagging := oss.Tagging{ Tags: []oss.Tag{tag1, tag2}, } _, err = bucket.CopyObject(objectKey, objectKey+"WithTagging", oss.SetTagging(tagging), oss.TaggingDirective(oss.TaggingReplace)) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } // Delete object and bucket err = DeleteTestBucketAndObject(bucketName) if err != nil { HandleError(err) } fmt.Println("CopyObjectSample completed") }