package wallet import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // GetAccountUtxos return all account unspent outputs func (w *Wallet) GetAccountUtxos(accountID string, id string, unconfirmed, isSmartContract bool) []*account.UTXO { prefix := account.UTXOPreFix if isSmartContract { prefix = account.SUTXOPrefix } accountUtxos := []*account.UTXO{} if unconfirmed { accountUtxos = w.AccountMgr.ListUnconfirmedUtxo(accountID, isSmartContract) } accountUtxoIter := w.DB.IteratorPrefix([]byte(prefix + id)) defer accountUtxoIter.Release() for accountUtxoIter.Next() { accountUtxo := &account.UTXO{} if err := json.Unmarshal(accountUtxoIter.Value(), accountUtxo); err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Warn("GetAccountUtxos fail on unmarshal utxo") continue } if accountID == accountUtxo.AccountID || accountID == "" { accountUtxos = append(accountUtxos, accountUtxo) } } return accountUtxos } func (w *Wallet) attachUtxos(batch db.Batch, b *types.Block, txStatus *bc.TransactionStatus) { /* a := bc.Hash{} a.UnmarshalText([]byte("bef9c83e5cadc6dbb80b81387f3e3c3fadd76b917e5337f5442b9ef071c06526")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) a.UnmarshalText([]byte("1a5e2141a12823dabf343b5ace0a181a3d018e24f3dc6e7c3704b66fc040ca7b")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) a.UnmarshalText([]byte("4647b1e0893f56438f9bbde6134840f1595da799cfc6ece77c4d9aabdf9cfe50")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) a.UnmarshalText([]byte("928094d14b00aaf674ee291bbfb0c843a4dab53984f6235b998338fe0fa2d688")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) a.UnmarshalText([]byte("e20aee90018f8b6483d5590786fcf495bccfa7f1a3a5a5a9106c4143f71d49a4")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) a.UnmarshalText([]byte("2cb18fe2dd3eb8dcf2df43aa6650851dd0b6de291bfffd151a36703c92f8e864")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) a.UnmarshalText([]byte("48d71e6da11de69983b0cc79787f0f9422a144c94e687dfec11b4a57fdca2832")) batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(a)) */ for txIndex, tx := range b.Transactions { statusFail, err := txStatus.GetStatus(txIndex) if err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("attachUtxos fail on get tx status") continue } //hand update the transaction input utxos inputUtxos := txInToUtxos(tx, statusFail) for _, inputUtxo := range inputUtxos { if segwit.IsP2WScript(inputUtxo.ControlProgram) { batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(inputUtxo.OutputID)) } else { batch.Delete(account.ContractUTXOKey(inputUtxo.OutputID)) } } //hand update the transaction output utxos validHeight := uint64(0) if txIndex == 0 { validHeight = b.Height + consensus.CoinbasePendingBlockNumber } outputUtxos := txOutToUtxos(tx, statusFail, validHeight) utxos := w.filterAccountUtxo(outputUtxos) if err := batchSaveUtxos(utxos, batch); err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("attachUtxos fail on batchSaveUtxos") } } } func (w *Wallet) detachUtxos(batch db.Batch, b *types.Block, txStatus *bc.TransactionStatus) { for txIndex := len(b.Transactions) - 1; txIndex >= 0; txIndex-- { tx := b.Transactions[txIndex] for j := range tx.Outputs { resOut, err := tx.Output(*tx.ResultIds[j]) if err != nil { continue } if segwit.IsP2WScript(resOut.ControlProgram.Code) { batch.Delete(account.StandardUTXOKey(*tx.ResultIds[j])) } else { batch.Delete(account.ContractUTXOKey(*tx.ResultIds[j])) } } statusFail, err := txStatus.GetStatus(txIndex) if err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("detachUtxos fail on get tx status") continue } inputUtxos := txInToUtxos(tx, statusFail) utxos := w.filterAccountUtxo(inputUtxos) if err := batchSaveUtxos(utxos, batch); err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("detachUtxos fail on batchSaveUtxos") return } } } func (w *Wallet) filterAccountUtxo(utxos []*account.UTXO) []*account.UTXO { outsByScript := make(map[string][]*account.UTXO, len(utxos)) var program []byte if w.dposAddress != nil { redeemContract := w.dposAddress.ScriptAddress() program, _ = vmutil.P2WPKHProgram(redeemContract) } isDposAddress := false for _, utxo := range utxos { scriptStr := string(utxo.ControlProgram) outsByScript[scriptStr] = append(outsByScript[scriptStr], utxo) } result := make([]*account.UTXO, 0, len(utxos)) for s := range outsByScript { if !segwit.IsP2WScript([]byte(s)) { for _, utxo := range outsByScript[s] { result = append(result, utxo) } continue } var hash [32]byte sha3pool.Sum256(hash[:], []byte(s)) data := w.DB.Get(account.ContractKey(hash)) if data == nil { if s == string(program) { isDposAddress = true } else { continue } } if !isDposAddress { cp := &account.CtrlProgram{} if err := json.Unmarshal(data, cp); err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("filterAccountUtxo fail on unmarshal control program") continue } for _, utxo := range outsByScript[s] { utxo.AccountID = cp.AccountID utxo.Address = cp.Address utxo.ControlProgramIndex = cp.KeyIndex utxo.Change = cp.Change result = append(result, utxo) } } else { for _, utxo := range outsByScript[s] { utxo.Address = w.dposAddress.EncodeAddress() result = append(result, utxo) } isDposAddress = false } } return result } func batchSaveUtxos(utxos []*account.UTXO, batch db.Batch) error { for _, utxo := range utxos { data, err := json.Marshal(utxo) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed marshal accountutxo") } if segwit.IsP2WScript(utxo.ControlProgram) { batch.Set(account.StandardUTXOKey(utxo.OutputID), data) } else { batch.Set(account.ContractUTXOKey(utxo.OutputID), data) } } return nil } func txInToUtxos(tx *types.Tx, statusFail bool) []*account.UTXO { utxos := []*account.UTXO{} for _, inpID := range tx.Tx.InputIDs { sp, err := tx.Spend(inpID) if err != nil { continue } resOut, err := tx.Output(*sp.SpentOutputId) if err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("txInToUtxos fail on get resOut") continue } if statusFail && *resOut.Source.Value.AssetId != *consensus.BTMAssetID { fmt.Println("statusFail:", statusFail) continue } utxos = append(utxos, &account.UTXO{ OutputID: *sp.SpentOutputId, AssetID: *resOut.Source.Value.AssetId, Amount: resOut.Source.Value.Amount, ControlProgram: resOut.ControlProgram.Code, SourceID: *resOut.Source.Ref, SourcePos: resOut.Source.Position, }) } return utxos } func txOutToUtxos(tx *types.Tx, statusFail bool, vaildHeight uint64) []*account.UTXO { utxos := []*account.UTXO{} for i, out := range tx.Outputs { bcOut, err := tx.Output(*tx.ResultIds[i]) if err != nil { continue } if statusFail && *out.AssetAmount.AssetId != *consensus.BTMAssetID { continue } utxos = append(utxos, &account.UTXO{ OutputID: *tx.OutputID(i), AssetID: *out.AssetAmount.AssetId, Amount: out.Amount, ControlProgram: out.ControlProgram, SourceID: *bcOut.Source.Ref, SourcePos: bcOut.Source.Position, ValidHeight: vaildHeight, }) } return utxos }