package conn import ( "errors" "net" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestManager(t *testing.T) { var ( tickc = make(chan time.Time) after = func(time.Duration) <-chan time.Time { return tickc } dialconn = &mockConn{} dialerr = error(nil) dialer = func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return dialconn, dialerr } mgr = NewManager(dialer, "netw", "addr", after, log.NewNopLogger()) ) // First conn should be fine. conn := mgr.Take() if conn == nil { t.Fatal("nil conn") } // Write and check it went through. if _, err := conn.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if want, have := uint64(3), atomic.LoadUint64(&dialconn.wr); want != have { t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have) } // Put an error to kill the conn. mgr.Put(errors.New("should kill the connection")) // First takes should fail. for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { if conn = mgr.Take(); conn != nil { t.Fatalf("iteration %d: want nil conn, got real conn", i) } } // Trigger the reconnect. tickc <- time.Now() // The dial should eventually succeed and yield a good conn. if !within(100*time.Millisecond, func() bool { conn = mgr.Take() return conn != nil }) { t.Fatal("conn remained nil") } // Write and check it went through. if _, err := conn.Write([]byte{4, 5}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if want, have := uint64(5), atomic.LoadUint64(&dialconn.wr); want != have { t.Errorf("want %d, have %d", want, have) } // Dial starts failing. dialconn, dialerr = nil, errors.New("oh noes") mgr.Put(errors.New("trigger that reconnect y'all")) if conn = mgr.Take(); conn != nil { t.Fatalf("want nil conn, got real conn") } // As many reconnects as they want. go func() { done := time.After(100 * time.Millisecond) for { select { case tickc <- time.Now(): case <-done: return } } }() // The dial should never succeed. if within(100*time.Millisecond, func() bool { conn = mgr.Take() return conn != nil }) { t.Fatal("eventually got a good conn, despite failing dialer") } } func TestIssue292(t *testing.T) { // The util/conn.Manager won't attempt to reconnect to the provided endpoint // if the endpoint is initially unavailable (e.g. dial tcp :8080: // getsockopt: connection refused). If the endpoint is up when // conn.NewManager is called and then goes down/up, it reconnects just fine. var ( tickc = make(chan time.Time) after = func(time.Duration) <-chan time.Time { return tickc } dialconn = net.Conn(nil) dialerr = errors.New("fail") dialer = func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return dialconn, dialerr } mgr = NewManager(dialer, "netw", "addr", after, log.NewNopLogger()) ) if conn := mgr.Take(); conn != nil { t.Fatal("first Take should have yielded nil conn, but didn't") } dialconn, dialerr = &mockConn{}, nil select { case tickc <- time.Now(): case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Fatal("manager isn't listening for a tick, despite a failed dial") } if !within(time.Second, func() bool { return mgr.Take() != nil }) { t.Fatal("second Take should have yielded good conn, but didn't") } } type mockConn struct { rd, wr uint64 } func (c *mockConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { atomic.AddUint64(&c.rd, uint64(len(b))) return len(b), nil } func (c *mockConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) { atomic.AddUint64(&c.wr, uint64(len(b))) return len(b), nil } func (c *mockConn) Close() error { return nil } func (c *mockConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return nil } func (c *mockConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return nil } func (c *mockConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil } func (c *mockConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil } func (c *mockConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil } func within(d time.Duration, f func() bool) bool { deadline := time.Now().Add(d) for { if time.Now().After(deadline) { return false } if f() { return true } time.Sleep(d / 10) } }